Need your help Sup Forums... PLEASE

Need your help Sup Forums... PLEASE

Chicks are alright, but ever since I was around 14 I've had some fantasies about guys. In these weird cycles. Some months I only like girls, and then suddenly I'll start not liking girls sexually, and just like guys. Anything guy from femboys, ripped guys, big burly guys, etc. Stays like that for a few months, and then back to girls, and I won't really attracted to guys anymore. Few months later, happens again. It's been going on for years. I even experimented with a guy friend and loved it, but I'm super confused. I've been out with both sexes, but never wanted to get into anything long term because I am worried I will start disliking them a few months later. Is this normal? Does anyone else have this?

If you need to ask more questions please do. I really want help because I'm debating cutting it off with the person I'm with right now.

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firstly why are you saving dick pics off of Sup Forums

secondly ur clearly bi or something

Because I jack off to it?

Well I would think that if I liked men and women simultaneously. But I don't...

I woulda saved that too his dick is giant

With which gender would you like to be involved romantically? How often do you fap? When did you start?

>With which gender would you like to be involved with romantically
Either, but men seem easier because we tend to have more in common. Less nervous.

>How often do you fap
1-2 times a week, sometimes 3

>When did you start
Around 14 I started having the first feelings about guys.

Ikr, I wanna grab it...

sounds like youre bi. pretty normal fpr sexual fantasies/kinks to change a bit over time. same thing happens to me

Yeah but it just keeps going back and forth every few months, not some gradual change. I just start liking guys, and not really being interested in girls, and vise versa...

i dunno, seems normal to me. exact same shit used to happen to me when i was younger. some months id be mostly into women, other months all i wanted to do was suck cock

Did it ever settle out? Did you end up liking guys, girls, both?

sorta settled down yep. still into both genders but guys get me harder and hornier 90% of the time. i was like age 16-25 when i had that, im 32 now

Do you still think it would be a good, or bad idea to end the relationship with the person I'm with now?

Checked. Plus, I think there majority of people are horney for just about everything. Now quit worrying about it. Just be careful. Enjoy your life.

Different guy here. I enjoy letting my gfs slut around and licking where there hookups have been and fucking used pussy once in awhile. I just dont like how 99% of guys are or what they look like.

I've met like only 1 guy in my life that I wanted to play with because he looked androgynous.

Shit sucks I wanna play with a dick but I can never find what I'm looking for and I missed out on the one I met.

I might try sharing my next gf with another guy but wearing masks and I'd probably enjoy that more

That's a tough question. If you feel like you're cheating, then you need to decide.

nah id say dont do that. try not to sweat it too much, may seem weird but its not. its also normal for sexual attraction/infatuation to lower over time in relatioships; its why a lot of married couples have trouble.
you dont really need to pick a thing like bi to define yourself either. its not a label that encompasses you, its just a word. do what you feel like, guys girls or both

sign up for grindr and look for femboys or androgynous guys then. lota guys are into that

With both hands and jerk it?

I'm not worried because I think being gay is bad, just the constant switching seems bad, like psychologically or something. Idk not a medfag lol.

I've never cheated, nor do I plan to, previously I had just ended it when I felt nothing sexually anymore.

Yeah I get it, I'm not really trying to find a label, just wanted to hear if anyone else had this, or if it will go away over time. If I am not interested in them sexually for a few months, what am I supposed to say to them? Yknow?

Yeah, plus I'd love to massage those balls. And maybe lick it...

>If I am not interested in them sexually for a few months, what am I supposed to say to them?
i mean that depends a lot on the relationship and people in it. can try to change things up with each other, experiment and try new stuff together etc.

I can get aroused looking at a big cock, but I never felt anything for men nor would I want to get sexual with one.

Why don't you just suck balls while using both hands to jerk it off?

I kinda get it. At first the face was not attractive, just neck down. But now I like guys all over.

Definitely, Would love to stuff my face in those balls and serve it.

Dont want aids. I feel like grindr is how to get aids 101

use a condom then

what a little cockslut!

Me too OP. But it’s more frequent for me so I’m most likely bi. I’ll go days/weeks listing over girls but one day I’ll see my body in the mirror (doesn’t help that I look feminine) and I’ll lust for men and cock for a similar period of time. I need a guy to ram my plump ass as of late. But yeah as the other user said, you’re most likely bisexual.

I am 26 and I am very much the same.

From month/week to week my desires really change.

Sometimes i really just want women. Then all of the sudden i might switch and only be interested in finding a guy to fuck me.

But i feel like i want different things from each gender. Women for me are associated with emotional dependence and love, as well as physical attraction. For me men seem mostly physical attraction, and a simple form of desire.(although i did kinda get pretty infatuated to this one tall slim guy with a big cock who fucked me so good it was one of the VERY rare times I actually came with an accompanying full body orgasm and i was a giggly smiling mess after he finished with me). I didn't find him that interesting, but just really wanted to please him.

Its difficult because im at the stage where Im considering having a family, but at the same time I sometimes go through phases where i just wont be into women. There is usually a catalyst; like some real women level bullshit makes me feel like women are just annoying/ridiculous creatures and i can't even be bothered dealing, so i want to have a guy use me instead.

But then after a while of going with a guy, ill kinda realize that gayness is pretty fruitless in general because its a solely pleasure based act.

Im definitely BI, but i just wish i could make up my mind which direction id like to go.

Not that guy, but a few things on safety. First condoms only protect you by a certain percentage. If you have sex with strangers, or potentially HIV infected people on even a semi-regular basis you can still easily get infected, since they only protect you some % of interactions. Plus some HIV infected people enjoy infeceting others (not everyone, just a niche) and will remove a condom mid-sex. It's really dangerous. Get tested with people before you have sex with them.

Yeah I empathize with most everything you said. Really tough for me. Wish I could just get set on one, guys or girls, I don't care at this point, so I can just find someone I love and not dissapoint them.

For me at least, it's terrible.

Yeah i don't really enjoy the feeling.

I suppose alot of it is just future based anxiety for me i guess. im an overthinker.

>I don't wanna be those sad 45 yr+ lonely gay guys you see trolling grindr for young ass....being a gay guy over 45 seems like an incredibly lonely life, unless you find a partner?
>But i also don't like the thought of having kids with a woman and being incredibly bored with her very quickly and ending up being a shit partner/parent because im wishing I could still fuck dudes.

WTF dude that's my picture ahah. I feel... weird to see it posted by someone else but i think i like it.

Yeah exactly (close to quads rip).

I kind of look down on those creepy old dudes who just look for the next nut, and never got to find someone more permanently, but at the same time thinking that could be me in 20 years really depresses me. Fml.

Yeah I got it from the thread you posted it in a day ago or something. Really hot, could you add me on something and post more? It's amazing. kik is altaccountthanks

Pls be in


I like to send pic and receive on my snapchat : pfansex
I'm bi but it's 90% girl and i love feminine boys/sissy

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