Do you think they make out together when they masturbate?

Do you think they make out together when they masturbate?

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I hope so

Fucking kek


bump cause this is what i like

I want to see that

Is that incest or advanced fappin?

They probably do, the whores.

Would it be a threesome to have sex with them?

How do you feel about this Karen?
You could ask them yourself from your own email account.

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Do they have one pussy?

A 2.5-some, tops, maybe even a 2.25-some

I have so many questions I need answered

I recall reading that they feel their vagina at the same time. No joke. But orgasms are mental as well so not sure if they cum at the same time, probably not.

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Think of the double blowjob they could give

Grow up OP.

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given they share one vagina, yes. any sex act on one is a sex act on the other due to their shared genitals. there's no way this hasn't come up as an issue during their lifetime

So do both heads need to live for the body to survive or could one of them die and the other keep living?

god why did this happen?

Well necrosis will kill you so I would say best case serious surgery would be needed to keep the other alive.
But shock can also kill you, so it might just be double kill.

Its possible.

It would have to be a brain issue in one of the heads.

They would have to decapitate the dead head ASAP.

Now thats a fucking trauma for the surviving head. Also i read one head controls one half of the body and the others control the other. So they would be half paralyzed after the surgery. maybe the other brain would take over control. who knows....

we are one sniper shot away from finding out tho

they both have a stomach, a heart and set of lungs, although their lungs are slightly conjoined. In theory one could die, be removed, and the other could live.

i imagine they get pissed at each other for masturbating with the other being in the mood. orgasms are probably weird as fuck for them, but maybe they're cool with touching each other's nipples and whatnot. idk

imagine if one didnt like anal and the other did

they'd fight over it because the anal twin likes black guys to blow out their anus

Didn't they do porn recently?

fuckin degenerate incestuous lesbian sluts.... thats some hot degeneracy would fap

I think because they are identical genetically and have experienced the same things as each other from birth, they probably have the same fetishes.

Wouldn’t have to be a brain issue.
One had pneumonia years ago, other was totally healthy

welcome to Sup Forums we have the big brains here asking the hard questions

Nah, everyone copes differently. They have different personalities by all accounts, could be different fetiches too


i imagine that would be super traumatizing for one of them.

but like, they both have a normal sized stomach. imagine the massive dumps they take.

You could skull fuck without pulling out though, they can take turns breathing

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What if one of them breaks the law. Do they both go to jail?

like one is a klepto and the other isn't?

I suppose they would have gone through several development phases where they would have tried to establish their own identity, so it is possible.

when they masturbate, is it considered incest because they're also fingering their sister?

they have double the hormones running through their body so i imagine they're horny as fuck

I would assume if one was brain dead then their heart wud still keep that tissue alive. But I don't see how one could die and the other Stay alive as they share one body.

i wonder if they RPS for who has to wipe their ass

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depends on which side the roll is on

LMAO my dude got ONE of them circumsiced???

No it's obviously being choked out by the skin on the left. Left one gets hard right one gets mostly hard

What will happen if one dies before the other would they cut the dead head or would they both die

I don't really think they could even have avoided it. Just getting dressed they must smash lip occasionally.
Thrashing around while cumming, that would just be automatic. Imagine two heads with one vagoo, one ass, one set of titties. All the sensations one feels the other feels. They probably have different things they like, and have to negotiate and tolerate each other's kinks.
But that first time, the first time they tingled and reached down to explore and fumble one off, they shared sly looks and giggled.

Do you think they brush each other's hair?

I kept seeing this fucking cursed image and finally remebered where i saw it.
makes sense tho'

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Well, there are many physiological features of arousal and orgasm. The swelling, slickening, and deepening of the vagina has got to induce lust, so when one of them is horny, the other is sucked into it.
I imagine the progressive physical responses of increased arousal and to orgasm's spasms are pretty orgasm inducing. I mean, if your dick tumesces, oozes precum, starts throbbing, and the orgasmic contractions and sensations happen to you, you're gonna feel it. You're cumming if the other head on you is masturbating to orgasm, and that's just the way it is.

just imaging one of them cumming while the other is asleep

What happens if I kill one of them do they just cut off the head or some other shit?

JFC. Fapping would be too much work. I approve circumcizing one and not the other though. Science!
Probably gets a lot more anal too.

Hmm, I think they do. They are the holy grail of "strange" for me. Wish I stick my dick in their one pussy. Wonder if one reacts more than the other. How fuckin' wild would that be to be pumping that and seeing their two orgasm faces. Whoa! Need to put the bong away and go to bed.

No, it's incest rape. Don't take that away from me.

>Now thats a fucking trauma for the surviving head

I'd be down instantly to fuck them. I'd love to see how they react, how hard they throw that ass back, who's enjoying it more/who's more embarrassed, if they both like to swallow, if they squirt. I'm super into knowing how their body works during sex

So, you'd treat one of nice, treat her like a princess, but slap the other head, degrade her, treat her like a dog.
One you'd tenderly make love to, the other you'd violently rape.
JFC. My mind is full of fuck.

Nah, you dominate them by treating them exactly the same, maybe even just looking between their heads and saying shit like 'You're a good little girl' or being a mean Dom.

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Fuck yourself.

They'd nail the other one for aiding and abetting. So yeah they'd both go to jail.

Hmmmm...who think was him...?!

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Breh what is with 4chin and the obsession with “blacked”. I get it’s a meme but it’s not funny, and any of that shit poisons your mentality until you actually fap to cuckporn if you don’t already. I bet that mental image was your first thought you sad pitiful faggot

get a fucking life

Imagine one really likes facials and two hates them so turns away to shield her face. Whoops I missed sorry I got it all in your hair number 2. Okay time to cuddle you can clean it up later.

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I think a lot of it is because Sup Forums hates racemixing and it spills over.

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