Rekt thread

Rekt thread

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Shit like that freaks me out. I like life and living. That girl had no fucking idea she'd step onto a deep pit of hell. She could've been careful as hell walking the street, not walking under weird shit ect ect, but you can't predict anything like that!

How do you not die randomly? Does that not scare any of you?

Juif are dead

Attached: 1574707464337.webm (256x320, 1.91M)

I live in Germany where everything is constructed in a very safe way. So I don't have to worry about those things.

Yes juif à dead

Yup, just a random slip, a hit on your head and you're dead
But I'm curious what is after death so I don't wear helmet while riding a bike.

If you're gonna start a rekt thread, post more than one webum you monumental faggot.

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WTF happened there?

French Sandnigger having fun with truck (Nice attack, France)

This, it's a great benefit to not live in China.

What do you think awaits us? "pearly gates" and such is beyond feasible to me, but the great big nothing is also strange. We, individually carry so much with us for a lifetime, Knowledge, memories ect. Do they count for nothing? For what purpose? We should have one, no? I'm struggling with the eternal sleep, yet it seems the most logical one

spotted the racist

Isnt that what happened tho?

ching chong the bitch is dead which old bitch? this old bitch ching chong the chinky bitch is dead

>white knight appears

Thank God for German engineering

Spotted the Jew

That's the difference between most people who encountered trauma, and those who didn't. We understand we could be the victims of another incident, because we were given a poor hand to start with, and understand its equally possible to happen to anyone. Typically the human brain protects you from those thoughts that death could get you, you almost never associate death with yourself.
Others can die, but in most peoples mind, it cant happen to them.
I burned 70% of my body, and experienced a great many months of pain, so I understand it's entirely possible for any of us to experience that same pain.
Once you did, it doesn't scare you anymore, as trauma isnt nearly as bad as it looks.

why did the motorcycle driver just casually drive into the opposite lane? some people...

That's what happened.
Spotted the newfag lmao


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Eternal sleep with dreams? That would be cool. Unfortunately we cannot tell what option is true. Still, anything would be better than my shitty life at the moment.

Theres not a chance shes dead.
She was taken down while still moving.
She might have ligature marks, but it takes several minutes to die hanging without snapping ones neck in the process.
She looked perfectly alive.

It's porn you niglet

This is Sup Forums, the fuck did you expect

She emerged from a storm drain in Colorado 3 hours later

This. Did you not see the harness? This is why you either don't see their back or she's wearing a jacket.

Real and straight

I love this one

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That one is real however.

Attached: Chink Empathy.webm (320x240, 1.47M)

and then people call "hollow earth" a conspiracy

holy shit he lived

lol no

Attached: Blood mist.webm (720x384, 1.91M)

How do you miss that many times from that range?

Don't live in a shitty third world country like china

BMW made the engine for the McLaren F1
Everything else is irrelevant

Attached: Only in China.webm (460x574, 1.59M)

He didn't, he killed the reporter and the camera man.

Pass it along, like everything else. We can pass along everything. Memories, knowledge, pain, happiness, even our literal selves in genetic code. So do it.

fat nigger aim

In China, if you call the ambulance, you're responsible for the victim and have to pay hospital costs. This is the result.

Ironically he was actually just another violent conservative. Nice try tho kek

China did this on purpose because they have too many people.

Also that fat cunt killed them both. IRL a 9mm will not move a target much at all but it will penetrate.

if muslims are conservative why do liberals love them?

FYI she lived

The religion of peace happened here


this is in africa - chinks aren't dumb, they just cut corners and steal... niggers, however...

Miss? He got her 3 times, user

he's used to movies where people fly around dramatically when shot

Nerve gas obviously

Dock door.rex

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Gas rex

Attached: PhoneZombie_Gas.webm (400x232, 1.95M)


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Mods can we ban this "rex" cunt
He's a far noob twat and tbh noone wants him posting here

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Attached: dont_stare.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

Janitor here. What have you contributed? We will probably ban you.

why am i fully erect

they love the indonesian and paki muslims and whatnot. They dont love arabs who only make up 300 million. All the rest of muslims are scattered in who the fuck knows, and they are all black or dark brown asains. As for liberals loving arabs, id love to see a single liberal standing up for Palestine on the ground of Jews coming into our lands and killing innocent Palestinians- not the copout of (((western colonialism))) and how Palestinians are diverse or any of that crap. Liberals only love asain muslims when they come into Europe, having nothing to do with the middle east and will (((integrate))) because their previous culture was too shit to care about anyway. This goes for pakis, indians, etc. Just walk around anywhere in the west and see if you can find an Iraqi, Syrian or a Palestinian. All of these countries are put on lists and cannot travel anywhere because of (((terrorism))) which has countless times been traced back to Israel

Fuck you, bitch ass nigger faggot. I can post all the rex I want. Pic related. Kex rex

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She survived so idk why ppl think that it is a rekt.

I know all of this I just love to point it out.

Tell me, are you even from the Middle East? If you are going to get offended on our behalf, ill tell you now that you arent needed faggot. Go be offended about some other people and leave us out of it

The dude has literally been posting since this year. While most of us old fags have been here for what, well I'm here 12 years at this stage. I'm pushing 40 ffs. I don't want to see this cock posting either, and it's the same shit every day, all reposted. He's like that log of shit faggot trying so hard. Pathetic neckbeard probably lives with his parents / doesn't have a real job

probably because she wasn't doing too well the next couple of days

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I'm in the Portland chapter of ANTIFA you fascist.

Jesus, retarded decision. Learnt him his natural selection.


Personally, I cant wait until the discussion must be had about Liberals, fags, and muslims. I would love to see who will come out on top, because even though these muslims are from the far east, they still understand conservative Islam hates gays more than any progressive would love to admit. The "Islam is right about Women" posters were a step closer thats for sure. Also the muslim parents boycotting transgender school lessons

god americans are dumb

Attached: leg press 101.webm (640x360, 1.15M)

Hardcore Henry funny movie

So you actually admitted to being a domestic terrorist

The dumbest of all cunts.

No she died. The woman on the right being interviewed was the one who lived. Camerman died too. "Murder of Alison Parker"

probably thought he could pass the truck

us muslims welcome all antifa homosexuals to our rooftop gatherings every saturday, you are welcome to join (feel free to bring your transgender buddies)

Attached: grace.jpg (5937x3431, 1.51M)

Dat boob grab tho. Massive pain and a sexual harassment combo.


Attached: PUK.webm (230x400, 1.29M)

Fucking newfag


ive seen this webm twenty times by now and its the first time I noticed where he grabbed her. Now that I see it, I cant unsee it. Its literally a full on grab and pinch

Islam happened.

you sappoused to move the poles before you build the road

He was about to follow up with a soccer ball kick to the face until he realized it was female.

That boob grab always gets me. Kek

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Shut up you magic fag, I'll send Santa to your house if you want to pretend.


kek, they cut corners, steal and have nothing to show for it in the end

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You cum burping faggot. What is the Advent of smart fones and one hand typing. Rex= rekt = wrecked. Faggot nigger get bent. Lol. Rex!

can a newfag do this? △
△ △

fuck off faggot, rekt is how we like it and thats the end of it. 'rex' just gives us a range of your age culminating in the 10-13s.

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Breath nigger, don't forget to take your meds.rex

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It's not terrorism if you're killing nazis.

the ones who do it get very rich, so there's that

Where was this one taken?

I can't believe people still think this is real. She was an amputee.

>not getting clogged

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