BURP Morty god isn't real BURP Morty

>BURP Morty god isn't real BURP Morty
>Jeez Rick back to the future scifi thing science
>Morty MORTY stutter MORTY our fans fourth wall
>MORTY burp Rick god isn't real

Was this episode kino?

This triggers the Sup Forumstard

How was middle school today, user? Are you going to start working on your homework? :)

7 minutes and theres already 2 triggered redditards


By Reddit, for Reddit.

Out of all the other religions, Christians are the biggest crybabies of the bunch. They make up around 84% of the United States, but still will always bitch and fucking moan about how oppressed they are. They are happy to shit over everybody else's viewpoints, but if you ever dare criticize Christianity, you will be accused of being "disrespectful".

Christians love to abuse other people's space and privacy, it's their favored past time, so when the Internet was invented they boarded the Jesus train to dialup to begin their cyber Manifest Destiny of shitty propaganda. Since these times, more and more religious Christ zealots find their way online to secure God's position firmly on its grounds. These types of people inhabit almost every conceivable community that makes up the web and constantly through the day/night some asshole is quoting the bible somewhere in an effort to smite some e-foe. Luckily, Christians make up a large pool of easily trolled targets because if the Internet has taught us anything it's that everyone is a hypocrite. It's only fitting that the people who spend most of their time telling others how to live would be the most raging hypocrites out there. This trusty flaw results in massive ruin and has been a staple of dramatic events throughout history. E-Christians (aka Christfags) are no different from their offline counterparts, however, their large numbers and gestapo sects do not translate in any way online. They are weak cry-baby carebears who quit the Internet forever at the drop of their hat.



snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but oh yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yesss

Jesus, the redditors are out in full force, don't you have your intelligent, nihilistic show to watch?

>it's a Sup Forums pretends not to like rick and morty because of le ebin trolling episode

be warned, redditors, my Sup Forumsrothers and i will show up to every thread where you try to discuss your show

go back from whence you came


>Out of all the other religions, Atheists are the biggest crybabies of the bunch. They make up around 84% of the United States, but still will always bitch and fucking moan about how oppressed they are. They are happy to shit over everybody else's viewpoints, but if you ever dare criticize Atheism, you will be accused of being "sheeple".
>Atheists love to abuse other people's space and privacy, it's their favored past time, so when the Internet was invented they boarded the Fedora train to dialup to begin their cyber Manifest Destiny of shitty propaganda. Since these times, more and more enlightened fedora-wearing atheists find their way online to secure that everyone knows they are superior. These types of people inhabit almost every conceivable community that makes up the web and constantly through the day/night some asshole is tipping his fedora somewhere in an effort to smite some e-foe. Luckily, Atheists make up a large pool of easily trolled targets because if the Internet has taught us anything it's that everyone is a hypocrite. It's only fitting that the people who spend most of their time telling others how to live would be the most raging hypocrites out there. This trusty flaw results in massive ruin and has been a staple of dramatic events throughout history. Keyboard warriors (aka Fedoras) are no different from their offline counterparts, however, their large numbers and katana collectionists groups do not translate in any way online. They are weak fedora-tipping fat fucks who quit the Internet forever at the tip of their fedora.

Fuck off, we seriously hate reddit and memey and we will NOT tolerate it on our board

It's a Sup Forums containment board breach episode



You can tell the episode was written by women
Everything was derivative

So when is that copypasta fag that gets BTFO in every thread going to show up?

Atheism isn't a religion...



Give one solid criticism of Atheism that isn't about fedoras, feels or memes and explain to me how it is not the moat honest position to hold as a non-autistic human being who has never left Earth in literally any real or meaningful capacity?


>ITT Sup Forums gets triggered
Does this tattoo make you feel uncomfortable, alt right pussies?


>people have this photo downloaded on their computers just to get angry at it.

didn't you hear user? anger is a gift

Anyone else here like the show and just doesn't give a fuck if reddit users like it?

I know right, I just dont give le fuck ~xD


it's kind of sad really... all you people want is to piss people off, but you're so bad at it that it never actually happens

I don't even care about Reddit. It's such a low hanging insult that it doesn't mean anything now. I'm bot ashamed to go on there, Sup Forums doesn't offer any sort of updoots for being contrarian and edgy, so I hope some of you faggots get paid. I've been here for nearly 7 years and I don't give a single fuck if you know I go to Reddit or not, like most people already do and pretend otherwise.

Nobody who isn't retarded wants to be proud that they come here.


t. Redditor


surely those r*dditors would never understand sophisticated humour like us channers have here. why, we practically invented the meme as we know it today!


If your criteria is anyone who goes and posts on Reddit at least once, sure. I usually just mod cringe boards there.

>nobody does both
Would you drop a kidney stone if I told you I have an Imgur account too?


He can't read. He just recognizes words like reddit in blocks of text and posts random images from his "reddit reactions" folder in response.

Reddit should be a wordfilter that results in a instaban. You people are insufferable.

>lol christianity
>lol atheism
I think the pasta is more accurate this way.

>edgy quote
>Ayn Rand shit
wow I hate everything about it, thank you.

I love these threads




>tips guy fawkes mask

what did he mean by this?

> see this
do you go in?

I have to laugh every time I see somebody criticizing great television shows made for us normal people who actually leave our house to interact with other normal people. Fuck these autist cunts in their fedora-wearing asses. It's like some unwritten rule in their pathetic notebook that they have to be miserable at everything, that the world is "shit" and everything they hear or see is "shit" and the agenda of everyone is "shit".

We get it. We watched that South Park episode, too. You have Asperger's Syndrome. Now drink some whisky, lighten the fuck up and seek help for it. You're not the only one in that boat, bucko.

WE rule this board, now. WE decide who's cool and who's not. You rock spiders clinging to the Sup Forums of the past? The ones that yearn for Bela Tarr marathons while you lick Dorito crumbs off of your fingers and weep for "being born in the wrong generation"? You're archaic. You're ancient fucking history. You've been left behind.

Come out of your basement, you cave-dwellers. Come and celebrate the new millennium by watching Rick & Morty with the rest of us. It's the present year and we have cake. Even though it's a lie.

>paying out the ass for alcohol in a loud shitty environment

he meant that he will never reach the level of intellectual euphoria that you exist on

>Don't drink to celebrate life
Doesn't sound very fun in there

>Don't drink to celebrate life
who said that?

Some of us like interacting with other people to remind ourselves that we are alive.

Good lord ahahaha

easy way to spot a moron

>r-reddit isn't sh-shit guys!
t. Reddit

what is there to even do at a bar? Is it just some place to go with friends when you dont want them in your house?

>'SCHWIFTY' Rick exclaimed as he once again disproved the existence of God, and the bastion Reddit howled with unanimous and simultaneous laughter, though it was disconcerted, disharmonious, and, as one observer dared to claim, confused and artificial.

Quote me where I said that was the only way to interact...

Question for atheists. How does it feel knowing your entire 'movement' was brought down by some pictures of a fat guy with a hat?

Fact: Tim Kauffman is the worst writer the show has.

ok, you said
>Some of us like interacting with other people
after the guy said he didn't like bars, which implies that you think bars are the only way to interact with other people... dumbass

>implying they aren't all fat guys with a hat

Cocaine smoking is fun, does that mean you should do it? In the middle of an RPG I thought it would be fun to get up and pull down my trousers and take a fat fucking shit all over the gaming table, burying my friend's miniatures under a torrent of fecal matter. That would have been amazingly fun! But did I do it? No. because "fun" is the reasoning of a fucking child. If you base whether or not you do something off of whether or not it is "fun" then you are a mental infant who is not fit to live in adult society.

Similarly, when you do things in an RPG because they are "fun" you are being a fucking asshole. "Well I'm going to destroy the believably of this campaign by letting Jonathan fly to the goddamn moon on his Jump check because he got a NATuRAL TWENTY and if anything else happens, well, that would be against the spirit of the game, which is to have FUN, right guys? Even if we are fucking over the entire story and destroying the point of playing an RPG, it's okay, because as long as we are having FUN with it, that makes it a good thing, right?"

That is what you sound like.

How does it feel knowing that I can kick your ass?

...no, that isn't how language works. It wasn't an absolute, it didn't qualify as an absolute in the slightest. I never said "in every and all cases" you illiterate faglord.

oh man lol you people trying to be clever is simultaneously the best and worst thing i've ever read

Wew, pretty defeated honestly, I am re-converting at my local Catholic church right now!


>Out of all the other religions, Christians are the biggest crybabies of the bunch
>Meanwhile, muslims kill you if you insult muhammad

This is why everyone hates you, reddit.

it's like this, you mouthbreathing dipshit

guy 1: i don't like sea food
guy 1: yeah i know, i didn't say i didn't like any food
guy 1: you basically did when you reacted that way to me only expressing a dislike for sea food

>Rick says "God's not real" literally one time in the whole show
>it's an entirely a joke after he prayed to God so he wouldn't die.
>treat it like that's the premise of the cartoon and as if it's genociding Christians

You're the reason why people think Christianity is the biggest pussy of religion.

This is extremely autistic and wrong.

stay mad, atheists

Not him but I guarantee your IQ is below average. You can't even understand the simple logic behind the implication you made.

Fuck off we're full, bathe your genitals in hot oil somewhere else.

>Christians fuck a lot
Yeah, great? Contribute more to overpopulation and increasing the divorce and broken home rates...you must be very proud.

Yes GOY, don't reproduce, also make sure to import more Brown people to breed with your women.

I get what he thinks he is saying, it is just fucking wrong.

What is wrong with you, samefag? Saying that you don't enjoy one thing does not imply an absolute in all things...in all cases. Christ why do I bother with illiterate kids?

Christ this board is fucking awful

Thanks for the info, Sup Forums

Why do Christians love shitskins so much?

>he fell for the overpopulation meme
>he doesn't know atheists have the most unstable marriages out of all religious opinions

So on one hand you see this as a problem but on the other you celebrate it because those brown people are religious?

Your movement got killed by a hat and a fucking banana, so I wouldn't be talking.


>he fell for the overpopulation meme
It isn't a meme, unless you are stupid
>he doesn't know atheists have the most unstable marriages out of all religious opinions
Lol no. Is this chart supposed to be evidence of that? Please, tell us where you got it.

>Ray Comfort being wrong about genetically modified bananas
>destroyed Atheism
Kek, okay

>this dumb Christfag "atheists divorce more" meme.
It gets debunked constantly

I was referring to The Amazing Atheist.

He's talking about The Amazing Atheist shoving a banana up his ass, thinking for some reason that most atheists give a shit about this saint veneration mentality

He's autistic, even as an atheist, I find him repugnant.

>implying he isn't looking for (yous)

Then explain why all the school shooters are atheists? Atheists have no sense of morals.