Marisol thread. Exposed busty slut.
Marisol thread. Exposed busty slut
Buena Park California
Who’s got more info?
God I love these kinds of tits. These are the best type of tits hands down. I will not fuck with anything else. Huge tits, large areolae.
Went to Buena Park high school
Moar can drop them all
Bump and more
Chubby but not fat is the best moar
Bump, defo interest piqued
Her fiancé snap and insta: Anthonyq2
Keep dumping
got anything new? how bout the vids?
She works at Disneyland
Any videos?
Just dump em
Her snap: marisolpee
She works 909_raquel
Always showing off her huge tits to her coworkers
Anyone show him yet?
bump more
Bumping for 714 nudes
I'm about to,anything else you got that shows her face?
do it and post results please kind sire, you would earn my admiration and respect
do it and post results please kind sire, you would earn my admiration and respect
Anyone got more? Or instagram?
those titties are nice and big,moar
I can see why Mexicans have so many kids.
That’s a different girl
yeah he doesn't reply
whatever,you probably wear a maga hat and want to build a wall so they'll stop "invading"america(even though you have no problem with a president with an immigrant family and who's wife is an immigrant,guess mexicans really are the only ones you have a problem with.since europeans dont seem to bother you)
lol what? Are you okay user?
Anyone have her FB or insta?
i dont know,your the one who brought mexicans into this.just like your average american republican
Brought it up because she’s from Southern California. Typically any Latinos in that area are usually Mexican. If she was from southern Florida I’d assume she was Cuban or Puerto Rican.
user probably meant cause how sexy she is that’s why Mexicans have a lot of kids
Also this
i doubt it,most mexicans are ugly as fuck and smell bad.user's probably just a racist right winger who thinks we need to build a wall to keep the mexicans out.well,have fun with that,since they work for a living and pay for the poor white republicans welfare
what a retard,choose 1.latinos are from latin america,mexicans are from mexico
lol oh man
yeah,lol at the fact your a fucking retard who probably gets his information on foreigners from his presidents twitter account.murica!
I know this slut! Always wondered what those tits looked like lol. Kik me with any questions: jessiecali323
Wait, your name is jessiecali323? That's a pretty fag ass name Sup Forumsro.
Is it legit guys
Does she let anyone add her?
man those tits are begging to have a cock on them
No it’s a fake account. Some dude posing as a girl
Mexico is part of Latin American my friend
is that what donald "build the wall,the only immigrants ill accept in america are white people"trump told you?
No, thats what my education in two different countries told me
oh I forgot to mention wikipedia... wikipedia told me.
>two different countries
you mean "shit hole countries"education
also,proven by the fact you needed the internet to tell you what mexico is a part of
Just wanted to make sure who the retard was
is it really because of being a retard,is it because half the time this week ive been drunk when i post on Sup Forums
Post more of her
Her tits are fantastic
Bump for more. Been trying to find more of her
From where?
This one is super hot
Fuck yes
You realize its jessie cali not jessica idk if this is your first language or not but you need more language arts study
I'm the dude who sent the message, no response at all, her snap needs to add me before she can respond
>guess mexicans are the only ones you have a problem with
How much time you got?
A new one!!!!!!!
Thank you
fuck those are some udders!
she filed a police report
It's alright bro, I downloaded them all
this is someone else right?
Does she have a Snapchat premium or something?
she looks like she doesn't wipe her ass well after a shit
Nope thats her the birthmark gives it away
Fuk yea
is that all bro?
damn she has a video too? crazy hot.
Inbred nigger. Learn how to punctuate.
fuck thats awesome
i want her to milk every last drop from me. damn.
Sadly all the gifs i got
anymore photos?
jerked off to her like 3 times this week
always liked bras on big tits