Any body growing weed ATM?

Any body growing weed ATM?

What is this on my bottom leaf? I'm worried it could be mites or bugs

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look on the underside of your leaves and see if you see tiny specs that look like "dirt" crawling around, looks like spider mite damage

I can't answer your question but I have one of my own, I want to start growing weed but where do you hide that shit were it can still get sunlight?

in the middle of a random forest area where there is a random open patch

Spray it for bugs, problem solved

Another one, same plant

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Shit I think it's mites then.. suggestions? If this plant has it do my other 2 have it?? Should I just get rid of it?

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You control how big you want your plant. You can train it to grow inside of an old computer rig with the fan as the cooling system

2 spotted spider mites op. Get some bug-b-gone and try that first or wipe them off repeatedly with a damp paper towel and pay careful attention to get their little eggs. They will look like tiny white spots right along the veins on the underside of the leaves

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lost coast plant therapy at recommended dose. spray 5 times every other day and watch the problem "disappear"

It's mites but not too bad, the yellowing at the tip is burn from too many nutrients, you need to flush the plant out with water for a few days , and everything should be fine

Woah! Sweet grow house man. I'm literally lvl 1 growing bag seed just trying it out. So far I've really liked it. I'm using Fox Farm ocean forest and 4 100w cfl bulbs and a tiny 65w led grow bulb. Am I missing anything? I know as far as genetics go bag seed will always be limited, but I wanted to successfully grow some mean Reggie before I stepped up to growing dank. Anything advice would be appreciated. I also water with aquafina bottled water and sometimes distilled. I could use a second opinion on my pic related. Can you confirm it's a girl?

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its the opposite he actually has an N deficiency you can see the lower leaves yellowing

feed it 1-2 grams of vegbloom shine, top it and or/ supercrop and you will confirm pistils or not before flower

do not fucking listen to this guy you're spraying poison on your plants buy lost coast

Is there a "free" option?

That's good to hear. I just started by sprouting some bagseed in a paper towel and didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Their first transplant from the paper towel was into miracle grow and I didn't realize how bad it was until it was too late. Their in 1 gallon pots with fox Farm ocean now, and I think their finally flushing the MG out.

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Look at the books where the branches/leaves come out of the stem and you will see a postal or a small ball that is a pollen sack. Most likely if it’s bag seed it will have come from a hermaphrodite plant and they produce all female seeds. You won’t be able to tell the sex for a while until the branches start erratically growing from the main stem instead of being matched pairs coming out at 90• . I’ll try and give you some pointers here, just beat with me making shorter responses

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Fucking how? That sounds cool as fuck! How would it get light?

no if you do not take care of mites they will annihilate your garden i've spent so much money on various products and it's the only thing that will really wipe them out indoors aside from green cleaner but that burns

Looks like aphids. Mix Ivory soap with water in a spray bottle and spray lightly daily.

No clue man. You can grow a plant 7 in high and make it bud apparently. I'm paraphrasing but pic related looks pretty legit if you ask me

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where on earth are you getting aphid damage from that's entirely different

dont waste time growing like that you need a tent at minimum and a room if you're a serious grower and dont waste your time with LEDs for flowering get HPS or CMH unless you spend a fortune on LEDs the yield will be trash

Books, not books. Order up yourself a TDS pen to measure the strength of you nutrient solution and a ph test strip kit to set a correct ph so your plants can absorb the food you give them

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Thank you thank you. This was the low cost effective method I was looking for. Should I do any preventative for my other plants? The problem plant is now separated but it's still in the same grow space. How easy do they jump from plant to plant?

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I keep reading a lot that conflicts with that. I see YouTube vids with people using CFLs with really good autoflowering strains and soil. But, I know bud can LOOK good but smoke like shit, what did you run on your setup? I'm looking to take care of 3 plants max

im sorry but if you don't do what i told you your garden will be dead in a week, two max. a 30$ bottle of lost coast will last you multiple grows sprayed near daily on your size. good luck.

>he doesn't use living soil

Thank you friend! I like that girl poking her head out back there! Can we get a pic??

read and watch what you want but i have much more experience than most of these people.

Fucking autocorrect piece of Shit. The nooks where the branches come off the stem. Females will have small white hairlike pistals coming out of little triangular pods. The males will be round or look like a bananna

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Is it really that bad? My other plants don't show any signs...40 bucks is kind of steep for the overall expectation. This is just like a trial run for me but if you really recommend it I could try it. What is it?

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>what did you run on your setup?

multiple lights, the value of my units are minimal 22 in state.

It’s gorilla glue #4.

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if you don't take care of them you will notice those speckles multiply, your plants will dramatically slow down growing, the damage will spread until your plant looks dry and crispy as hell and finally dies. they will become apparent when you see them making these fine webs on your plant.

Care to explain? Pic related came form "cfl grow yield" in Google. Ain't trying to argue, just really want to hear your input

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I’m doing one plant just now and monitor it with a web cam when I’m working light is off just now so night vision

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Just wipe them off daily and you’ll be fine bro. If you only have a couple small plants then you can easily completely cover then and squish any adult mite you see. It isn’t rocket science and for the time involved you can easily knock them down by hand

>Just wipe them off daily and you’ll be fine bro

i'm dead in laughter hahahahahahaha

Ok. Ok. Sold. I'm making a newer, updated grocery list and that will be on it. Come January I want to build a new setup with fancy autoflower seeds and plant during the appropriate season.Ever heard of Mychorrizea? Is that something worth getting?

Pic related is another CFL bulb grow. Is it true that lights are based more on grow space?

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Ivory works on mites too. Just google it.

yield is determined predominately by wattage despite what anyone tells you. if I crammed 600 watts of CFLs into a grow space and flooded it with plants i would probably get an alright yield but i would much rather buy a gavita and run it at 600 watts over that. there's a reason you don't see serious growers growing that way, it's amateur bullshit. i'm sure the heat is worse too.

looks like mites check the bottom of the leaves and dont listen to anyone saying to use natural pesticides like neem oil that shit doesnt work its time to get in some proctor and gambols hard core all chemical pesticide

it does but he's gonna need something more brutal than that if he's dealing with two spotted. it'll knock them down but not wipe them out.

>has to spray poison to battle mites

please stop growing hahahahahahahaha

Think what you want but it will work just fine. There’s no need for him to track down chemicals and pesticides with a tiny experiment. I grow and run licences facilities and am fully aware of all the options available. There’s a million ways to skin a cat and he doesn’t need anything fancy for what he has

let the mites naturalise the leaves

i grow weed year round and trust me, it will NOT work hahahahahaha. "chemicals and pesticides", if your garden has 0 IPM it's a joke, there's nothing toxic about spraying many of the aforementioned sprays like Lost Coast, but if you follow what these idiots tell you and spray Proctor and Gambol and Bug B Gon, I bet these morons would spray Eagle 20 and drench their plants with Phosphoload and Avid

Most soilless mix has micorizhae added and it’s a naturally occurring soil fungus. If your interested look up the Harvard recipe for compost tea and you can make your own mix of organic additive that will have soil fungus and bacteria and it’s cheap. You’ll probably want to figure out what medium you want to grow in and then tailor your tea to suit the medium for the most benefits.

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nobody running a licensed facility that is succeeding would tell you that having no IPM is acceptable, dude is a liar

also those things indoors will just eat a few and fly into your grow lights, if you're using predators you need something like P Persimilis

why spend more money on predator bugs than spray something that burns the skin off mites and smothers them and does nothing to your plants (lost coast)

I only want to grow once per year to have enough for me. I smoke maybe 1-2 oz a month, and I'm buying land soon. When I move part of what I've always wanted was a green house so I can grow weed. I've successfully grown psylocibe mushrooms so I thought weed would be similar. Can anyone do the math on how many plants I would need to grow per season?

2 oz a month is 24 oz a year which means you need to yield one and a half units and at your skill level that will take you probably at least 1500 actual watts of light to do it in one round

What is IPMOp here. I read their label and what not and it seems like good stuff. Do you run any water additives like kelp solution or do you just run plain water?

Seriously any help is appreciated.

They half ass work or you can find predator mites. Just squish the little shits, they have a pretty short reproductive cycle depending on how hot it is where they are. If you go over them daily you will probably have them all killed within 1-2 weeks. It’s quick and simple and will most likely solve your problem. The little fuckers can hide down in your dirt and if it continues being a problem then I’d look into a cheap spray to help. If your only experimenting and what not it’s all learning experience and don’t get discouraged. It’s just another skill set you can learn and a fun hobby you can enjoy. Also I’d go on IC mag or one of the decent mj forums and just search through threads there for advice. Everyone has their own way of doing thing and it’s just farming when you really get down to it and we are growing a weed

That's amazing that you can tell me how much watts it would take for me to get my desired product! I'm looking to spend around 500 come January. Could you translate that into how many plants I need and how many lights? I'm a brainlet man and ultra new at this so you do have to explain it like I'm 5

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want to grow easy and see nice plants?

run coco, use vegbloom base, vegbloom shine, a small amount of silica, calmag @ 3 ml/ gallon. work your way up to 5 grams of base / gallon, 1 gram shine / gallon to late veg, keep til mid flower, then cut base in half and double the shine.

make your own tea and add it to your feed once or twice a week, you want something with mycos, bacteria, kelp, sugars, humic acid, alfalfa, amino acids, and other goodies. despite what anyone tells you, you can overfeed organics too so be careful adding too much.

since you're in soil it'll be different you can use the soil version of the vegbloom base. i don't grow in soil anymore except outdoors, i hate it inside. inside i'd just use the Earth Juice line or Greengro for the main food.

congrats i saved you an assload of work

If you want to grow in a greenhouse your yield will depend on the size of your plants and genetics. You could whip up a simple 20x20 or 20x40 out of pvc pipe and hardware store plastic and built a rudimentary set up for less than $400. I’m not sure what construction supplies cost as I’m in Canada and I’m assuming your in the states. If you get a plant 5-6’ tall and around that wide you should easily get a pound dry in a greenhouse. You could look up making a blackout set up and manually control their light cycle and get a couple crops per summer out of it and supply all your needs

Kill yourself faggot

also get a bottle of primordial solutions Seagreen that is nice stuff to have on hand

or just do a foliar spray with some dr bronners peppermint soap followed by water every other day
get some azamax or sns203 if you have cash

if you hit 1 gram per watt or more you're doing well.

if you hit .5 gram+ you did "acceptable".

generally noobies should be happy if they hit .5g+.

you would not hit anywhere near that number or get that great of quality with plants with bug infestations

you could in theory grow 40 plants under a light or 1 large one. you're trying to maximize the space taken up with as many tops getting as close to the light as possible without burning and avoiding growing a bunch of popcorn nugs underneath

Azamax is fucking garbage and will do absolutely nothing but piss off the mites and give you a headache

also they pulled that trash off WA and OR because labs found it had Bifenthrin

Hey you Americans able to get Stella maris down there? Just curious if that’s avalible across the line, remco and most of the food suppliers use it as their base for any of their kelp/ b vitamin additives. It’s the most concentrated form I’ve found so far and takes 10-25ml for 100 gal of solution and costs $156 for a 10l jug

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i'd say a green house operation is as much or slightly more expensive than a tent. a startup i'd say for anything worth your time is 800-1000$+

Cyber Monday is coming up. Can you take a screenshot of the best and most ideal light for 1-3 plants?

Is this one good?

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Kill yourself faggot

I'm sorry bud, theres plenty of gay porn threads if you're not satisfied with weed threads

you would be VERY happy running a 315 your first grow. i'd say you can yield up to a pound in those things max but the bud quality is max with that light. the only negative compared to HPS is that the light doesn't penetrate as hard so unless you train em good the yield is slightly less.

it is absolutely the best veg light on the market hands down.

also make sure it has the Philips 315w 3100k for flower

if you want to create the most potent weed strain you have to think like the weed plant.
Put bugs on and in the soil
a lot of dead bugs on and in the soil
Also some meat.
Ground meat. mix that shit with dirt.
ADD SALT TO SOIL. ADD ripe fruits into soil

800?! How?! Care to itemize? I was hoping a hybrid sun/indoor light would help cut cost. Is that not a good idea? I wanted to give the 10 hours of sunlight and 6 hours of normal CFL lights.

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Those are ok. If you can find a simple digital 600watt high pressure sodium bulb/ballast/shade kit set up for 120v i’d recommend that. It’s a cheap set up and you’ll get lots of light and a good spectrum for flowing. You can plug it into a wall timer in your house without any complicated wiring and it does an honest days work

Call the strain Vanilla BBC
Let them smoke a fucking crystal as a sample for free
will you even get it sold?

Can I just type in 600w hps and then just pick one? I get worried because I keep reading that you can't just "buy" lights. I'm worried about spectrums or available nanometers and all the other shit I don't understand. I came here for someone to be direct about what to buy for some autoflower seeds

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The radioactive cannabinoids superheat so no smoking is needed as long as there is water

Plant it in natural clay and add a kilo of sugar

RE:The mushrooms
put them under the lamp.
let them dry from the sun

Don’t worry about all the spec’s and such user. Your not trying to land someone on the moon and pretty much any of the digital set ups are good enough for what you are trying to do. Spend some money on a decent fan and temperature control and a carbon filter and keep the environment as ideal as you can for them and they will make you lots of flowers.

Why won't these cheap ass ones work? It says it has the wattage. Look at the price difference

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Also go on amazon and order up a tds pen and ph strips or a pen. That’s going to be critical for you to accurately mix your food and set your ph to the correct levels instead of guessing and always chasing your tail trying to figure out problems

if you're going to recommend a 600 watt HPS i'd rather go with a 630 DE CMH over that, i hate that single ended air cooled crap

What do you mean mix your food? The only thing I'm adding is water...

Also, is this light any good for 2 plants?

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Spidermites my guy, dilute some washing liquid in water and spray the bottom leaves, the bugs eat the leaves and die, will save the crop if not too late

Those led’s use low or medium energy drivers and they are snake oil. I’m actually just about to start testing on a new led set up that’s 630 watts and will retail for $1400 Canadian to give you an idea as to what a professional greenhouse led costs. I’d highly recommend not wasting your money on them, you will not be happy with the results bs the money you spent.

try adding mango into the soil
try plastic
try hitlers feces
try your own feces
feed them with your piss
try that cheap hash you knoe is fake. add that into the soil.
Try ketchup
try chili powder into the soil to taste

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the blurple LEDs are snake oil for flowering plants

That’s all good too but I’m just thinking something cheap and simple to get him rolling. Any high intensity lamp will be all good though vs the cheap led kits out there. The climate control and accurately knowing what he’s putting in them would probably net the best returns for what he’s shooting for imo

No they are crap

Man maybe I'm not ready for this. Here was my plan.

>Establish grow area in backyard of my new home
>Dig out soil and replace with fox Farm product
Create a blackout tent around area
>Buy autoflower seeds
>Transplant into blackout are
>Buy lights to supplement more vegetative growth

And that's all I know. What's my plan missing?

Right now I'm just growing bagseed in foxfsrm soil and giving it open window sunlight and cfl at night

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Your going in the oven first bud

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feed them with inferior drugs
This plant will create DMT and DET when smoked:
eggs into clay soil. no beef. beef.
I want to make a strain called Glitch
Glitch: Add mouth wash with flouride in it
to clay soil. add ketchup and grow mushrooms on the rotten wood that you place beneath the plant. smear that shit.
more coming

What am I supposed to be "feeding" my plants though? That kelp solution stuff?

Can someone help me start growing? I dont want anything that large scale, just enough to cover one user if he smoke once a week or so.


Horse killer: feed one plant with coca cola instead of water
Fobia: Spit on the soil every time you spit.
shit in the dirt
Put leaves on it

Info: pour vodka in the dirt. mix. Grow.
Google: Add pig blood and flour to soil
Wizard: Burn the stem of the half grown plant