Waifu something breadamajig

Waifu something breadamajig

Previous:Not this time

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing. Fuck you, merchant
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind.
>Seriously, you look like cringelords
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original and frequent
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Traps are gay.
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, no

Rory-sama claimed

Attached: __gokou_ruri_and_rory_mercury_gate_jieitai_ka_no_chi_nite_kaku_tatakaeri_and_ore_no_imouto_ga_konna_ (1200x1723, 281K)

Attached: ak-me32.png (879x910, 218K)

Not with that attitude bb

Attached: You Know Gasai (195).jpg (400x564, 34K)

Attached: _58853816_p0(2).jpg (2830x2505, 750K)

Cum so red

If you say so unknown friend.
I'm too much of a debbie downer. But you're right.

Attached: __astolfo_and_sieg_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_haoro__f192bd71984b0ab6e7b6688f9e24c94a.png (800x805, 408K)

Life's too short mate, if it happens it happens

Attached: You Know Gasai (52).gif (500x277, 812K)

Not unknown I don't think unless I have you mixed up with someone else who posted astolfo before.

>tfw no blood gf

Gotta enjoy that little things, I hear that.
You might, not sure who you are, unfortunately.
Why even live?

Attached: __astolfo_and_sieg_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_haoro__sample-af8ec6954efbd0aae051a3ff5d4fac58.jpg (850x587, 110K)

Yep, that's what I've been told many times

Attached: You Know Gasai (252).jpg (1500x1800, 356K)

I'm friends with mordred

Attached: Poking_poorchan's_nose.jpg (950x1840, 372K)

Attached: 874628191.jpg (1200x605, 102K)

Frick off

I agree with it, as generic as it may sound.
I see, I couldn't tell.

Attached: __astolfo_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_umumu__sample-3a36a3fa12a7f65d6a920dca2be01781.jpg (850x1202, 168K)

He calls me gei here a lot so I have to make sure my good reputation is maintained

It works

Attached: You Know Gasai (117).png (909x1031, 496K)

Says who

I want to cum

Attached: 20191128_101302.png (966x1516, 453K)

Then do it


Attached: bke0f5kpl5d31.jpg (850x519, 73K)

Nigger faggot, tfu

Bend over

Attached: You Know Gasai (244).jpg (720x979, 451K)

You gonna cut til I nut?

You have to maintain your image, I respect that.
I suppose. Trying to decide to play right now.
The boomer has become a coomer.

Attached: __astolfo_mordred_and_mordred_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_toritora__sample-5b4a1f26299e3a522e3 (850x644, 124K)

If you're into blood play

What are you options?

Attached: You Know Gasai (121).jpg (615x800, 115K)

Of course I am

Awesome, I'll slice at your cheeks while massaging your prostate with my cock

Attached: 1df99ae4670b7968d821692404857eaa.jpg (563x493, 57K)

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I'm stuck between Mount and Blade, Kenshi, or COD.

Attached: __astolfo_and_sieg_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_haoro__sample-ef62b48a68aa929b1752cf8fbcfed9a0.webm (500x500, 109K)


Attached: 669.png (1142x861, 1.35M)

I say CoD

Attached: You Know Gasai (141).jpg (620x763, 372K)

My first ever waifu, and still is.

Attached: GUMI_Shiomizu.jpg (615x860, 152K)

what's there to like about her?

Attached: 352.png (774x859, 843K)

I was leaning more towards CoD, double XP weekend. Will do chief.

Attached: __astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_mono_miso_kuronowish__74c312e1e3940744bccb6cb4e3e0eaa3.jpg (600x567, 227K)

It's all I want really

There ya go! Have fun

Knew it

Attached: You Know Gasai (63).jpg (1080x1493, 290K)

uwu cut me daddy

have you talked with duek lately~

I like everything about her. Plus she put me in the path of green hair addiction. Animoo these days really need more green haired main characters.

Attached: Gumi_KonihataHikari_Idk-kun.png (1000x706, 437K)

Pls you're making me hard

Attached: You Know Gasai (13).jpg (700x674, 417K)

oh snap nice trips

Ummmmmm nope, I don't even have namesink so... im not sure...

green hair is the f***ing best
you gotta check if her pussy hair is green too

Attached: 522.png (970x860, 975K)

Have you added her discoard~?

Merry Christmas to you too.

Attached: A6.png (128x105, 14K)

Its almost as if people believe fake Rory posters.

Attached: tumblr_o1qh2sDa741u0xk60o5_500.gif (500x281, 1.34M)


Attached: 105Remalicious.jpg (1783x2603, 697K)

Duke of Autism#8730 is her id~

Sounds like someones a little jealous

Attached: You Know Gasai (20).jpg (250x250, 12K)

same tbqhfamalam

Show me ur ponis


Attached: TurtelNo.png (256x226, 92K)

hello love all

I need to check it for skidmarks.

Hello daniel

unsure, who daniel?

You are now

Foreskin police here

They dont know what I know, C*******

Attached: 005-1.jpg (189x284, 41K)

For now they don't

Attached: You Know Gasai (37).gif (400x495, 914K)


Attached: Poorfag-chan_with_Amy.png (491x498, 78K)

SHUT up wh*te b*y

>refuses to slit my thighs open


Attached: 074Remalicious.jpg (1177x1000, 220K)


Hows things?

Attached: Poorchan.png (300x600, 99K)

Things fine. Got a lot of work done.
How’s you?


Attached: 115Remalicious.png (980x720, 638K)

Been all over. Niece had her birthday party today, been taking some time off to rest. Back to work on Thursday, and no one ever has new art.

Attached: Not_so_happy_poorfag.jpg (759x534, 147K)

Y she look scary

Maybe you can do your own art, or eventually request commissions


Attached: 234Remalicious.jpg (500x500, 60K)

Eventually. Im still not earning enough for a good amount of savings, but Im getting there.

Attached: tumblr_lm5okd1O4Y1qa09hlo1_500.jpg (600x371, 36K)

Y-you too

Strangely enough, there’s a different binbou arising. How disappointing

Attached: 292Remalicious.jpg (725x1024, 106K)

How so? I still dont have enough money for a lot of what I want.

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Attached: 1564318880637.gif (487x560, 898K)

I meant like, another character with the name of binbou-chan

She’s a lot thinner and has short, black hair

Attached: 049Remalicious.jpg (675x1200, 168K)

Are ya winning son?

Boomer hours

Attached: _72466090_p0_mast_er1200.png (498x1024, 457K)

Sup fellas.

Attached: 6579459e63ca8f7894ddbc26fa8ea335e40ffeb1.jpg (1000x707, 246K)

I wake!!!! OWO
now what...

-takes both tangerines-
thanks fren! :3
so gud
glad you didn’t want those :)

Attached: sv4ewb.png (1377x1368, 1.44M)

Now you can fuck off.

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