Who the fuck is voting for biden? Do we have that many boomers in the US?

Who the fuck is voting for biden? Do we have that many boomers in the US?

Attached: dem-poll-bystate-1573172548752-threeByTwoMediumAt2X[1].png (1170x780, 176K)

Should teach them a lesson and vote for Trump

People don't care that he's an obvious pedo, just that he was that guy that was always hanging around with Umbongo

Attached: CreepyJoeBiden[1].png (627x310, 326K)

trump over biden any day.

Fucking niggers, boomers, and nigger boomers. Same reason Hillary got nominated.

If Biden wins the democratic primary Tonald Dump will win lmao

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nobody is voting for biden

We already know how this is going to go. Either Sleepy Joe or Pocahontas will win the nomination and then lose to Trump.

Black people are voting for biden

That poll only includes the people who voted for Trump last election.

This, actually.

A Warren / Sanders ticket would not lose to Trump.

kidding me? blacks are throwing away their vote for sanders.

>Thinking Bernie will get on the ticket

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This just means that half the dems are smart enough to vote for creepy over crazy

These surveys over-sample older voters and "likely voters" so, people who voted last time so a bunch of milk-toast centrists that had enough lack of self respect to vote for fucking Hillary. Of course those people are stupid enough to want Biden to be the candidate

Biden was always going to get the nomination, he's a moderate democrat which the majority of left wing voters are - only the fringe minorities on twitter want sanders/warren.
Funny thing is they are also bernie or bust folk too, so if biden wins, trump wins.

Ok boomer

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No one but the State Department want Biden. This is all rigged and that you people can't see that is .... Well, Sup Forums is full of idiots

The DNC would lose on purpose before they do that, they already did, just look at 2016. They threw Bernie under the bus and in so doing pissed off a shitload of independents that would have voted Blue, then blamed him for their loss after they litterally told voters, "We're winning, we dont need you." Wouldn't be suprising if they did it again. If they do nominate Sanders and or Warren all their high dollar donors would flip and throw their money at the Republicans to maintain their power over our political process. The fact Bloomberg jumped in the race should tell you the top 1% are fucking terrified of the prospect of Sanders and Warren teaming up on the same ticket. Shit if they do get elected they'll probably get assassinated before they can do anything.

Then why do the polls have him high?

I agree that the DNC rigs the primaries, i mean look at how they bowed down to Clinton over Sanders, even though he was more popular (just an aside, glad she lost, she deserved to lose after what she and the DNC did).

But why is Biden so high?

One more thing - Kamala Harris is losing, and she will NOT be the nominee. Just a matter of time until she drops out, and ima have a few celebratory beers :)

>all their high dollar donors would flip and throw their money at the Republicans

Like how clinton spent upwards of a fucking Billion (with a B) and still lost to GEOTUS?

Better question is why tf does that chart not have yang in it