Would you ever consider an open relationship?
>Falling for her
>Loose pussy
idk just some thoughts not trying to be biased
Would you ever consider an open relationship?
>Falling for her
>Loose pussy
idk just some thoughts not trying to be biased
I dont really see how thats a relationship. You just have the beta male friendship aspect while she fucks jamal
no, I would consider peeing in a sink
I would so long as a)no/limited repeats and b)I get to be a huge fag
If FWB is a type of open relationship then yes. I have an FWB. We don't date. I don't know for a fact she's fucking other people but I assume she is. It's more like a "neither of us is committed to anything hey let's fuck" kinda arrangement. I'd end it if I found a more serious relationship. Presumably she would too. If her and I were dating I'd insist on monogamy.
Wear a condom, first of all.
There's less risk of falling for her if you are also seeing other women.
Loose pussy is a myth. Shit bounces back after a child comes out. Like hell your dick is going to loosen that.
My wife says no and I say yes. We compromise by me cheating on her constantly and not discussing it.
No. For me the point of a relationship is fostering a supportive, developmental environment for us and our children. Introducing others into this relationship is anomalous to that end, especially for our children. Considering they're the product of her and I only, introducing another individual into the dynamic seems deviant and doesn't set a good example for them going forward.
God damn Sup Forums I don't know why I keep coming back here. I assume because 8kun requires better internet.
Depends on what type of open relationship.
If it means we're actively going out of our way to help each other get laid with other people then sure.
I'm not interested if it means she ends up fucking other men all the time and I'm not getting lucky with other women and vice versa.
That and protection and birth control is a must. Ideally a quick test for STDs too before having fun with a new playmate.
I'm in a 11 year relationship but there are a few friends we freely fuck around with.
Its not normal and defiantly not for everyone but it works for me in this situation.
And this isnt something like one person having anonymous sex and the other pretending to be fine with it.
There is no emotion to it. Sometimes I just need to suck and swallow a dick.
I've probably blown 30 guys.
My wife has to go away for work every month or so for about a week and I told her that while she's away she can fuck other men if she wants as long as she tells me and sends me a few pics. She not fully on board with the idea yet but I hope she comes around.
How would you react if she didnt told you who and when she fucked with other dudes ? you too go fuck around ?
Me fucking other women isn't really the fantasy me fucking my now slutty wife who fucks other men is, and if she did do it and didn't tell me she then I would never know...
gf is bi and weve been fucking other girls for the past year together and its been great, actually has strengthened our relationship.
Considering your post I'd be more inclined to think that's a picture of you. Your GF has pretty much told you that she doesn't want you until no one else wants her diseased, used up body. Ghost her because otherwise someday the regret of having her will far outweigh the regret of loosing her.
Ok virgin loose pussy is real
I've been in an open relationship
Not just no, but double fuck no.
Like I could share her with my brother or something, but that's probably the only situation where I'd accept that shit.
How it has strenghten your relashionship ?
Who strated with this idea/fetish
How do you share the intercourse ? (who fucks who for how long and is there some jealousy if you nut in the other girl or some shit ?)
Where do you find the other girls ?
Your gf is 100% in the muff diving or she just like getting licked by girls and that's all ?
If she's working and I'm just sitting at home doing nothing then sure. I don't see what benefit an open relationshit is if I'm working to pay the bills and she just fucks people all day.