I would like to propose a theory: godtards in 2019 are the dumbest godtards in history...

I would like to propose a theory: godtards in 2019 are the dumbest godtards in history. Imagine having access to all of the information in the internet era and STILL being a godtard.

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I hate both spiritualists and materialists

Your argument convinced me OP, I am renouncing my religion

Were you raped by a priest?

>destroys materialists

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And this is why I never wanted to call myself an atheist. People would associate me with faggots like OP.

how's your faith these days?

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That’s nice. It’s good to hate.

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I’m happy to hear that. Mission accomplished.

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No, but it’s nice to see you acknowledge that priests are likely to rape, despite their “good” christian morality.

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No atheist would object to what I wrote. You’re a godtard. A buttshattered godtard.

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I dont have to prove anything, I took the leap of faith user

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This quote makes 0 sense

Atheists are pretty close-minded tbh

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this is you

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We are always open to evidence. Present your evidence for your favourite god (your talking-snake book is not evidence). We’ll wait.

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>t. fat neckbeard atheist who’s never been to the gym, never had a job, never kissed a girl, probably has gynecomastia and blames it all on God
Just another night on Sup Forums

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Another buttshattered godtard’s ass goes full Krakatoa. Your favourite god is fake, champ. Doesn’t exist. Ragesperging at me won’t change that fact.

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You haven't asked me any questions lmao

Lol, how can you be so blind as to refute all of the evidence that God not only does, but must exist in order for our universe to be possible. Have you heard of science?? Look it up.

stop wasting your time, they're shills

always the same pictures, always the same dumb rhetoric

You and I can both sit here and be pretty fucking certain there is no god.

But what if the belief in a god is what makes these people happy? Makes their life have a meaning and purpose? Helps them get through the tough times and adversity in life.

Why the fuck should you even care? They probably think grown men jacking off to japanese cartoons is pretty far fetched but don't go out of their way to put those down who choose to enjoy that.

I'm sure you have something going on in your life more important than worry about what someone chooses to believe in. And if not rope yourself faggot


Denying the possibility of any higher power is degenerate and pseudo intelligent.



If this gets dubs then religion is real

This thread is bait new friend

>If this gets dubs a school if philosophy is real

That doesn't even make sense. How exactly stupid are you?

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>That doesn't even make sense.
You can't just say that and expect the argument to instantly go your way. It makes perfect sense. If you don't understand something as simple as that then you're brain dead.

dis iz u diiir durrr ahhh derrrrr

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kill yourself homo

derrr god id gud derrrr u mak derrrr nu sensce dirrrrr

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Boom! Another ass goes full Krakatoa!

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Another “good” christian

Which god exists?

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>But what if the belief in a god is what makes these people happy?
At any given moment, there would be X number of people who are extremely happy because a friendly Nigerian man just phoned them with news of their huge lottery win. Suppose one of those people is your friend. Will you help him avoid getting scammed? Will you burst his bubble? Yes you will. Because you don’t want to see your friend get scammed.

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I am the original godtard thread boy, champ. Interestingly, I have never seen anyone apeing my shtick. Just goes to show that atheists think for themselves.

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Imagine feeling so damn small you feel the need to call out people who are content.

Either a higher power exist or it doesn't. If it doesn't there is no lasting effects and life is essentially meaningless. Doing good is essentially a waste and all that would matter is getting ahead. However if a higher power that is likely to exist then it ranges from cold and scientific to egomaniac asshole. Most perfect the latter

>this is what passes for atheist arguments

>Atheist cuck is an iCuck
Pottery. No argument needed

Bruh, ignorance is bliss. The truth sucks bro. Imagine a universe where your life is absolutely meaningless... wait, never mind , that's this one. Ok, imagine a universe where your life actually had meaning. Now that's better.

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I simply have faith, I do not need evidence

>Non religious
Look at me her der, I'm not religious and smarter than every religious person. I believe what I believe, and no evidence to the contrary can convince me otherwise. You're all idiots for being religious.

Look at me her der, I'm religious and smarter than every non religious person. I believe what I believe, and no evidence to the contrary can convince me otherwise. You're all idiots for being non religious.