I've asked out over 100 girls, and been rejected by all of them

I've asked out over 100 girls, and been rejected by all of them.

Ask me anything.

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You're batting 1.000 bro, that's perfect run.

why havent you given up



I have a different problem. I get dates, but have never ever gotten a 2nd date. I get dates from girls who work under me. At work, it seems they all like me, but once we go out, I don't know if I change somehow, if I'm too nice or too silly, but they definitely look at me different outside of work and from that point on.

why not quit? fuck letting a stupid bitch judge you.

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Because for some reason I keep telling myself 'next one will be the one', even though I know deep down it won't happen.

show us face body and dick

just by the numbers you should have been at least semi successful...

you sound like a gambling addict. have you tried gambling yet?

No one asks out. The only way to be together with a girl is through circumstantial proximity (i.e., same school, same office, same group of friends).

girls don't respond to 1960's going out for a date unless you are an 8 or 9.

Now, after you get to spend time together as a group then they might develop interest and be willing to go out with you - but by then you already know it's a score because you have been texting or talking a lot more.

They are very transparent - if they are interested you will know.

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This IS gambling user.

But losing doesn't cost me money, only my self esteem, and will to live.

heh, pathetic
come back when you've been rejected over 9000 times

Would a bachelors in IS get me a good job? Would it fuck me in the long run?

College is a meme. If you want a good job, learn a trade.

What’s your process?

I asked out 25, I got 2 dates, now I have a cute asian gf.
It works. You just have to get the technique down.

Probably did the same when i was 20-25 but now as 35 i gave up trying to get a gf because i know it wont happen xD
Anyway gl

What if I said no to the trade? Then what.

Was there one so attractive you couldnt give up at first?

Asking people out still happens. Saw a cute girl in the drivetheough the other day, said "Hey, you're really cute, can I have your number?" She giggled (was obviously flattered) and said she had a boyfriend. But coulda happened.