Why havent u done meth yet

Why havent u done meth yet

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Can't find any.

Because I finished Highschool

I have and it was alright. By itself it's pretty fucking meh, but with MDMA it kicks ass. Had the rave of my life, when I did meth + MDMA, lmao.

But that's a long time ago. I just kinda wanted to test everything back then.

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Don't want to risk becoming a fucking addct berfore reaching my full potential / peak in life, after i do however, i might try some light drugs

How have u recovered since then i feel like poo poo

And which artist did u see my first and favorite rave was porter robinson/madeon on some pure molly mdma is the best

Did it like two times and it didn't affect my life in any way. The doses were pretty low and I didn't boost it later on.

Probably because I'm plum spun son

Listen to death grips and jack off for me my mayne

No homo

Thinking you'll get addicted to hard drugs once is pretty common place, but i don't think tina would fuck you up like that first time. Didn't me. I understand not wanting to touch it, genuinely.

It was a rave centered around psychedelic and progressive trance. Had a fucking blast and I still remeber the experience pretty vividly, even though it's been like 5 years already.

>Why havent u done meth yet
Because I am not white trash.

I miss tina i h8 being sober. Gah

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because that's a trash drug op. Once you start doing meth the next you know you're sucking dicks behind dumpsters, voting for trump and eating out of garbage pails.

Yea except when ur first try it then those things dont happen and u tried meth so essentially ur gay

Kinda funny cause I worked out on paper how to make it. using unrestricted chemicals to make precursors. Even skipping the birch reduction that rednecks use. All from scratch using mostly hardware and dollar store products.

There was 3 different pathways using 3 different starting products. Also worked out an analogue that replaced a ch2 with an oxygen. Not sure on what it would do but it was basically taking 2 chemicals and joining together then react with methylamine HCL. Amines are very reactive with acids so it had to be added afterwards.

Kinda amazing what the devil does with idle hands lol.

Imagine inventing meth why would someone just make this drug lol

Ooh then which color are you, yellow, brown, black, beige, tan, indigo, maroon, aubergine trash?

You got it brother
The fullest of homo

No homo tho

Cause making cocaine is too difficult. Think theres 16 different arrangements it can take. 15 of which doesn't get you high. The plant knows how to make that 1 structure.

AS white as the snow falling on the mountain behind my house.

I feel like my heart would pop like a balloon

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U get more amped than edgy coke hurt heart

Top fucking kek.

Meth is why I dropped out in g12

I've not done coke yet either, although I am curious

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Also looked into codeine, and the different structures of morphine analogues. Kinda like krokodil but not desomorphine. It's got a bad name.

It's too complicated to dick around with. Too many function groups. Each having their own reactions under different PH with different chemicals. But the idea of turning a few mg of codeine into something like 10x strength of morphine would be fucking amazing. I'm sure some nazi meth cook will give it a try.

Dont do stims do psychadelics ull b happier not frying ur dopamine receptors

I have been meaning to try shrooms again, I did way too many and ruined my first time. Person who was supposed to be doing them with me puss'd out and went to bed super early, leaving me to trip balls alone

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Dont, it will hook you cause it's too good. Suck the money out of you and make you permanently short fused. Pretty much everyone I know that was a coke head is like that.

I love coke just for the fact that every ignorant cocksucker I know is fucked on it. Like a moth to a flame.

I have plenty of self control and discipline, also I'm too poor to waste my money on drugs I can't make myself. I feel like coke would be a special occasion kind of drug.

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coke is trash
just drink two redbulls it does the same thing

I did, it was pure shit

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