Oh neat, Harvard Harvard University is hosting a Gun Control Survey. Well what do you think Sup Forums?

Oh neat, Harvard Harvard University is hosting a Gun Control Survey. Well what do you think Sup Forums?

>Link below

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is my response, thought it be more interesting to make Libs brains crash for support polices that were used by RepubliCucks to disarm Black Panthers.
But you can post whatever edgy gay shit you want.

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I did it

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You'd think Harvard people would know how to proofread

Attached: fartvard.jpg (1061x684, 71K)

Huh, I guess they forgot to spell check.

Attached: Puzzle.jpg (692x610, 68K)

Its ebonics user.



the revolutionary power of guns is highly over rated vs tanks and AI drones

Hello glowie.

This. It's why occupations in the middle east are always a cakewalk and go exactly as planned

There would be initial fall back, but you forget how many engineers scientists and manufacturers are in america. 100% wont participate, but a good amount may. It's not hard to make explosives against tanks or primitive signal jammers for drones. If you know the final product already.


Attached: Beleive in something, Killdozer.jpg (960x686, 88K)

I think i did alright

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Hope this is getting crossposted to Sup Forums and /k/

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This is old news for Sup Forums, /k/ tends to delete things like this.

It was posted on /k/ at least once BUT Jannies ruined it so go figure. Here's an archive of one.

Attached: __erwin_caesar_and_oryou_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_tonbi__b211765ffca7c982038d16a44ffe40ca.jpg (1280x720, 280K)

Muh drones and tanks! Last I checked a bunch of goat herders beat the USSR and will probably defeat the US too with a rag tag team armed with whatever the fuck they can get their hands on.

Attached: TIME Americans Own 46% of the worlds 1 billion guns, says U.N. Report.jpg (750x745, 133K)

That's just the ones they know about too.

Yeah and soon we'll all have cheap 3D metal printers. Also barrels can now be made with controlled electronic erosion or something like that.
The future for Anti Second Amendment fags must be hell on earth for them.

Gun control is literally a joke.
>Let's make it super duper triple secret banned, that'll stop it!

It seems that I can only post 1 on incognito and 1 on a regular tab
Anybody have a way around this? I want to spam the obligatory edgy cringe for those stupid fucks

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Changing your IP should probably do it.

A good proxy?

I didnt even think of that haha it's been forever since I've needed to

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Nothing will ever convince me that I shouldn't, or should not be allowed to own guns. Nothing.

>Harvard Harvard University
I think I'm posting in a bot troll thread

>getting tricked by a bot

Brothers, I come bearing a gift.
Typed out a nice long hitler did nothing wrong copypasta for your spamming, should you so desire

How is gun control still an issue in today's society?
It should be obvious that increased gun control fuels a black market for guns.
To me, it looks like the left is trying to take our guns away so that we cant stand up to them.
Look at what happened to Epstein when he stood up to the left.
Epstein 100% didn't kill himself, he was offed by the clintons.
Readily available firearms are a necessity in keeping the population safe.
Do you honestly think they want to take our guns to keep us safe?
It's stupidly clear that the left wants a disarmed public.
Disarmed citizens can't rebel.
Not only that, but disarmed citizens wont want to rebel.
Only an idiot would try to fight against he US military.
The left will take our guns, and then enact crazy laws we have no way to fight against.
Hillary will delete the populations opinions like her emails.
Isn't it clear why they make such a big deal out of gun control?
Nobody in their right mind would give their guns up to the left.
Good god I wouldn't even give my guns up to the right, because they could do the same thing!
What part of this seems like a good idea?
Really stop and think about it for a moment.
On what level is this even legal?
Not only does it break the US constitution, but also multiple state constitutions.
Go back and read the first letter of every line.

Enjoy, and good hunting.

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Its stupid but the Constitution gives us rights. 2nd Amendment is one of them. Dont like it leave you fucking commies.

Go do it leave a fun comment and leave make up all your answers. Need a email not like you dont have a fake 1 or 10.

I’m actually libertarian, so I went with my actual views.

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They were just acting like the hippity hoppity kids yo

Based phone poster fag.

Attached: Toshinou Kyouko Gadsden flag.jpg (1200x800, 116K)

Is this David Hogg's freshman project?

>Is this David Hogg's freshman project?
Oh god I hope so!

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