What’s the most disturbing film Sup Forums has watched.
Doesn’t have to be gore, horror, or any specific genre. Just something that made you really uncomfortable to watch.
What’s the most disturbing film Sup Forums has watched.
Doesn’t have to be gore, horror, or any specific genre. Just something that made you really uncomfortable to watch.
A Serbian Film, followed by The Human Centipede movies. The most fun of those movies was the first Human Centipede, though.
silent hill
What’s that one cowboy and Indian movie that came out not too long ago
People getting scalped and shit
And you like see it and stuff
Can’t remember the damn name
blair witch
>What’s the most disturbing film Sup Forums has watched.
Cory Chase' first BLACKED scene
I can agree to that.
What about it made you feel uneasy? It’s just a standard horror with creepy imagery.
What specifically made you feel uncomfortable watching it?
Bone Tomahawk i guess.
Bondage Game
What’s this film about. I know user said something about cowboys and Indians and scalping. Is there more to it?
Just looked it up. Hentai? I think Euphoria is more disturbing than that.
Angst (1983)
I have also seen euphoria; I deem it less disturbing as I was still able to jack off to it.
Ohh yeahhhh
I think so
have you seen anything more disturbing than Bondage Game?
I fucking love that shit and need more wanking material
Agreed. I looked it up and it seems really hot.
Bad Boy Bubby
Anybody Oz or NZ will agree.
Watch and post thoughts.
Will change your perception on all that is good in this world.
I’m about t watch Serbian film.
You watch BBB and we’ll talk later ok?
Well you have to admit that Flo is indeed, a sexy woman
Cat be dead
The Grifter
Watch Once were Warriors or cook me some eggs.
You're not wrong there Cobber!
gummo comes to mind but I enjoy that movie
the killing of a sacred deer was pretty fucked, cannibal holocaust is kinda disturbing too but not to the extent its made out to be
as far as uncomfortable, climax really gave me a lot of anxiety and reminded me of a bad trip
antichrist is another solid disturbing movie
and kids makes me super uncomfortable just for the realism of it
damn that was a strange one, good choice
bone tomahawk is about a particularly savage and inhuman clan of native americans
the premise is fucked up but the way the movie builds and where it goes is really where it shines. some good brutality
Mulholland Drive
Martyr, not the shit remake, the original French film, great movie but fucking difficult watch.
Came to post this one kek
Deets on the film?
it would have been straight faster to google the name than to reply to three posts.
Came here to post these.
never seen it but it's one of those goto edgy movies that people love to act like they enjoyed so I'm not especially compelled to watch it either
like a Serbian film
Did look it up. Seems no different from your average hardcore bdsm porn based on the description.
Original french version of Martyrs
The long time captive with the restraints bolted into her skull haunted me for a good while
Serbian Movie was ok, but real hurtcore and other darkweb shit had me desensitized already before I watched it
Hostel part 2
A Serbian film itself is shit. Yea a lot of disturbing shit in it. To me the most disturbing parts where they take out all of some bitch’s teeth and then rape her mouth. And the ending scene where a father fucks his child son while his brother fucks his wife.
Also anything from Lars von Trier, especially Antichrist
That is NOT a movie to watch for date night
Seems interesting. This is on my list with Salo, and bad boy bubby.
Easy win for anti-christ. That movie was fucked.
Interesting fact. Willem Dafoes dick is apparently so comedically big they had to get a stand in.
Dont even mention that shit. My friend went crazy and killed himself after watching that shit.
You it's are all pussies. All you care about is gore and violence. Watch tideland and cry you dumb faggots.
Wow did you play polybius too?!?
He actually gets annoyed when people talk to him about his horse cock.
Bad Boy Bubby isn't that good, only disturbing part is abuse of a live cat, the rest is meh for today's standards
Salo is a classic though, I suggest having a bowl of chocolate pudding during the feces scenes
>That movie was fucked
Speaking of fucked: Nyphomaniac by Lars von Trier is pretty fun
torture porn then? just gratuitous violence? yeah that shouldn't count, I want a really fucked up story that gets me psychologically too
yeah antichrist is fucking sick. you made me miss my ex though because she was actually a big fan of his movies too :(
ichi the killer just came to mind. wacky movie with some really sick scenes
Actual Dafoe spotted
Big fan, loved your portrayal of Green Goblin
nymphomaniac is tons of fun. basically just porn with a depressing backstory
Easily cannibal holocaust
A Serbian Film
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
Slow Torture Puke Chamber
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
A serbian film is the only answer that is correct
Another Serbian film (not a sequel) is The Life and Death of a Porno Gang. Very scary, disgusting movie.
u think the teeth scene is worse than the woman giving birth and the guy fucks it as its coming out the womb
Well it’s about a porn actor that gets offered a role in a indie porn movie. And he isn’t to sure at first but decided to go for it. And it first it starts off with him fucking a young girl, and then the scenes get more graphic and more violent. And he is being drugged and pretty much hypnotized to do it. In the end after fucking his son, he, the wife, and son lay in bed and he lines them up with him and kills them and himself with a shot. Ending scene shows men go in 1 with a video camera and one man starts taking off his clothes (implying to do some necrophilia) and the movies goes to credits.
Need to watch antichrist.
Ichi the killer was a awesome movie. Didn’t really know what to make from the ending.
I hated Quills and walked out the cinema on it. Didn't know what it was about and someone in my group chose it. Triggered me because it brought back a lot of shit about my childhood.
Plot twist that fuckin movie caused me to go to therapy. Was having nightmares for tears afterwards
The Human Centipede? And you browse Sup Forums? Fucking pussy.
Peter stop, its me.
Completely forgot about that scene.
Literally just watched the last 3 a few hours ago. Far worse than Serbian film. Mainky because of the vomiting, but still..
Traces Of Death 4.
Requiem for a dream because I might as well be Jared letos character. Also the the female actress is so damn hot that I felt more arousal than empathy for her character. Ruined the whole movie.
N E W B O R N sorry, i forgot this line existed, also start with the young one
The only movie that I saw which approaches A Serbian Film's level is The Human Centipede 2. In the movie, supposedly, a guy lures an actress to work on a secret "Quentin Tarantino film." It turns out much worse for her.
A Serbian Film and Caligula.
I too stan Jennifer Connolly. Darren puts the hotties in his movies.
Eh snuff films don’t do anything to me anymore. It’s nothing but gore if anyone has been on Sup Forums for a month. They should be desensitized to gore by now.
i think the human centipede isnt at all a scary because its literally in the name of the film, fucked up films make sure you have no idea what is happening
>Peter stop, its me.
Thank you Mr Dafoe, could you also do the ITS WAS A FIREFIGHT scene from Boondock Saints? Big fan, really.
The director is just so enthusiastic about his film, I almost felt bad for him when the other guy turned away in disgust
Monkey harm
You need to watch other ones then.
Begotten, cannibal holocaust or any other films anons have mentioned in this thread.
fuck the fuck off
this is not a fucking snuff film threat
Soo...nice one Elon.
Goodnight Mommy
I actually enjoyed A serbian film in a weird way, i think its because everytime something happened me and my gf were like "this cant get much worse" and it just did. Even when the film ends your like wow didnt expect the last line
actually sounds like a compelling story. I'll have to check it out, my buddy is in town and has been wanting to watch some fucked up shit lol
antichrist is great though, a lot to unpack there and it's directed very well, visually interesting
this is very related to disturbing movies nigger
not the guy, but i think the problem is the fact these are old films, the quality of video is more horrifying than what happens
Ken Park
You’re all pussy
You’re too much user lol. Thank you for this.
it's fucking campy, it's a torture porn black comedy. its gross but not all that disturbing
dogtooth is so fuckin weird, kind of innocuous but definitely disturbing. I mentioned the killing of a sacred deer earlier which I consider harder to watch but from the same director. dogtooth is kind of funny.
cheap copy of Kids
stfu crapneck
ah shit I mentioned kids and gummo but Ken park is a good one for this thread. bully made me feel sick too
I never want to remember any of those two Serbian films ever again.
I think it adds to the whole “disturbing imagery” thing they’re going for.
For those who enjoy torture hentai:
Bondage Game
Angel Core
Pigeon Blood
Behind Closed Doors
The Guinea Pig movies. Serbian Film and The Human Centipede films are kind of gross, but I had no trouble watching them to the end. Guinea Pig: 10 minutes, and then I had to turn it off.
imo A Serbian Film is a great movie. It's a revolutionary movie as it dares to show absolute taboo subjects in graphic detail. Murder sex, child porn, suicide porn, incest, NEWBORN POOOORN etc. Say what you will but you have ever, and will never see this shit in a movie. It pushes the boundry on so many levels on what is expected to be in '''good taste''' for horror movies or any movies for that sake.
Some might say the movie is edgy to be edgy, schocking to be shocking. But it's not. A serbian film is well directed, scripted and shot. The acting is also great, as well is the pacing, effects, cinematography etc. The story is compelling and stays interesting. It
It's a breath of fresh air. Especially in the genre of horror there are so many clichés. Spooky possessed kids, boring jump scares, haunted houses. A Serbian Film does none of that and instead presents us with a revolutionary, taboo-breaking great movie that is an interesting, refreshing, schockingly great movie.
What about night shift nurses. Although not really torture porn. It starts with some light bondage and rape. But it’s mostly just scat and piss porn.
Cat Be still
You’ve got great tits flo
Thank you
Bad boy bubby
Requiem 4 a dream well up there.
Serbian movie was subtitles and I didn’t feel like reading a movie today.
Will check out ken park, has quite a few mentions.
$200 for jousting sticks? Tell him he’s dreaming.
Fred The Movie
I'm not big on gore, but I love uncomfortable movies or movies that mess with you psychologically.
The first one that comes to mind, probably cause I saw it pretty recently is The House that Jack Built, especially the 3rd and 4th incidents.
Anything by Lars Von Trier is a good choice as well.
Is A Serbian Film's director ever going to direct another movie again? Did he get blacklisted by the Serbian film industry?
you guys really schocked by A serbian films? fucking normies
This one is more scarey
learn 2 snuff film
learn 2 deepweb
learn 2 actual hardcore gore movies
fucking pussies
>going to reply with a stupid cringy movie about a YouTube faggot
>hurr durr I’m hilarious
Fuck off from this thread.
I seen one but I'll probably get banned for even mentioning the title.