Name a better feeling than finding nudes of a girl you had a crush on in High School. I'll wait

Name a better feeling than finding nudes of a girl you had a crush on in High School. I'll wait.

>Pic related

Attached: eLAyjhB.jpg (563x552, 32K)

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Full Vid - (CANCER ADS)

Magnet - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:46cbf240fff5aa79fb1b7d9b0d1d9354cd28c47b&dn=Girls+Do+Porn%5D+E430+HD+%5B2160p%5D.mp4

Post real name

nice. A girl I went to high school with became a pornstar, did some pretty popular videos. Scenes with tushy, teensloveanal, and a few others.

Maya Grand if you're interested.

How would i go about finding them

imagine larping this hard and getting caught in the larp because you can't provide a real name

Finding nudes of your sister.


Oh shit I go to Uni with her. Her named Jasmine Sober. This is probably the greatest day in my life.

Internet died my b. Her name is Jasmine Sober. We went to a HS in oregon together.

wait no more. a better feeling is actually having sex.

Is this her?

picking my nose. grow up, retard.

I just want someone on here to recognize my ex :/

idk about that, but this is definitely her

But her url is "jasmine.sober.50"

rate my gf?

Who's your ex?

Fucking a girl that some user had a crush on.

Kik me

I actually work with her. Dale in Perth Western Australia. Vids are a bit old but she has no idea we all know.

Motherless 1CFC153 and 062F878. Fun times.

finding nudes of a milf you work with

chick i went to hs with moved to portland with her crust punk fiance, who cheated on her and dumped her, she ended up doing a few scenes for desperate amateurs (and possibly other small studios on clips4sale, but i can't find them). shit was cash when i found them.

Attached: lunareturns.mp4_snapshot_15.33_[2019.11.30_00.54.36].jpg (1280x720, 525K)

She looks like a crackhead amy schumer

my friends and i used to hack the e-mails of our high school classmates in college. our big wins were a shy girl masturbating and a popular dude's small wiener pics. the girl had surprisingly nice tits. i almost asked her to junior prom and now i regret not doing it.

what's she like?

more of her?


she's heavy into the club scene out there and is taking who knows what most nights

Attached: lun.jpg (960x846, 81K)

sucking a fat dick

Attached: lunareturns.mp4_snapshot_14.19_[2019.11.30_01.06.12].jpg (1280x720, 474K)

while you jerk off to tranny porn everynight

nice, any of her fucking?


kinda wish she did scenes with a tranny

Attached: lunareturns.mp4_snapshot_37.10_[2019.11.30_01.11.41].jpg (1280x720, 459K)

was she a slut in high school too, or a quiet girl?

Finding nudes of the dead body at the hospital morgue of a girl you liked in high school?

let me put the vids on mega real quick

Attached: Desperate Amateurs Luna PornzeXX.mp4_snapshot_22.29_[2019.11.30_01.14.28].jpg (1280x720, 450K)


can you stop samefaggoting yourself and fuck off

She was a slut after 9th grade i think. I was friends with her in 8th grade. 9th grade onwards she started dating college guys.

pic related was the town beauty queen. a friend's sister also does BBW porn, I've seen her on the front page on Pornhub several times.

Attached: th.jpg (474x266, 18K)

9th grade and dating college guys? that is both slutty and pedo of the guys

Heh nice, she did a couple hot scenes. Took a good creampie.

Attached: creamed.jpg (1366x674, 379K)

obvious larp



okay guy

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Attached: gdp.png (342x407, 350K)

Episode #?

reverse image doesn't bring anything up...

456. There's another one (and I think a solo toys video), but I don't remember it off the top of my head.

I think her first vid is 449

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Holy shit I need more of those pics of her IRL. She's actually stunning.

I grew up with a porn star name Delilah blue no lie if you send me a pic I’ll tell you her fb name

id be more willing to believe you knew her if you didnt already have autistic pics like this already put together lol

Look her up b/ros I’ll wait 10 min

I'm not that user, see?

is that supposed to be a prize? no thanks

Getting to fuck your high school crush when she's still hot.

I love finding nudes.

I’ve stolen nudes from my brothers gf, landlords wife, and my buddies gf. It’s so hot.

Went to school with Kristin and her nudes are plastered all over b

Attached: 1574956730938.jpg (1080x1160, 552K)

Suck a dick then bro she is hella fine

Attached: Delilah Blue.jpg (713x537, 101K)

got any others of her preggo?

Nice ass. She is a lame fuck though and them mosquito titties...

Still cool

Attached: 1D5E72E4-9EEE-4752-BFE7-A281BC102768.jpg (672x945, 180K)

who tf is kristin?

Her name is Kelsie Devine. Middle name is Edwards. Get BTFO atheists.

some girl on hlb
>his pic filename shows he saved the pic from here btw

she did a fourth video for this site, but i can't track it down. might have to pony up the subscription fee to get it because it looks pretty good.


Attached: gdp2.jpg (937x1171, 157K)

Think any of them suspect you?

I use to jerk to Delilah Blue all the time! What happened to her?

meant to upload pic

Attached: taralunafix.mp4_snapshot_00.41.19_[2019.11.30_01.36.28].jpg (1280x720, 471K)

in reference to

kys yourself with that nasty shit. no one cares

Still gross

Nope, I was super careful.

That site is trash. Ugly ass chicks. Cell phone amatuer vids are hotter then that shit they shoot in the super 8 in ptown


now look who's samefagging

share some?

Attached: 1568138781416.jpg (2896x2896, 538K)

My Kik is LLwife.

Pastebin - BJPUZZZS

Here is a full list of all the names we know of the GDP girls. Is this against the rules btw? Doxxing people?

>Name something better than finding nudes of a girl you had a crush on in high school

Ok, how about this?
Finding nudes of a girl you had a crush on in middle school.

My ex started "modeling" a few months after we broke up. Pic related

Attached: FA5E929C-DF03-4C9C-A9C3-F3ABA8A614ED.jpg (1024x1024, 131K)

OP is obviously a virgin.
There’s nothing better than pumping cum against a cervix wrapped in a tight pussy.

honestly not sure if you're her ex or not. i know he's a Sup Forumstard and did some sleezy shit like take nudes of her with her knowledge to try to blackmail her.

Attached: 6eb5b486-e106-4483-a9be-abe5323a480b.jpg (2100x2804, 374K)

fuck that's hot, who's on the left, her sister or friend?

Sex on acid is 9x better than any sex you will ever have.

I think she quit I haven’t seen anything new and she’s back in Cali but she does look better with her clothes on tits are better


meant to say without her knowledge

Hmm. Never tried that.

This didn't work

went to school with this pornstar..morgan

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Attached: sna08859.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

And yesterday, she “accidentally” posted that pic on Instagram. How gullible do you think we are?

had sex with a girl that was tripping one time. i was pretty drunk, but she was on another level. she accused me of trying to stab her to death mid-fuck and ran to the kitchen to get the knife i was going to kill her with. ended up trying to bring her down while she's bawling and waving a knife everywhere.

not sure if it was better or not.


Good for her

Attached: 79B74D91-9531-40AA-B22B-B6B33399FE61.gif (234x203, 629K)

hes been spamming that trash for literal years

Went to college when this sluts pics got leaked on /b

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mmm more of left?

Nicole and her fucking modeling. If I have to read this shit one more time lol.

Has this entered copypasta territory yetv

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I'm gonna need an archive link buddy.

any more?