Hey Sup Forums it me from the other day. Just wanted to share my new video with you guys...

Hey Sup Forums it me from the other day. Just wanted to share my new video with you guys. I’m the guy who fucks crackwhores and homeless women .


Attached: CF56FDCC-5711-4D13-BD72-FE7F4B84BE17.jpg (3024x3024, 1.18M)

You are a fucking lousy camera guy. You cant even see the crackhead.

Get better angles and you'd have a hit

It seems like you don't understand the idea of video. Are you helping them smoke the crack?

She didn’t want to show her face. I was having a hard time recording this without her tripping

Bruh I’m not saying I’m a professional camera person. I’m just recording myself getting blowed by a crackhead.

nah j don’t do drugs but she did hit the crack pipe in my car before blowing me saying she needed it to enhance the experience. Shit was weird bro.

Well, that's the thing, you're not. You just have a camera powered on while you're getting blown by a crackhead.

One of you Sup Forumsyards asked me to record myself getting blown so I did this. I’m not looking into becoming a porn director any time soon. I just recorded myself having some fun and thought you guys might want to see. :)

Sup Forumstards*

Get chest or shoulder mount for the camera. Will improve your video 10 fold.

Was she black or white?

She was Hispanic. Super hot because she was super skinny and cracked out of her mind.

Good idea! I don’t plan on doing this for money. I’m only recording my personal experiences so you guys can get a taste of the good life!

post pics of these whores. lets see what ya got.

no im not going to another website for this shit. post it here.

This is my fetish

Well..doesn't matter much now; we couldn't even see the fucking bitch.

You fucking loser. Search for FoulFowl and stop being fake ass pussy. That nigger fucked them crack heads RAW. ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH? DOUBLE NIGGER.


I don’t have any pics of these crack whores but I should definitely start taking some.

It’s my fetish too bro congrats!

I get that but be more forceful. How much does she need the money?

She didn’t want to be recorded for the video. I will find a better crack head even if I have to pay more!

I love him! He is what inspired me to fuck crack heads. I will never be as worthy as him! I love his work! Truly ahead of his time!

I should! I have considered buying a gun to use as intimidation!

What the fuck do you mean! Those people push their bodies to the limit (and minds beyond it) on drugs. The last thing she cares about anymore is her self-respect. Just film the bitch!

The thing is they refuse to suck my dick if the camera is rolling. I’m not gonna force her head in my dick I’m not looking to go to jail for rape. No thank you!



Any tips on finding them? Do you fear stds? Wear a condom during the BJ? Probably best to find them before they are all used up I'd imagine. Right when they get hooked.

I don’t have any tips. I just find homeless women that are alone and ask them if they want to make some money. The majority of them say no but there are few that say yes and I tell them what I want for how much. I don’t use condone during bjs because the chances of getting hiv are extremely low. I do use condoms for full penetration sex though. I look for them all over my city and I have learned to spot which girls will say yes to ducking my dick. After a lot of tired you will be able to tell who will suck your dick and who won’t.