Are there any documentaries that show a balanced view on Scientology or only biased smear pieces?

Are there any documentaries that show a balanced view on Scientology or only biased smear pieces?

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of course not

Scientology = Israeli NGO

simple as that

> Balanced

> Balanced

> Balanced

Any knows any good documentaries about Jehovah Witnesses?

Well yea, I'm sure there are documentaries about Christianity that aren't about pedophilia and documentaries about Islam that aren't about terrorism. So why is every Scientology documentary "they make people clean a boat and they don't pay taxes"?

(((they))) consider them a threat

>scientology calling things smear pieces

Where's my balanced documentary about Sovereign Citizens

kek. they're one and the same.

Sup $cienos, don't let post-purchase rationalization stop you from googling Lisa Mcpherson.

Panarama Special is the closest youre going to get I think.

Louis Theroux obviously wanted to make an unbiased one, but got shut out. So he made a doc on Marty Rathbun

quite simply: Scientology is at its heart a scam, it was started as a scam and all its leaders are full aware it is a scam
Christianity however started as a genuine ideology, all the pedophilia only came later.

But Christianity was started by Jews therefore it must be a scam as well.

Honestly I bet if Scientology went on a tear about how they were being oppressed by (((them))) they'd get a bunch of new members. Jews = Xenu

Not really, and I say this as a quasi-Scientologist.

The real secret of Scientology is that it actually works to a degree. Maybe not for everyone, but for lots and lots of people, getting started with Scientology, doing some auditing, taking some courses, it will make you a better person. Guaranteed. That's why so many people were interested in it in the beginning, and why so many people swear by it. They aren't completely hoodwinked; they tolerate the shitty aspects of its nature because there is real value in its practices.

If you listen to the story of anyone who "got out" of Scientology, it follows the same path, pretty much. They get introduced to it; they go to check it out; they get a vast improvement and "breakthrough"; they buy into it with lots of money and time; they get diminishing returns; and they break off sometime after it gets overbearing with little to no more results.

Entry level Scientology is like 90% quality and 10% bullshit, and you get hooked on that ratio. If you stick around and keep advancing, you'll eventually find yourself on a yacht paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for 100% bullshit.


They don't split the bible into chapters then teach each one in a $1000+ course.

The fucking Talmud is more accessible than the OTs.

>we stand tall
what did he mean by this

The things that work about Scientology are the same things you'd get seeing a therapist. I've seen those questionnaires they hand out, there used to be a celebrity center in my city. They're total bullshit designed to make a weak-minded or desperate person get in a room where they can bleed some money out of them for "courses." Oh look at all these problems you have, we can fix you for nominal fee! Oh, still having problems? Maybe our OT level X course will fix you! Make the check out to us.

If I want to go talk to a minister or do bible study I don't need to pay for the privilege. And my psychiatrist doesn't stand on the corner hawking personality tests to tell passers-by that they're fuckups and need her help.

That's not really accurate. LRH was a really brilliant guy, who absolutely dedicated himself to solving the problem of mental health, and to remove all handicaps and restrictions from people. The E-Meter works like half of a lie detector test. It runs a current through your body, and it measures the resistance. In basic auditing, you go over events, memories, and at some point, when you come across something painful, say, a girl rejecting you, the E-Meter will register the change in your body from dwelling on it, the way a lie detector registers a lie. When that happens, you focus in, re-wind the mental tape, and play it over and over and over again until, finally, the needle jumps, showing your body releasing.

As a kind of therapy, this really works, and early Scientology was LRH lectures and demonstrations, auditing was cheap as dirt, the whole thing was an above board practice, attracting legitimate interest, people like William S Burroughs were buying E-Meters and so on. When LRH's more outlandish claims fell apart and his inability to produce a Clear - someone with the perfect memory and such - the establishment lost interest and the focus turned to money. Religion came to solve their tax problems. Secrecy came so that somebody wouldn't open up an auditing shop and destroy the whole purpose of the CoS.

Then when LRH died fat and miserable, and DM took over, it really went to shit.

>having walked by a Scientology building, I can tell you that it's exactly the same as psychotherapy and has no value

LRH had a vendetta against the institution of psychiatric health and devised a system that declared him a perfect example of a human being.

LRH wrote the "fair game" policies, the most brutal dogma within Scientology, and spearheaded Scientology's monetisation. It just took a while to be refined. DM may be a saturday morning cartoon villain, but don't think for a second that LRH wasn't a sociopath and a hack.

Just because you paid for the privilege of some Scientology knowledge does not mean the information isn't available for free elsewhere. It is readily available, in great detail, to anyone who cares to look.

believing any of this

almost certainly bullshit. Scientology has absurd amounts of money. Too much to bother trying to swindle plebs.

far more likely

Your disinfo is weak and obvious.

Almost totally accurate. It wasn't always the case. It was only after his inability to produce a Clear and satisfy his critics that he went off the deep end. Early Scientology was dramatically different than how it looks today. It didn't have any of the upper level Sci-Fi stuff. The highest state a person could reach was Clear. I mean, Dianetics was published in 1950, and it was years before it acquired religious trappings. Shit didn't really heat up until the 1960s when the government started cracking down, and the idea of OTVIII and such didn't come around until 1980.

>the sci-fi bullshit LRH created and sold in 1980 to a couple hundred people is the defining essence of something that started thirty years earlier

you mean 'Going Clear' wasn't a hard hitting expose?

>Too much to bother trying to swindle plebs.
You dont make billions swindling plebs without swindling plebs.

please. that's pocket change to these people.

And kek at being called disinfo, when I in no way claimed to know the exact truth.

I just know bullshit when I hear it.

>Scientology = Israeli NGO
Elaborate please. I know nothing of "NGOs" but your statement intrigues me. I was under the impression that Scientology is the only threat to the Jewish monopoly on Hollywood.

Your premise is flawed. It's not possible to get a balanced view of something that is objectively a scam. One of the two balancing sides would have to be propped up with lies.

I would watch the shit out of that.

Hey, don't take my word for it. Listen to any of the defectors, like Jason Beghe. They get introduced to Scientology, get tremendous early results, keep investing for diminishing returns, and finally feel like a total fuck-up for pouring so much time and money into the thing, usually around the time they're spending tens of thousands of dollars to read sci-fi short stories.

Did Scientology help them? Yeah, definitely. Did it give them photographic memory? No. Can they talk to plants? Of course not. Does the fact that returns diminish mean that early returns are non-existent?

If you start with Scientology, it's free, then it costs $20 for a book, then $25 for 25 hours of auditing, then as you move up levels everything gets more expensive. After a few, it's in the hundreds. Once you're beyond Clear, you're spending hundreds, maybe thousands. Most people don't get that far. Generally people don't even make it to Clear.

Israel plays a bigger fucking game than scamming elderly people into mortgaging their homes and when they infiltrate government organizations, they don't fuck up as bad.

Any attempt to link Israel to Scientology is a roundabout meas of linking criticism of Scientology to anti-semitism. Don't fall for that shit. Scientology is wholeheartedly a long, laborious and lucrative means of swindling plebs.

fuck off

your numbers make no sense

they would have to have swindled millions of people


Well if you want something that makes it look positive you could go on their website and watch their vids.

>asking this
>on the webstite that started chanology

I think we can all read between the lines here.


They invest money and have tax exemption. Plus Scientology can utilize free labour and tens of thousands from the people who get really, really deep into it.

still impossible

these people sued this US government into submission

that's not shaking down plebs kind of $

Except it's not. The people in Scientology with shitloads of cash are constantly getting hit up for more and more money. It's like the Mormons have the practice of tithing, where you give 10% of everything you make to the church. Jack Mormon working at the gas station sends them a couple hundred bucks every once in a while, and Mitt Romney gives them millions and millions.

Every time Scientology builds one of their new fancy buildings, they go out and talk to Scientologists who have lots of money and tell them that they really need to give $400,000 for this great project, new building, very important! Six months later, they're back, because their programs to cure people of drug addiction are so important, and they really need $1.2 million to expand into another state. Think of all the people that will be helped!

Like everybody else, they find the people with money and hit them up over and over and over again. It's a lot easier to get $5 million from Tom Cruise than it is to convince 200 wage slaves to give you $25,000 each.

Maybe you should do some reading on the subject. They didn't "sue the government into submission", they mounted targeted harassment campaigns at the IRS and litigated aggressively, not successfully, until individuals in that institution gave up on fighting them.

Read the "fair game" policy and read up on Operation: Snow White.


Being cryptic is only a clever defense to cultists and other sufferers of cognitive dissonance. Read, learn.

>please. that's pocket change to these people.
Whats your thetan level user?
Fucking BANKS still fuck plebs for pocket change, and they're the assholes with literally all the money.
The catholic church still passes out the collection dish every service.
You don't make billions fleecing plebs without fleecing plebs.