You have 10 SECONDS to tell me a legitimate reason why you are racist, and what can be done to change your opinion

you have 10 SECONDS to tell me a legitimate reason why you are racist, and what can be done to change your opinion.

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Tell me what "too many white people" means first

Not literally, just not enough representation of other races in media. Obviously that has changed these days, though.

Go on reddit and browse r/blackpeopletwitter for 5-10 and you'll become racist to.

Nigga stole my skateboard

brwon people = dumb


I just did and saw funny memes. what's your point?
sorry to hear that. One person's actions do not represent others, however.
Every race has dumb people try again

I don't want my children to marry someone of a different skin color.

That's not really your place to choose, sorry to say.

Yeah righto big fella, my opinions are based purely on bad experiences, I’m racist because I’ve watched my brother be beaten up outside school gates and constantly having to watch slippery cunts put their hands near me in a social setting.

There's your problem. You had children.

A nigga stole my pencils and 5$, also niggers are ugly as fuck, fucking scum

>just not enough representation
Sure, but no need to blame any particular group for that.

Mu best friend is a nigger nicknamed Slavery. I can't be racist.

So, arranged marriages then, Ahmed?

have you been around them for any meaningful amount of time?

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that's like your opinion man

I'm around them all the time. In fact, I'm almost never around white people.

I personally don't blame any group. I'm sure theres other like me.


Saying (purly socioeconomic factors) is just disingenuous. They are more aggressive, steal more, and are generally disruptive. I don't hate all black people, but whenever I meet a new one, I am more skeptical than with any other race. This is exactly the same as being more on edge with a man vs woman in a dark ally.

So what’s the story here? Is this just some creamy having a sook covering his ears and eyes because someone called him a mean name? People have opinions like assholes, nobody wants to hear about your asshole or your opinion.
I can get behind the “fuck word of mouth idea” but your just out of luck buddy. Nobody is open to changing their opinions they’ve made from first hand experiences. I’ve also just realised this is b8. You got me lil fella this is a good b8. Genuine congrats. Not take this to /trash/. Love your work little man. Couldn’t have b8ted harder myself. Permission to use copy pasta?

Hats off to ya. You actually got me.

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stop generalizing a race based on your own experiences
with this mindset, people might as well stop discussing important topics because people wont ever change so whats the point

>They are more aggressive, steal more, and are generally disruptive
I blame this on shitty prison culture parenting than anything else. I feel pity for these people that clearly grew up with abandonment issues. This a by product of state sanctioned crushing poverty moreso than race.

Yes. You absolute spazoid. That’s exactly why we don’t discuss select topics like this one. Change my fucking mind. I fucking dare you. Do it for your people. Delete “shitty person culture” stop the stereotypes by collectively being good people.

don't encourage obvious b8 m8. there is literally nobody who uses this site at least semi-regularly that doesn't believe in race differences.

We are being good people. You just choose to focus on the bad apples, which, surprise, every race has them.

because blacks are always talking jive and chucking spears and raping n shiet

Didn't know having a legit discussion about an important topic is bait. Sorry to disrupt your daily repetitive porn threads.

I'm yuropoor and on one hand I think racism is actually a still a thing in certain areas and minoritys have a harder time with police etc. On the other hand migrant crime is completely out of control and governments all over Europe are doing nothing but fucking up. There's Arab families all over Germany that have been doing whatever the fuck they want since the fucking 80s. They also make shittons of money through running prostitutes and drugs and whatever and constantly get random people involved in their violence. Literally driving sports cars while getting welfare. They're a scourge to society and have to die or the German people will keep suffering.

Give 5 north Korean bad apples. Off the top of your head. Or any real naughty chink.


Niggers aren't human and don't belong in human society. Nothing short of a full frontal lobotomy can change my mind.

im not racist, you're racist against whites. fuck you

ok, so a couple of bad men, who happen to be Arab, managed to become really successful with being bad. What does this have to do with the rest of the people who are genuinely good people?
I don't hang around Asians, nor have knowledge on their people, so wouldn't be able to tell you.

American society is systemically racist and it's subtle in how it inculcates itself and how it manifests, even if you're pasty white and are looking for it. It's not intentional, but overcoming unconscious bias is immensely difficult for everyone.

I've literally said 0 things about white people on this thread, or IRL. I don't know what you're on about.

Okay liberal, keep holding those dumb ass believes and see where that gets you in life

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Many people if a race act the same. I dont like the way they act. Hence I dissociate

It's not impossible if you consciously are aware that each individual are their own person who do not represent others

Impossible, no; takes an active conscious effort, yes.

More like a race realist.

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The majority act like rabid dogs, just violent and useless. They also want everything handed to them just because of their race. Nothing could change my mind.

Nigger. Because Nigger.

But since it's virtually impossible for an entire race to act the same, this reason holds no weight.


I'm not going to promote a culture I dont endorse. Shouldnt be a surprise. also sage

They form a culture. Culture I dont like. You cant argue a race doesnt make a culture

Enjinight got double teamed at Paradise Con in 2017 and she’s gotten sluttier ever since

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Niggers aren't even people LOL


Because I realized that the jews wasn't to keep white people from ever doing that nazi thing again, so they've set about tearing down white culture and fragmenting our society to protect themselves (or just for revenge).
They're the ones assists promoting interracial porn and relationships, they're the ones backing radical leftism, they're the ones preaching "white privilege", etc.

And I don't think anyone could say anything to change my mind, there's way, way, WAY too much proof at this point.

Because elves are prissy treefucking faggots that only eat rabbit food while playing their faggot flutes and harps. Those dainty bastards don't know the meaning of hard work.

This "Culture" has been formed under unfair disadvantages due to oppression and slavery for decades.

Blacks give themselves a bad rap and I'm not a fucking mind reader. Better safe than sorry.

I personally don't know any Jewish people so I don't feel qualified to talk about them.
Stop focusing on the bad apples and generalizing a whole race. Do better and realize there are good people.

Common sense

>you have 10 SECONDS to tell me a legitimate reason why you are racist
I'm not
>and what can be done to change your opinion.

true common sense does not promote racism

Check this shit out. Culture. Language. Fear of...("pain") /and lack of Love for... "the perfect one" Get a life. Fags (i am not racist) DUUHH DUUH DEFENCE!!

Those are big fuckin words coming from a hobbit faggot who doesn’t even say what shire he’s from


Is it possible to a half racist?

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omg. larping as a black person on Sup Forums. there are no niggers on Sup Forums and never have been. plus, no black person types like that. you don't even know the right slang terms and misspellings. 36 year old virgin incel behavior. let me guess who you are.

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nice job, you're not funny

You act like people don't know how to use text against you.



Here’s your (you) champ now go play

Hey that's cool. Who dis?

I'm not a racist. I graduated high school.

Black people are 10% of world population but 80% of incarcerated population.
Is that enough for you?

Let's see the slang list "lit, fire, cool, dead ass, homo, .... do i need to continue"

Went to private Christian school between two nice white areas and a not so nice nog area. Nog area has some good people who wanted to raise good kids so they sent them to private school to avoid public school. In 3 years virtually everything I brought was stolen at least one and u caught at least 4 different students doing it. Got 2 expelled. 4 students out of a class of 30. Out of the 30 12 were nogs. Literally caught a 3rd of the niggers in my class stealing from me

Can't wait for you to wake up to the wolves howling tonight.

Christianity is flawed there are multiple books trying to explain the same moment in time. Jesus was a tamer of animals and he also taught people. Everything after that point in time was people blurring the lines and changed words according to there geography. LETS GOOOO LETS GOOOOO

Like i said im not a fucking mind reader you cuck. Most of them are trash. I dont give a fuck about the few that are good. Not my concern. Welcome to the real world you fool. Its an evil place.

The source of america's negativty excalation is from one person. YOU

because unfair disadvantages and oppression for decades that may have caused these statistics to exist, didn't exist. Unfair disadvantage = prison = unbalanced family life = bad environment for kids growing up. Why is this so hard to comprehend?

The world is not evil. You conception of evil is flawed in the reality we live in, everything is infinite look outside of "society" and have a deeper thinking process.

I don't like their attitudes or behaviors.
We can all still get along. Racism does not mean violence or the need to denigrate or interfere with their lives.
As it has been moved to just 'not liking' or 'wanting to associate' with said persons.
Case in point: I do not want to hang out with what I perceive to be "Black People"
I do want them to succeed and grow and stop being ghetto porch monkey coons with their swirling sperm toilet women and bitch made simp men.
I do wish the best for them and hope they succeed in unfucking their community.


What does this have to do with anything other than point out I went to a Christian school?

been aroundl with plenty of extremely poor whites who would rather kill themselves than steal. Stealing is and always will be the easy way out and they tend to do so

I don't hate them. I hate their music and overall shit culture in the states and ancestral home. I hate a ton of niggers bit because of skin color but rather because they are perpetually fucking poor

"Not my concern" I see. So it only concerns you when it proves your point. Got it.

You said "niggers" |period|. You are the nigger here.

Coal burning simple fuck right here


I dont hate a hard working African American/ other race here. I hate niggers, the ones who leech off our tax dollars and fucking shoot each other cause they think it makes them hot shit

Being poor is not defined by money. If you are a able-bodied man/women. You can make more money. Wealth is not a number.

Negative sir. You have no clue who you are talking to. I have never owned a car.


Having the ability to aquire wealth and squandering it for get rich quick schemes is absolutely trash tier. Literally deserves castration


Again, not what "nigger" means. Nigger is defined as people who are not smart. You do not need to be smart. The idea that if you are smart does not make you better than your neighbor.

Check this.

psychology lol

I can't tell if this thread is filled with fucking monkeys or some fag with low quality bait. Leaning tword the latter but we all know how dumb niggers are

>10 off trips
Nice try nigger faggot