Race war when?
Race war when?
Fucking fascist
I dunno, but it would sure be the simplest war ever. The important thing is that we have a war.
Niggers have been antagonizing white people for decades. It's only a matter of time before whites stop appeasing them.
Agreed, but "stop appeasing" isn't going to be a fucking race war, just a social shift towards telling them to fucking shove it.
>Race war when?
That's how it'll start, but niggers are naturally violent so it will escalated into terrorism a la the Black Panthers and then into a race war. It's already starting now with the growth of the BLM and skinhead movements.
Never nothing ever happens go kys stonetoss
Hopefully soon. They all need to die, bringing them here was a mistake
We already won. Whites are on top.
Never, but we need to put a stop to the Alt-right.
I'd be happy if they just got rid of the NAACP and the college/employer diversity quotas. Fuck I feel bad for the Asians, they work their ass off in school only to be turned away from ivy league schools because of their ethnicity. You know what that is? Racism pure and simple.
>thinking violence has to do with some genetic code instead of culture for intelligent, evolved humans
fuck you racist
My HS had an Asian valedictorian who applied for all the ivy league schools and got rejected by them all. I didn't like her
so I found it kinda funny at the time but now I just feel bad for her.
Why get rid of the NAACP? I can understand killing quotas, and making things fair for Asians. However, I can't see a reason to get the government to ban a group that's done nothing violent or illegal.
We already have the ACLU. The NAACP and Sharpton just scare employers/colleges into enforcing three quotas.
You don't think that some people are naturally more aggressive than others, regardless of race for the sake of conversation, due to genetic personality?
I do think that in human nature, everyone seeks dominance regardless of culture, but pitting it all on one race is fucking stupid
Dodge that question like it's the law, nigger.
The ACLU has been compromised already and is swayed by donors against their duty of preserving rights for everyone, including the reprehensible.
The NAACP like the NRA only has as much power as those who vote at their digression and in their direction.
Banning the NAACP would just leave an opening for another group to occupy their former space.
I didn't even dodge it, I answered it with yes I think some people are more aggressive than others. Are you fucking retarded?
In the USA and EU (possibly also the former Soviet space), the class war will go hot and have racial side skirmishes at first (to attempt to coalitionize majority ethnicities under the oligarch/plutocrat order), then it will be the rich's drones/bots, maybe 1/3 military forces and practically all the cops versus everyone else. Five years later or so, the Chinese/SEA/EA vs. everyone else war will kick off when the belt and road niggers, churkas and assorted hajis don't pay shit back and everyone tells them to fuck off when they try to gather resources. Looking forward to the depopulation of mass areas of the Earth and hoping to live to see the rebuilding phase!
To deny that races have different physical features which lead to different actions as an average is denying reality and logic.
It’s the whole damn reason Africa is poor as shit and white countries have dominated the planet a couple thousand years. If you think that’s just “culture” or luck you’re retarded
No you didn't but ok. Some people are more aggressive than others. Is it not reasonable to assume then that aggression could be tied genetically to race like many other traits?
thank God we have racism
>we can breed intelligence into and out-of countless animals
>humans are different though and you’re evil for believing otherwise
I see the propaganda is working
It will happen but not anytime soon. At least 20 more years. Demographic tensions always build up to war
Africa doesn’t really have tamable animals, and there are a ton of random factors that go into when societies reach different milestones like agriculture, building techniques etc. Blaming it on race is oversimplified to say the least.
Trips of possibilities
but with anti-jew sentiments rising, there is a greater chance of jews loosing control of the mass media, and thus racial tensions diminishing.
also think there is a high chance of another global economic depression soon too
We aren’t doing a race war, we’re going against China and their axis of evil
It's lack of trust in the system that causes one to buck it, mutt.
There are aggressive blacks who work within the system and succeed, and their are passive whites that work outside the system and fall to criminality.
It's been about fifty years since the government stopped actively shitting on blacks, trust in the law and society must be built. Black parents still tell their children about shit like the Tuskegee experiments.
I don’t think you really have a good enough grasp on intelligence as an inheritable trait to make the claim.. you’re saying that we can breed intelligence “into” animals? Can you expand on that a bit?
>It's been about fifty years since the government stopped actively shitting on blacks
And look how much inner cities have improved since then! Oh wait...
It's culture, and black culture is mostly shit.
The electoral college still predominately benefits rural whites and police and judges are still disproportionately unfair to blacks in literally life destroying ways. I wouldn’t say blacks aren’t being shit on by the government at all.
I agree, they need help from their communities.
most animals are tamable
we could be farming and eating zebra instead of cows
even when shown how to farm, the negro cannot do it
>most animals are tamable
Uhhh.... why are you confident about that?
>sequestering a people to an area and then using highways to bypass the area so no local business can build up is a surefire way to improve the inner cities
Stop being a retard to enforce your biases. Places like Harlem and Atlanta have built up well because businesses were able to flourish due to the areas having a high amount of traffic through them bringing money to grow the local economy.
The electoral college is weighed down by Gerrymandering but still give more representation to blacks than a flat democracy would.
Either way the NRA and NAACP get their power through local elections, not national.
The NAACP may not be able to vote in a president, but they sure as shit could make a few Senators and Representatives lose their jobs.
Also I specifically said 'actively shitting on blacks'. Judges, police and rural whites are issues with individuals not the laws put in place by the government.
hopefully never
anti-facism is just plain facism pretending it isn't
Judges and police are agents of e government and actively shit on blacks. Why do you think “actively shit on” has a definition that refers specifically to passing laws that single out black people?
there are 2 kinds of people, racists and fools
No one is forcing them to stay in the city. Some leave but most stay so they can chimp out with their niggas.
The tsetse fly kills agriculture opportunities throughout most of western and central Africa. Any time an industrious black would attempt to farm, or a village remained peaceful enough to gain a populace the fly's population would swell and decimate both people and livestock.
Even some areas of South Africa are affected, and most of the colonized farmland is only spared because of the area's more temperate climate.
It wont be race as much as Republicans vs. Decent Human Beings. Eventually we'll get tired of their shit, throw a tent over the red states, and gas them like termites.
Race war. No. White countries have been being flooded with third world sub humans for this purpose. The ones behind this are the ones who need to be delt with. Chop the head off the snake.
race war ins't a literal war you idiot. It's a social battle.
hey look, someone who doesn't believe in science trying to use science to win an argument. Classic!
Because that is what a government can help. A cop or judge being assholes is illegal and only corruption will get them off the hook for their crimes. If they commit any.
Sentencing a black man to more jail time than a white woman for the same crime isn't illegal so long as it is within the range of the crime's punishment. Unless each crime is given a flat punishment then there's nothing stopping judges being more harsh with black people anymore than them being more harsh with men as a whole.
It costs money to move. Money that they cannot make since both big and small businesses have abandoned their areas for more lucrative/safe ones.
That's like blaming the miners in W.Virginia for not just learning to code and leaving.
So the huge herds of wild animals don't exist?
Exactly. This white idea that “I did xyz, you should too” fails to recognize that xyz is obtained in totally separate environments.
Like, look at this thread, people hate blacks. How can anyone suggest black people reach whites’ success in society when they’re socially handicapped by being hated??
Absolutely this. Race will always be contentious shit and different races of people are not basically compatible, regardless how hard people try to belong and get along. But race/ethnic shit usually sorts geographically, inevitably with people moving into areas they feel less alien. But class shit? People don't put up with the rich's shit for long when it's life and death... and in the states, at least, it looks like it's about ready to go off.
The fucked thing is that, even if poor or working people hate each other, nothing temporarily unites people like a good enemy... and the rich fucks already declared war.
I’m not talking about a cop or a judge I’m talking about cops and judges. Speaking as if they are lone actors fails to capture that the issue is with society.
hey look, a shill who doesn't have a argument is trying to use slurs to win an argument. Classic!
>Race war when?
It's funny, the majority of people on the right that are racist and want a race war, also support the police and military. If we ever actually get a war, they are the ones who will be fighting against us on the front lines. You will never ever get a race war, because those are the faggots preventing it.
so everyone hates blacks??
and people only hate blacks just to keep them poor??
and being hated by others totally destroys any chance at life??
You really need that explained to you?
>It costs money to move. Niggers have plenty of gibs to use. Additionally, due to affirmative action, it's easier than ever for niggers to get into college, for free at that. Most niggers are just too lazy to try in school so they can't take advantage of being a privileged class. This doesn't even mention jobs and work programs that can move you.
The not so cute thing about this theory is that poor rely heavily on the rich for their standard of living.
Oil, food, transportation networks, manufacturing, logistical components are just a few things that could be impacted.
Things are going to have to be MUCH worse in the US before mobs with pitchforks start forming.
The food is being delivered, people can still put gas in their cars... nothing is going to happen as long as very basic needs are met.
is this 2012 lol
are you sure you're not the genetically inferior one?
the issue isn't with the actions of the blacks?
they don't repeatedly commit crimes?
they don't bring attitude to the trial??
Yeah I really want to hear your explanation.
yeah did you not know about systemic racial prejudice or something
In the tropical areas of Africa? No. The savanah is more safe, and that's where small tribal farms and villages have cropped up. It's also where there are any form of animals living within groups.
Only in recent years have their numbers dropped enough in the Democratic Repubic of Congo for people to not have to fear dying from sleeping sickness en mass.
They are lone actors though. As I said earlier, black people don't trust society completely yet. So they will act outside the bounds of the law often.
Just because black people are arrested more than other races doesn't mean they're all innocent. Cops only have more opportunity to screw over black people because of their increased interaction.
Also cops view any group they have high interaction with in the negative be that blacks or trailer trash. Both will be discriminated against in some way or another but only one will make the national news.
Never gonna happen
I don't think you can accuse black people of being dumb or uncivilized when you type like a crayon eater
You’re exaggerating my argument to make it sound dumb/wrong.
There are people out there that hate blacks, and even more than don’t respect them. This is a social handicap that can perpetuate their position in society. If we were to honestly expect the same performances across races we should first treat them all exactly the same, otherwise you’re just being a dick.
People are already working multiple jobs to afford rent and food. Its not that far off, but there will be some major event before then to protect the rich.
why are you engaging with these bad faith arguments bro
have you heard of wage stagnation sir
Why do you say the black people the cops deal with are discriminated against as a group but the racist discriminators are somehow all lone actors? I seriously don’t understand how you can’t collectively blame cops and judges for their actions but then turn around and blame black people for the violence they experience. It’s this exact logic that perpetuates racism and violence against black people.
Ugh I’m in a bad mood and just came here to argue. I dunno.
Only gives you enough to get by not advance. Never advance. You can't save gibs, and hope to leave to an area with a lower cost of living. Gibs only give you enough to sustain cost of living, and if you do attempt to pull yourself out of the dole hole it disappears and the money that allowed you to maintain and save is now cut to a fraction and you can no longer keep up.
Hell, until recently food stamps didn't even work outside of state lines anyway.
Lowering the bar to entry doesn't help black people since if they couldn't qualify then they'll just fail and be saddled with lifelong debt. Only making it harder to advance in life.
>work programs
Aren't taught in public schools, or by parents who also never learned about them. Can't take advantage of a program you know nothing about.
You're only thinking on the surface of "advantages" black people have, and not the consequences or how those "advantages" are implemented.
Blacks are repeat offenders, and get aggressive at everyone when found guilty
>Jew shill: Blacks are given longer sentences due to racism
I know that feel friendo
>this is my boyfriend,since we are having this dinner I took the opportunity to introduce him to you and mom
so said the teenager girl to her parents,besides the hobo looking guy
Because not all cops discriminate, and of those that do they don't all discriminate based on race.
Also I never blamed black people for the violence they experience. I never mentioned violence in any of my posts as a matter of fact.
Understand that part of the statistics that state that black people are punished harsher also groups up multiple offenders and three strike laws that were pretty dominant in urban areas in the 80s and 90s.
Each judge and cop that breaks the law should be punished, but there are also loads of innocent judges and cops of a variety of backgrounds who have done no wrong and shouldn't be grouped together with their corrupt kin anymore than innocent blacks should be grouped up with their criminal kin.
>gibs only gives you enough to get by
Then how come Tyrone is able to get new Jordan's every week? The idea is to save some gibs and find a job in your new location.
>if they couldn't qualify
They can't qualify because they don't care about school. The bar is so low to where those rare few that try will make it.
>Can't take advantage of a program you know nothing about.
Ever heard of the internet? Also, there are plenty of ads and flyers in the welfare office I'm sure.
Asians were treated worse than blacks when they first started emigrating to America. But through hard work and good behavior, they got to be well respected in society. Your argument doesn't fit with that. Nor does it fit with pre-european Africa having almost no civilization.
>But being a jew shill you will continue preaching lies as long as it is profitable
>jew shill can't win an argument, resorts to name calling
Anyone with brains knows 'good' people in supposed positions of authority are the exception not the rule, and do not last for very long.
yeah, it's the bugs, not the dumbass niggers that haven't figured out bug spray
You made him up
>don't care about school
This isn't racially exclusive, however there are black people who care about school and score high enough to qualify under white standards. Low bars help no one but quota makers.
If you don't know something exists, how are you supposed to search for it? And no there aren't flyers about work programs that will move you to a different area.
Not him, but Asians were never lynched, were never prevented from learning to read, were never the subject of government experimentation were never completely barred from loans, land, and business permits. Even still them being well respected is a hindrance as the bar is higher for them than any other race.
On the second point see .
No civilization can stand without agriculture as a base.
You're either purposely being hyperbolic or are sheltered, naive, and don't know how the world works.
Bug spray wasn't figured out until WWII lol.
As soon as we try to make the rich pay taxes
They'll stir up more shits like you to distract us
Oppressing whites lol
Oop. Youve become retarded. Time to kill yourself.
You’ll get the rope first, you treasonous snake.
Okay faggots, you want a race war? Heres how:
1. Play to the fear. Most white people are scared of blacks. Find a way to stirrup and confirm these fears.
2. Mobilization of blacks. Create fake accounts touting black superiority. Encourage blacks to take what's theirs by any means necessary.
3. Know your allies. Asians hate blacks; mexicans are a mixed bag. Seek them out and you will find them. Asians perceive blacks to be lazy and stupid. They don't necessarily like whites, but they do prefer them to blacks
4. Know your enemies. Most of you think will think to the left, the media, and politicians. But blacks themselves are not examined. The black community is strong and close nit. Many black youth participate sports and spar often. Seriously reexamine them. Their not stupid monkeys.
5. Combine all these elements you have a perfect set up for a race war. The trick is getting blacks to strike first. Most whites won't mobilize, and the media definitely won't cover BoW violence. It will be up to you to record and spread the word. Use subversion to mobilize blacks; fake accounts on social media. This should unite whites together
I can end racism in 5 easy steps
1) Stay in school
2) Speak English
3) Pull your pants up
4) Get a job
5) Stop stealing shit
For the record I don't hate blacks, but you asked how to start a race war and I answered. I doubt you guys will succeed.
Long read but worth it.
Yeah, no. The shitty American culture would remain and the stratification would result in a much less steep drop as poor whites filled the gap left by blacks. We've shown you time and again how it's an America problem we have, not a nigger problem. We can show you the facts only so often before it becomes pointless and we write you off as racist, confirmation bias seeking, retards.
There exists a country with literally twice as many niggers per square mile, with a 'ghetto' similarly twice as black as the blackest Chicago or Detroit neighborhood. They have half the national murder rate of America. Even the ghetto that is Hackney has about 60% of the murder rate of the worst neighborhood in America.
We don't have a nigger problem. We have a culture problem.
Hmmmm...who think was him...?!
Please explain Americans problems further from across the ocean from your dystopian totalitarian state. You want to talk about culture? Well whatever your opinion is should be discounted when taking a look at the basket case of a country you live in. How’s brexit going and your shining democracy that respects the will of its people?