I haven't been laid in 2 years AMA

I haven't been laid in 2 years AMA

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when was the last time you got laid

Halloween 2017

ha... last time i got pussy was in 2018@25... it been awhile and sure it sucks but im not a faggot about like you. grow the fuck up or kill yourself.

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Are you gonna post more pics?


Stick around and find out faggot

Also nice trips faggot

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Um ok maybe I will R*TARD

What's stopping you?

Currently live in shit city am at shit job and shit living conditions

Why just hop on tinder or something, if you really look that picture you could pull it off

Some of us have never been laid at all, you privileged twit.

>I haven't been laid in 2 years AMA

3 years for me. I don't do casual sex and I don't want a girlfriend. It's actually a blast not to have to give a shit.

Tinder redpill: Women only swipe Chads

In a way you incels have it better since you don't know what you're missing

Your sex drive < My sex drive I guess


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It’s a bad word >:( you fucking cunt

You think pic related has even heard of Sup Forums? It's a nude, dumbass

8 year master race checking in


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Wow thats quite the dry spell

Do you like hairy armpits?

Is it hard to pretend to be straight OP?

The last girl I fucked had hairy armpits I didn't mind


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Did you sniff them?

Lol no


Haven't gotten laid in 17 years AMA

Are u 17

mods underage

Says the hairy pit fag - you make footfags look good

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Ten years get on my level

Its been 21 years ya fuckin weed

Who cares, dude.

I don't even try to get laid.

I havent been laid in 30 years, what's sex feel like op?

oh hi casper