Will a Colt .45 kill me with one shot to the head (barrel-in-mouth style)? I don't want to end up a vegetable

Will a Colt .45 kill me with one shot to the head (barrel-in-mouth style)? I don't want to end up a vegetable...

Girl's name is ClarityTX

Attached: Clarity (1).jpg (1080x1231, 135K)

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The best place to position a gun for suicide is pointed directly at the head slightly above either temple

You don't even deserve death if you're worried about killing yourself, lame shit fag

Why is that the best and how do you know?

Google this, moron. There is a whole website dedicated to the best way to kill yourself. Rope, stool, and hands ziptied behind your back. You better hope no one finds you too early either, or you'll end up more retarded than you are.

Something something. Don't do it and find something to live for Sup Forumstard. If you're under 60, you have time to fix your shit.

Quick and less chance of failing

temple is a terrible place, too easy to fuck up. just look at anatomy drawings, near your temples is your eye sockets, not your brain. you can easily shoot the front of your face off, and still live


Stop looking at instathots and social media in general and learn to be alone. Go spend a few nights out in the woods alone and learn to appreciate life when you think something else is going to kill you

lmao i live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere (part of the reason I want to kms) the wilderness doesn't scare me

Then learn to be alone, get out of bfe, or go be somethings meal.

Why do you want to an hero?

I don't really want to die, I just don't see the point in living. I'm very apathetic. I know that's a sure sign of depression that I could get help for, but due to my location therapy isn't viable.

Online therapists exist

Yeah but online psychiatrists don't. No point in being evaluated when you can't even get medicine for your problems.

You don't want what they'd give you. There is a giant list of reasons you don't want SSRIs

not all problems require prescription drugs to correct. sometimes it can just be poor diet and certain nutritional deficiencies

Also, checked

like limp pp

Why not just shoot your ex and her new lover and then leave for South America instead?

I'll tell you this before I go to bed. As a diagnosed schiz who struggled with meds, Lions Mane mushroom capsules.

I'd just take whatever money you have left and buy a twelve gauge to really get the job done without a hitch... ain't like you'll be needing money after anyway.

I'll look into it, thanks

A .22 would kill you if shot in the head. So yes, a .45 will definitely kill you regardless of where in the head you shoot yourself.

There's a brightside user. I promise. Keep your chin up. Try to have a good night.

Anything that damages the brainstem. Gun in mouth usually allows the gas expansion to blossom backwards, causing catastrophic effect and destroying the brainstem. Temple is a good way to end up permanently disabled. You can find research done on close proximity gunshot wounds if you just google it.

Talk to someone first, though. At least give it a try. You might find out you have a lot to live for.

This is simply not true.

Not every depression medication is an SSRI and not everyone suffers the side effects. There's a myriad of different meds to try if one doesn't fit well for you.

This. Barrel in mouth. Dont fuck up and shoot your face off. Janitor at the school I went to back in the day fucked up and had a jacked up face.

In mouth aim at brainstem

Do you have family or friends (people you're pretty sure cares about you)?

Somewhat like this but pointed at the brain, so angled somewhat back. Otherwise you shoot out your eye balls and end up blind.
Source: Father shot himself successfully and researched that even before. Still miss that dude

Yeah but the way I see it, if I'm not around to see their suffering then they're not suffering. Kinda like the tree falling in the forest but no one to hear it scenario.

This could work, but some weird shit could happen and just leave you permanently fucked up. Source: google what a brainstem does.

Do you have anyone to talk to, m8? Have you tried talking to anyone yet?

I've tried. My entire family doesn't believe mental illness exists and thinks I'm just being dramatic. My best friend is an edgy meme lord that can't handle anything serious so whenever I try to talk to him he just says "lmao same".

Have you tried going to a councilor? I know it sounds hella lame, but sometimes it helps. If you need it, I'd chat with you. I deal w/ the same mental illness shit on the regular.

Mate there's always something to live for, even if it doesn't feel like it now.

Won’t you miss masturbating?

why not go out with a bang, make some pipe bombs and suicide bomb something you don't like. A lil' 45. in the mouth is a cowards way out.

If you are going to kill yourself. Go into the wilderness and shoot yourself in the head. Your family members don't deserve to find your body and if you fail at first, the elements will finish you.