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24/7 magic in the air

this is so true it hurts

That's the American Liverpool fan base for sure.

I thought that guy represented the American Arsenal fan base.

Liverpool, Borussia Dortmund and Celtic - the bugmen alliance

If you think Liverpool is some Sup Forums meme lala land where you can roll around taking the piss out of your latest buzzword, think again. Somebody will soon be chewing your nose off.

>Arsenal is better than Chelsea

what is the story behind this mouth agape, dead eyes facial expression

grug easily get grugina on condition that she copulate with grog of dark skin tribe on the side
grug fine with this, grug busy playing with sticks he got from slant eye tribe anyways


It's called the soylent grin

Forgot St Pauli and Marseille for ultimate soycore.

>americans post stuff like this shit to ultras tifo and expect people to like it

Except no self-respecting American is a part of US """firms"""


the smile never reaches the eyes
it's creepy

Liverpool fans slay pussy. Pussy slays soyboys.

That nail always got my autism joggin.

>le soyboy smile meme
Back to your containment board, Sup Forums

Those 'fights' for the NY derby couple of years back were great entertainment.

>team basically founded a year earlier with fans trying to fight in the streets

You could see they were forcing themselves to get angry enough to throw a punch, but when it came down to the nitty gritty, the obvious question of "Why" came up and they were stuck in a limbo.

>b...b-because that's what ultras do! we...fight!

>Triggered Nu-Male

Why are St Pauli such a meme team for random internet faggots to support anyway? First noticed it when fags were doing FM saves with them yonks ago on here

>how do we know jesus was a scouser?

>because 2000 years on theres still complaints about how he was treated

t. Soyboy

Cool place to visit, but all this superstructure got added onto it. Chairman had sex change surgery (before becoming Chairman for clarity), and that reinforced the left leaning sentiments that are generally predominent in Hamburg, or at least that part of Hamburg

seeing this makes me realize what a shit look it is. I've been balding just like that guy from the age of 23 (bald by 23, it started at 20ish). I'm blessed with a good beard so that's what i grow. I also wear glasses. I just look like a fucking dork this pic makes me realize. It's so tiresome to have to keep adjusting my style and who i am throughout life. It's all so tiresome.

What smile? A mouth agape isnt a smile and they dont smile coz they have no confidence in their looks, or just look retarded when they do.

>The soyboy anthem

Nah there's definitely something to it.

You could always shave all your hair off and go for the skinhead look

Imagine having to wear glasses

with contact lenses and laser surgery nobody has to wear glasses anymore. they choose to.

aye st pauli are the proper soy club

Which club is the least soy?

Rangers? Leeds? Lazio? Some Balkan outfit where the fan base is made up entirely of war criminals?

Burnley aka EDL FC

partizan belgrade
some turkish outfit (galatasaray probably)
spartak varna

Arsenal are one team. So singular.

I want to know this myself.

>arsenal are

t. soyim


My vision is around -4.5. To put that in context for visual-typicals I can't read the title "Sup Forums - Sports" from my lap top without my glasses.
Laser surgery is expensive and they want you to wait until you are 25+. Contacts always make my eyes really red and bloodshot.

friendly reminder that "soyboy" is a nu-pol meme and that it even it strated in t_D

saw a documentary about serbian football fans, the partizan grobari seemed very hardcore fans

>liverpool are soy
Maybe the yank fans

they absolutely fucked up England long before the Russians got there

Except it started in /fit/, newfag

Partizan is the reddit of serbian football, Zvezda is the least soy club

Please don't tell anyone about that documentary

I've never realised how many soyboys love Liverpool until this thread.
Thank, /fit/, now I'll take my Liverpool fan mates less seriously than I already do.

That simply isn't true. zvezda/red star was/is/always will have more support in terms that if you ask a random person on the street who they cheer for. Amongst the the typical reddit (ie, people who never went to a game) crowd it would be even greater percentage. red star fans managed to work themselves in such ultra frenzy that they literally had banners complaining about why some museum isn't funded, or on some vague political points. If that's not reddit, I don't know what is.

don't redditsplain our own memes to us, asshole

Have you seen Millwall's fans? They are just like Arsenal fans except they think they're hard

I somehow don't imagine Millwall fans all being negroes

>premier league

>t. bugman

I heard it on a podcast long before it was a thing on Sup Forums or reddit.

this desu. I usually don't care about the "soyboy" meme, but the more pictures I see, the more I get creeped out by their dead eyes.

>Soccer? I LOVE soccer! Go Go Arsenal!! Yipee!

>Me in charge of not contradicting myself


>not understanding collective singular nouns

Literal communist names, communism is the official political orientation of soy.

>t. wageslave cuck

I am not aware of any other sport club from ex or current communist countries named Partizan, unlike red star/Dinamo and the like.

Having said that, I find your comment peculiar. Peculiarly stupid that is. When the communists took over in 1945 they made their own clubs and forced the ones that existed before the war either into obscurity, or history. I find the practice cruel, but perhaps more fair than what was happening with Milan/Inter/Ambrosiana or, Atletico Madrid being renamed as a club of the Airforce, I forgot the name their used. I am not aware off the top of my head, but it stands to reason that some popular German teams also got their names changed to reflect the ideology of the ruling party throughout the '30s/'40s.

To me, that is dishonest and reeks of fuckery and treachery and cowardice. If you claim that you're 'THE SHIT' and and how 'now' you are the lord of life and death in the land and how are you going to put things to right, then why do you try to acquire someone else's heritage and hard work and claim it as your own? I dislike Communists but at least when they did things, they owned it, they didn't just slap their name over some existing relic.

>Laser surgery is expensive and they want you to wait until you are 25+
That's an oversimplification, it should just stop worsening before you do it. My clinic offered it for people over 18 I think. Depending on how much of a quack your doctor is, they might not care. I did it at 23 and the doctor who did the first examination asked me what was my eyesight a year ago since it's supposed to stop worsening before you do it. I didn't really know the exact number because I was last examined much earlier. But I believed it didn't change so I said that and she was like "okay, fine, but your mileage might vary". It wasn't all that expensive. I spent 60000 rubles overall (I was making like 25000 per month). In current money that would be like a bit over a $1000, but back then it was close to $2000.


Some people can't have laser surgery, me for example.

t. Esteban Hernandez Martinez

I believe people follow the sports they grew up on. No way an American born in Seattle can say they really love EPL football. There is no way you can say you love it unironically.

British should enjoy footie, Americans enjoy NFL, Germans enjoy schiesse parties, etc etc.

what a shitty mindset

Go fully bald and get contacts. You will look better guaranteed.

>american liverpool fanbase
El goblino...


Can liverpool do i in CL?

based serb

>You have to like sports based on what you were raised on, not the sports you actually like
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

Contact lenses while working on a computer is a death sentence, my eyes would shut down before noun
