If its so """easy""" to lose weight (according to /ck/ and /fit/)...

if its so """easy""" to lose weight (according to /ck/ and /fit/) , why are so MANY people still fat no matter what pills or surgeries they undergo?

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because they thicc

because they're doing it wrong

when the fuck is this fatass going to die of a heart attack already?

Being fat is a choice so they are just lazy

Because you don't cure obesity with pills or surgeries.

I'd love to see what his caloric intake is per day.

eat less. move more.

it's not that fucking hard.
but i guess some people are just weak minded and cant stop eating, or smoking.

>gets a surgery instead of honest dieting and exercise
>gets doctor to prescribe him diet suppressors instead of using his willpower
>lies about eating junk food and says those are for his roommate when clearly hes still drinking soda and eating pizzas
>gets solid advice from a bodybuilder and ends up being extremely dishonest and attacking the guy because he got all butthurt about it
>gets invited to DDP yoga TWICE and keeps finding a reason to not go
>tries to pass off old photos of his weight as current weight - gets caught on twitter and then blocks people who point it out

he even got all smug about losing weight after a surgery and thinks hes a "weight loss inspiration"

piece of shit human

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Because they eat sugar and bread and don't burn the excess calories.

pills and surgery are no substitute for not eating like a fucking pig and sitting on your ass all day long

you dont get the size of a small car by being active and eating a balanced diet

who cares,why did op post a picture of some useless welfare abusing libtard?


>cut out carbs
>eat all the meat, cheese, and veggies you want
>lose weight
Not too hard tbh

>why are so MANY people still fat no matter what pills or surgeries they undergo?
Because it is easy to be fat, it takes willpower and work to get in shape. Fat people tend to be lazy.
Also, fuck you and your shitty bait.

>no matter what pills or surgeries they undergo?
They're still eating 20000 calories. Unless the pill is a tape ain't nothing fixing that

you dont know how much pain people are in and the bullying they go through
you have no idea of other people's struggles--so stop it
some people just get fat more easily theres nothing they can do
they try their best but its a body thing they cant help it

because they are addicted to sugar.

it's no magic
if you consume less calories than you burn you will lose weight.
There is no
>bad genes
>some mysterious disease causing you to gain fat
>survival mode(top kek) protecting you from losing weight
you can't deny basic laws of physics- if you provide less energy(food) than your body uses it will go through its reserves and you will lose those we don't run on air

>body thing they cant help it
you are fucking retarded and you deserve to die in pain fatty

>Using taxpayer money he demanded for to pay for surgery.
>Gains it all back.
Seriously, fuck this entitled generation.

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>There is no bad genes

but asians have magical stay slim genes
they can eat like 5 bowls of rice and still not get fat

this guy eats like tons and tons of food on youtubes and hes not fat its crazy

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holy checked m8

cope harder fatass

I live a mostly sedentary lifestyle and eat garbage and I've never broke 150. I dont know how people can manage eating enough to get fat. Just constant eating

Most people diet, with very little exercise.
The word “diet” in itself is horse shit. There is no diet, there is no “cheating” or “rewards”. Thats your new way of life. Which includes getting exercise constantly.
If that doesnt work for you then continue being a fatass, and thats exactly what most do

Im down to 185 from 300 it's all about the mindset

They have no self control, no self awareness and no self esteem.

Actually, it must be an American thing because most people here in Europe are pretty much spot on weight/health wise.

>most people here in Europe are pretty much spot on weight/health wise.

UK is full of fat people now

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boogie is not a good example because lies about literally everything, including trying to loose weight my man

Start listening to wes watson

>Some people get fat more easily.
While this may be true, it's still a bad excuse for not taking take of yourself.

I have hypoglycemia at 6'2"and I'm only 204 because I dont allow my condition to control me.

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>5 bowls of rice
still not enough to gain
>this guy on youtubes

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Part of the problem is in America corn syrup is in everything and wheat is GMO'd to be highly glycemic. Most people are too dumb to read labels so thus, fat people. Obesity is low among younger people though. People are learning and becoming more self-aware.

>here in Europe are pretty much spot on weight/health wise.

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>its not fat its the muscle im putting on
>thats why i stayed at the same weight for an entire year

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Its either...
Be a fat lazy slob that does whatever they want
Or depression
Or usually both by the time you hit 40. Then you are just asking for that triple clog

The UK is not Europe, amerifats.

Rice wont help you gain weight if thats al l youre eating

he reviews street food mostly
he eats like multiple huge portions per meal and puts out videos very frequently so he must do this a ton
but still hes not fat, only halfway between /fit/ and slight chub

>The UK is not Europe

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People who over eat excessively are similar to drug addicts. Through repeated and consistent binging your brain wires itself more and more to favor over eating. It takes massive effort for many years to change.

Drop them into Ethiopia for a year and have them hunt and gather for their food.
They'll trim up in no time.

after feeling like shit for years, today i just committed to dieting and moving more. at 480 its miserable as fuck to walk even across the house, it hurts my feet, knees, and hips so bad. i will start eating healthier/cutting back carbs/calories. i HAVE to change my habits or i will die painfully. im going to fully commit.

No you won't.
You're not gonna make it, fatso.

Don't listen to him, you'll make it If you commit to it

i have to, i cant wipe my own ass
i cant jack off, even if i wanted to
ive ate only 3 spoons of cereal today and walked for 1 hour, i will lose at least 250 by next summer.

Because boogie is a lying fuck


Checked dat penta!

Are you genuinely this retarded


Everywhere is full of fat people if you know where to look

multiple reasons
typically the main one is due to gut biome, and food choices,

the easiest answer is they eat over their daily energy expendature

the more detailed version is different people have different metabolisms (their daily EE is lower or higher in calories), everyone has different nutritional partitioning (their liver converts glucose/FFA at different rates and refill glycogen at different rates, different people also have different insulin responses and different insulin sensitivity

so for one person eating one thing could fill their glycogen stores, but for another who is more insulin resistant they could eat that same thing get a different insulin response and end up more hungry than the other guy with a less efficent rate of filling muscle glycogen stores

different people also have different levels of testosterone, which effects these

so basically, about every single person unless they have a serious thyroid issue can lose weight and become thin at a minimum if they restrict calories, the problem is different people have different hormonal responses to different foods which will effect their apatite as well as their body's efficiency in processing food

too men could eat the same thing, same calories, same food, both remain sedentary and both end up looking drastically different

TL;DR some guys have better genetics but still pretty much every guy can get thin if he reduces foods that his body has trouble processing into glycogen, like sugar and refined carbs and changes his diet to be high in micro nutrient dense veggies and lean meats

some guys just can't eat sugar because it just blows them up fast and also makes them ravenously hungry throughout the day, where some men don't have that problem

it basically comes down to food choices and the worse your genes the better the choices you make have to be


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in 1st world countries there is no much processed food available and it is convenient to eat since people spend a great deal of time working to earn money they have less time to grow and prepare their own food. processed foods are manufactured to generate profits for companies and shareholders, to that end this food is made to be cheap not nutritious. it is also made to be highly palatable leading to overeating and snacking. fast food is one of the biggest buyer of advertising trying to coerce people constantly to indulge in their innate cravings for carbs, fat, sugar, and salt, which are inserted into processed foods in abundance. throw in sedentary lifestyles that are common when work and life becomes less laborious and there's your answer.


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>there is no bad genes
kek ever seen someone start working out without testosterone, then later start taking testosterone only to see them shred all their body fat to non existent levels and blow up in lean body mass in a time frame that would make what working out for a year did to them seem like a joke within a few months?

I have.... lol at genes don't matter, different people have different everything...

See, this is true, but there still must be something stopping them from stopping themselves.

There has to be an imbalance somewhere for them to default back to shitty habits; probably in the same family as addiction.

I get it’s easy to say “Just don’t eat shit and move more”, but there must be an underlying, mental barrier for why they don’t do those things, despite probably knowing and being told a thousand times.

I’ve been in shape all my life, and have exercised both aerobically and more so anaerobically since I was a teenager.

I eat like a bird and don’t generally eat trash food, nor do I really get much satisfaction from a “good-meal”.

My assumption is that it’s regular old depression and low-esteem, and they use food as the dopamine chaser.

Tackling those things permanently is fucking hard, no matter who you are.

They want food more than they want to be slim.

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Genetics are made up. Danny Devito could have been better than Michael Jordan with enough dedication and training.

this is the case like 99% of the time, very rarely people's bodies make them fat its mostly lazyness combined with mental illness but i'd say mainly lazyness

How to get saved and go to Heaven after you die.


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You can't control your height retard, you can control your weight.

nice hyperbole you fucking dickhead

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mentally weak people. nothing more, nothing less. i lost 10kg in 6 weeks without any problem, by just sticking to the plan of eating healty and drinking water. didnt even exercise.

People of lesser intelligence have a hard time detecting sarcasm.

Boogie is a fraud, he didn't even try

The percentage of people who can't lose weight due to health issues like a thyroid condition is statistically very low. Most Americans are morbidly obese because you lazy cunts spend all day playing video games, fucking around on smart phones and eating 4 to 5 times the recommended daily limit of calories. Then when you get cunts get mocked, you cry & claim you have a non-existent medical issue preventing you from dieting and walking a couple miles per day.

Then how am I american and pretty fit if we all do this? How do we have any athletes at all?

Wow, he really gained back that much...wtf is wrong with him?


It is easy to lose weight if you've already been pretty active, but the biggest issue is that once you become fat, working out actually gets harder and harder the fatter you get. Then when you realize how things became that hard it becomes demoralizing when you see what other people who actually are fit can do. Like if you're fat you might get tired after 10 minutes on an elliptical meanwhile you see other people at the gym on there for like 30+ minutes and it makes you feel bad about yourself.

>calories in
>calories out
>every day anew
It's simple, but not easy. Plus, the bigger you are and the longer you stay big, the harder it gets. Your brain learns to "be fat".
I've lost 85kg with light weight training, walking/cycling and about 500 kalorie deficit. The cravings are still insane and a single binge can ruin a months hard work. Fucking up can spiral out of control crazy fast. It's a vicious cycle

I'm fat (235 lbs at 5'11") because my job is sedentary, I am a severe alcoholic, and unlike most alcoholics I eat a bunch of junk when I am wasted. I am envious of the drunks who dont eat a bunch of nonsense

i learned a big lesson after losing 30 pounds in 6 months, it's all about what you eat and how much you eat, before i was a fat pig eating 3-4 times a day, and having junk food in between, now i only have two meals a day, only drink water, and the food i eat has no fat and no carbs, i didn't work out once, lost all the weight just with my diet, boogie here doesn't have a will to lose weight, he only did the operation because he thought that would be the easy fix, he's probably back to his old eating habits

lose weight.

"Pill" or "surgery" lmao you might as well sit on you're ass all day and pray the fat away

The government should subsidize sugary/shitty foods for people already over 300 lbs and make it free for them. This would end the problem of obesity fairly fast.

you're fat because you're a pathetic slob

Because they use pills and surgeries instead of doing the easy thing.

theres nothing wrong with fat - in fact, you need it for many things like testosterone production

That's basically what he said

Sick quints, bro

I got up to 300 lbs. over the past few years while dealing with deep depression. Finally went to see a psychologist & was diagnosed with PTSD due to physical & sexual abuse I went thru when I was a kid. The shrink didn't put me on a bunch of pills. Just advised a solid healthy diet & helped me find a good exercise facility, along with regular counseling. I'm down to 178 lbs now. It was hard as fuck, but I stuck with it & now feel a he'll of a lot better, got a good woman in my life, and was able to improve my mental health without a ton of psychotropic drugs.

If a loser like me can turn things around an get a new chance at life in my early 40s, anyone can.

Well obvious answer is obvious
>ditch the booze
It makes EVERYTHING worse. Makes you crave more, while processing it worse, makes you cave in, tired, depressed, addicted. You know your shit, i'm sure, but it can't be repeated enough. Alcohol is a crack-tier drug

I don’t know the exact math, but you have to intake A LOT of calories per day to maintain of body weight of 400 or 600 pounds. You have to WORK at it to stay that big.

People develop habits. One can successfully replace a habit with another, generally this is actually suites of behaviours, and not a single thing.
Folks can have amazing willpower, and do as in your pick, but if they don't successfully undertake suitable habits that replace prior unhealthy one, they almost all will revert after a relapse, when their will fails, even if only momentarily.
The real key to weight issues in the West, and particulary America, is sugar and HFCS. Table sugar is half glucose, and half fructose. Fructose is metabolized into fat in the liver, and has other, even worse, effects, such as failing to signal the brain you are full with ghrelin (hormone).
Folks that desire sweet snacks full of sugar or fructose need to replace that desire, or they're likely gonna relapse. Soda, fruit juices, and gatorades etc., are just packed with sugar and HFCS. Break those cravings, and you're halfway there. Eat more foods with high fiber content, practice intermittent fasting, and get some goddam physical exercise, and you've really complete the necessary difficult tasks to lose weight and improve your health. All you have to do then is keep doing that.

nice digits

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I hope your good woman knows you were once 300 pounds, and probably will be again when you relapse.

Well, I've seen it work. I know a gal about 5'4" who claims to have weighed ~300 lbs. She had her stomach stapled, and now she weighs ~90 lbs. She says that's the only change she made.

I dropped from ~240 to around 180 by intermittent fasting alone. Different folks work differently.

Yeah no shit.
I've been in good shape before too. I had a wilks coefficient of ~320 a few years ago but drinking and injuries have done me in for now.

Cuz they dont stop eat unhealthy and they don't do sports

I know. It's been complete havoc on my mental health. I drink around 2 and half handles of liquor a week and I black out usually every other day. I avoid going out so that way I dont drink in public because every time I do i become a monster. Fighting, sexual harassment, etc.

You probably can't imagine such a thing, but it is well within the realm of possibilities that people in relationships actually exchange information in a meaningful way and provide constructive criticism and feedback.

Its not easy, not if those eating behaviors are instilled young. Food addiction is similar to chemical addictions if put in place early, your body will chemically fight you in order to stay its current weight.

I'm 6'2" and range from between 165lb and 185lb depending on whether I'm cutting or just spent a year or more bulking....fatty

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You be a stupid bastard. Your mom should of swallowed or took it in the ass. Today you know she regets not doing it.

Everything you say here is not true. It's also true to a limited extent. Different people do have different metabolisms, and that can matter. Calories simply are fake news. How you take those calories it what really matters.
If you get 2k calories from soda and table sugar, you're going to balloon like someone stuck a hose to a helium tank in your ass. If you take in 2k calories from raw veggies in one sitting, you're not going to gain an ounce of fat.
How calories in different forms are metabolized, and when they're taken in does too.
I can consume more calories eating all of them in one meal every other day than I can eating six small meals per day and lose more weight.
Biophysics is not as simple as fire. You don't just burn calories. Those calories aren't just BTUs. Metabolism is a complex process, and depends on much more than just calories.