Thieves of Sup Forums
What have you stolen, what do you steal?
Do you just steal for fun; do you steal for a meal?
Thieves of Sup Forums
I used to steal books from Barnes and Nobles. Sell them to Half Priced Books to have extra weed money.
Stealing for drugs, not an addict btw
I've bought stolen credit cards and used them to buy stuff. Never worked out for me. Learning the ropes. I've taken a piece of a chocolate egg in a store when I was a kiddo (someone already opened it) when no on was looking. Couple months ago I stole food from shops and the supermarket. Chocolate. Bars.
Lmao, do you buy fresh ones or some cheap recycled bs CCs
I bought garbaggio cards cause I was learning the ropes, but a guy gave me solid websites so I might or might not try them.
The reason my carding failed is because I mailed that shit to Viabox with 2 different cards (so different names) and now they're asking for an ID of... my fake name (I used a fake name even on Viabox, lmao, whoops, didn't expect that to happen)
Tip from OP
ship to a deserted house etc
That way, essentially every delivery company are allowed to leave pakages as Long as they are out of sight and weather.
Make sure you know when the delivery is due, pick that shit up.
nice try mr. fbi guy
Thanks homie, I thought about that but the feds could be waiting for me to pick it up.
I'd have to find a good deserted house, I know one in my ciy.
If you have any good website for cards I'd be glad to add them to my notepad
Do you steal stuff ? (Asking you your own question)
my 9yo sis' virginity :3
Stole your mum's heart.
I mean, thats the first step to how the feds caught DPR
(Nibba who created silk road)
I do, i mostly steal to Keep my game Sharp. Lighters at convenience stores, People who leave shit in dumb places.
In my teens i basically stole to eat. But clipped bikes and shit for fun.
Yeah Ross Ulbricht, very bright guy but he did a lot of stupid shit
I steal cause I love easy money, I despise the wageslaving system. Just want a shit ton of money so I can waste it all on good restaurants and hookers. Sometimes I go out and shoplift shit at the grocery store or at drugshops, it's nice to get shit for free.
Nowadays you can barely do any crimes without paying a bit in the begining (carding etc)
Unless you're on camera
> Weed must be addictive without any chemical substance within it that causes addiction amiright?
So video games are addictive and dangerous, too then?
Who Said anything about dangerous.
I clearly just hinted at; if you steal for a drug, you might be addicted.
>Nibba be detoxing from weed and is angry.
He didnt do alot of stupid shit.
He made three mistakes.
>Ordering fake IDs to his adress.
>Trusting randos on the internet
>Staying logged in as he left his computer unattended.
Theese three mistakes got him more than a double life sentence.
I stole a dog.
>i cant give the definition of addiction
here lil nibba you can take the backseat and we drive down to google and have a look around
For sex? or for food?
Stole 12 pack beers in the hood gas stations just to sell it for quick cash or a drug fix.
im addicted to your moms pussy for example. and the only chemical component is the hot acid she sometimes used to spit in random directions
Lmao nibba. U a savage, user.
i stole one of these from a dude (not friend realy) when i was like 5.
felt bad for the entire night and could not sleep
brought it back next day and put it into lego box of dude
he didnt even notice
Wouldnt call it stealing.
But i found a wallet bout a week Ago, took the ~100$ in cash and threw it in the bin.
To protect it from it's owner.