Waifu something breadamajig
Previous:Not this time
Rules: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed >Only one claim per user >No stealing. Fuck you, merchant >No oversexualised content >No RP/ERP of any kind. >Seriously, you look like cringelords >Discussion is welcomed >Insults must be original and frequent >If you're posting images you're not lurking >3D is almost always trash >Traps are gay. >Joining means a reserved place in hell >Most importantly, no
Rory-sama claimed
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November 29, 2019 - 22:47
Good evening all one of you here right now.
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November 29, 2019 - 22:48
But its nearly 10 am
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November 29, 2019 - 22:49
N-nice to see you Aegis, as you c-can see, I am a robot now too, hello
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November 29, 2019 - 22:51
Not anywhere important it's not.
And so we begin the robo-revolution!
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November 29, 2019 - 22:53
Why tho?
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November 29, 2019 - 22:53
November 29, 2019 - 22:54
Define important
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November 29, 2019 - 22:57
November 29, 2019 - 22:57
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November 29, 2019 - 22:59
That joke was so bad, it's actually funny. My humor is terrible.
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November 29, 2019 - 23:00
November 29, 2019 - 23:01
Are the robots going to deport the humans? Also, I apply for Earth chan, because there's no other thing that can wretch my limp soul like they could, even if I really tried. Thanks! the point is to rejoice
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November 29, 2019 - 23:01
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November 29, 2019 - 23:02
I don't think ironic humor is an art form. It's just being easily entertained.
No, humans will be slave labor.
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November 29, 2019 - 23:05
November 29, 2019 - 23:06
Soo...he was behind all that!?
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November 29, 2019 - 23:10
But here is EST. 'Murica. But you arent important though.
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November 29, 2019 - 23:11
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November 29, 2019 - 23:30
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November 29, 2019 - 23:31
cute heyy~
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November 29, 2019 - 23:32
hello hello I love you all
November 29, 2019 - 23:32
good evening, amiger I love you too user, thank you
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November 29, 2019 - 23:34
November 29, 2019 - 23:38
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November 29, 2019 - 23:55
>Sally Brown isn't the gal for him, boys
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November 30, 2019 - 00:00
That's objectively false.
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November 30, 2019 - 00:00
You're objectively false
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November 30, 2019 - 00:04
komi-san claimed
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November 30, 2019 - 00:08
November 30, 2019 - 00:09
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November 30, 2019 - 00:21
November 30, 2019 - 00:27
I want to have sex with your beloved waifu! But only with your permission and if you hold her hand
November 30, 2019 - 00:30
Real boomer hours
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November 30, 2019 - 00:31
Very I am not a cuck.
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November 30, 2019 - 00:31
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November 30, 2019 - 00:31
November 30, 2019 - 00:33
I will let you have a go with mine to! She's very cute and I know you would like her.
[email protected] That goes for anyone interested, if you want to see waifu dfc
November 30, 2019 - 00:34
November 30, 2019 - 00:36
November 30, 2019 - 00:36
Nah i just like showing my waifu off
November 30, 2019 - 00:37
Thansk bb
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November 30, 2019 - 00:38
November 30, 2019 - 00:38
I agree with this suggestionyoutube.com /watch?v=i5Yb5JE98jw
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November 30, 2019 - 00:41
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November 30, 2019 - 00:41
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November 30, 2019 - 00:41
>you will never erp with shizuru
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November 30, 2019 - 00:42
November 30, 2019 - 00:42
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November 30, 2019 - 00:42
November 30, 2019 - 00:43
lina inverseee claim, ohaioooo :3!
Attached: LinaInverse1.jpg (1300x1748, 1.03M)
November 30, 2019 - 00:44
I like how scribbly and pen-y this picture of Relm is it makes my eyes real fuzzy and gives me vietnam flashbacks to drawing pictures this makes no sense Ohio cutie, cute claim, I hope you're nice to her the last seconds of that kind of sounded like someone dragging cloth over my ears, I have no idea how to weigh that experienceyoutube.com /watch?v=VT6LFOIofRE
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November 30, 2019 - 00:52
November 30, 2019 - 00:52
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November 30, 2019 - 00:55
hello earth! how are you?
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November 30, 2019 - 00:57
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November 30, 2019 - 00:57
November 30, 2019 - 01:01
Extra good! I got some sleep over the past days and fixed a few things that weren't too well, and have easier times to look forward to! I could even find time to make a few pictures, create some videogame content, and post her* What's with you my friend? How are you doing? I'm dry of ideas, thank you Rohrschach that was very nice
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November 30, 2019 - 01:05
youtube.com /watch?v=FVAQQujgSxQ
Ey ya lil faggot, haven't seen u in a while. How's it goin?
Attached: SabeR176.jpg (627x885, 101K)
November 30, 2019 - 01:06
November 30, 2019 - 01:09
Same old disgust for life, kikes and nogs
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November 30, 2019 - 01:10
thats good to hear! videogame content? what do you mean? oh, me? well, its been a stressful week, full of work from the school i didnt had very much time, thats why i didnt came here, but im free now, im just relaxing before downloading a snes emulator to play some classics
Attached: I really like this picture.jpg (474x600, 53K)
November 30, 2019 - 01:10
all good then Can't say I've been doin anything other than hating nignogs and cosplaying.
Attached: SabeR511.jpg (1159x1500, 330K)
November 30, 2019 - 01:11
jaa! I made some workshop content for a videogame, I used to do that way more often but I'm sadly more focused on getting pictures to look better, lately. That's good to hear! You ever seem really busy, I'm really glad you can still find some time to enjoy yourself sometimes. Have fun! What do you cosplay as?
Attached: Fascher.png (280x250, 36K)
November 30, 2019 - 01:19
Mordred and Jeanne d'arc from fate
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November 30, 2019 - 01:20
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November 30, 2019 - 01:20
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November 30, 2019 - 01:21
send cosplay pp pics
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November 30, 2019 - 01:22
>getting pictures to look better and are you getting those results?
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November 30, 2019 - 01:22
I promised some of those to some people. I wonder if they got them...
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November 30, 2019 - 01:23
November 30, 2019 - 01:23
no pp pics u fkn fag
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November 30, 2019 - 01:24
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November 30, 2019 - 01:25
Why dont you post cosplay pics like cirno did Bigot Same as above
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November 30, 2019 - 01:27
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November 30, 2019 - 01:29
Fine, here, have one of those without face.
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November 30, 2019 - 01:29
Ironing board
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November 30, 2019 - 01:30
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November 30, 2019 - 01:30
November 30, 2019 - 01:31
u wish
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November 30, 2019 - 01:31
Show boipusei
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November 30, 2019 - 01:32
youtube.com /watch?v=46ZhAbytErc
Only if u show me girlanus first
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November 30, 2019 - 01:33
You know, that's really more difficult to judge than I thought it would be. I kind of miss some of the kinks I still had when I just started, I might need to make less pictures of Earth chan and draw more diverse stuff. This smile is human life. I thought Cirno only posted hamburgers epic That looks pretty cool actually
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November 30, 2019 - 01:33
What ya mean it looks cool. I've posted one pic. Don't have any Jeanne pics tho. U saw that one or what?
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November 30, 2019 - 01:34
Idk if its the same cirno but they have a small pp I dont have one
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November 30, 2019 - 01:35
November 30, 2019 - 01:35
November 30, 2019 - 01:35
then fuck off faggot Nowhere mate.
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November 30, 2019 - 01:36
no u u
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November 30, 2019 - 01:36
why do you say that? you dont want to improve to make better images of her?
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November 30, 2019 - 01:37
Says the cross dresser
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November 30, 2019 - 01:37
November 30, 2019 - 01:37
I'm getting puss and ass.. what are u getting? Rory's ass.. fkn nigger faggot.
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November 30, 2019 - 01:38
nono u u
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November 30, 2019 - 01:38
I prefer my qts; zoomer and continent, cuck
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November 30, 2019 - 01:40
Bitch I fucked kei before u
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November 30, 2019 - 01:41
You need to eat more son, you're so skinny
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November 30, 2019 - 01:42
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November 30, 2019 - 01:43
I'll let you watch
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November 30, 2019 - 01:43
Ey dad, I like my body alright. u too hitler pfff
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November 30, 2019 - 01:45