Was it really his fault?
Was it really his fault?
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What did he say this time?
(Refering to Assad), not even Hitler used chemical weapons on his own people.
>went to medicals school in vietnam in the 70s
so he was a kid during the war?
those screams when they were pulling him out...
>holocaust never happened- spencer
>you're a cuck(to trumps son) - bannon
are they /our guys/?
Zyclon B was a medicine.
The Dr. had traded drugs to some of his patients in exchange for sex, and wrote out a ton of illegal scripts in his time. True story, look it up.
>we've talked about this before, he's under audit so won't release his taxes
>however the American people are more interested in the presidents tax reform plans
I read that Sean Spicer was ridiculed throughout college as Sean Sphincter, must be because he's full of shit to burst
>not even Hitler used chemical weapons on his own people.
>Hitler's own people
really jogs the nog
To cure the jew problem
But that's true.
>implying Spicy won't laugh it off at tomorrow's briefing with that beautiful smile and /m/ charm
Explain how that is relevant to the case at hand.
>look up the YouTube video
>comment section full Asians yelling to boycott the airline and blacks complaining if the man was black nobody would care
Hitler's government scientists were the ones that discovered sarin and began to weaponize it, but they chickened out when they realized that using it would give the Allies an excuse to return in kind.
And of course, despite what the idiot edgelords say, Hitler's government was pretty fond of using chemicals to kill its own people.
1 frequent flyer mile has been added to your United Airlines Miles cards
Can I get a quick rundown of what Bannon has been saying inside the White House and how that discussion between him and Kushner went?
He's done. Kushner is going to force him out like Bannon.
I don't think he meant anything by it, but honestly dude when you're White House press secretary you're supposed to be competent. It's not the first time he's gotten up to that podium and said some dumb ass shit.
Bannon tried to bluff them saying "I can go anywhere I want I don't need to work here" and was laughed at and told to get back to being the bitch.
It isn't, I'm just telling you. I agree that it was retarded for them to ask about it in the press briefing.
Yeah so he obviously deserved to be beaten.
Name one example of Hitler's government droping gas bombs on german populations.
are we talking bout syria or united airlines?
Unted was very wrong. paying customers are not supposed to be bumped for employees.
at least thats how it was when i worked at the airlines. but that was before 9/11 and people still had their brains and common sense.
we suffered the most goy never forget.
who said gas bombs?
You're a clever one. "Heheheh, i'll trick him for sure; I can't wait to share my victory with my friends on r_thedonald!!"
I'm not saying that at all. My post was made in the way of saying like can you believe how bad that guy's luck was that he was randomly selected and then all that shit on his name.
Early in the war they rounded up the disabled and retarded Germans then gassed then in the back of air tight vans. When it worked they moved on to Jews.
wait, I'll save you this idiot's "shocking" "transgressive" and "red-pilled" response:
>good goy
There, I just picked his brain, which is more than he ever did for himself, lol
Empress Ivanka will discipline him
>spicer literally saying hitler did nothing wrong
this is the moment we have all been waiting for, the day of the rope is near
Because the whole point is that he was referring to how the Syrian government used bombs to gas his population, something not even the ultimate bad guy did when they were losing the war.
Again, name one example of Hitler bombing his own population with gas.
Wtf?! I love Ivanka now!
I bet you're against abortion rights, retard.
how do we get her to tell him to drop some on sweden?
>someone makes our company look bad, lets dig out his bad histories so people would judge him instead of us
Typical jew's work
Good goy.
>the whole election was a proxy catfight between Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump
lol, so all you care about is playing word games with technicalities? How about you fuck off to reddit where people will upboat your stupid ass. If you can't even bring yourself to acknowledge that Hitler gassed his own people clearly you're better off being in an echo chamber where others will accept you for who you are.
Neither did Assad
>Implying Supreme Rabbi Kushner would allow that
Thanks for the rant friend. Will screencap this for future posting.
Still waiting on examples of Hitler gassing his own population.
How is he not acknowledging that? You're the one twisting words around you fucking idiot, he said "chemical weapons" not "gas".
>mech charm
I wasn't aware that everyone who works for the white house gets their own armored suit!
You need to update yourself
What a train wreck. Seriously why does Trump keep him around.
Because he knows about Trump's secret
>putting a weeb in a position of power
No wonder Amerikkka is going to the dogs.
It's funny - in a way they're right.
If he was black we'd be able to accept the chimp-out for what it was and place proper blame on the chimper.
A company has a right to their own rules.
I didn't see the video but I doubt they dragged the man out straight away without prior notification.
but then if we're being realistic, what lberal news source would resist an opportunity to whip up racial unrest over it. you know if the guy was black we'd have a fucking problem.
matter fact it wouldn't stop at airline abuse, the nigga would be a martyr for all blacks and once again the point about individual rights would zoom right past everyone once again
so on second thought, maybe i'm glad he was the race he was.
fucking LOL
That program was called Aktion T4, which you can google, and the gas they used was just carbon monoxide, not sarin or anything. I looked back at your conversation with the other poster and they referred initially to Hitler using "chemicals" on his own people, and then you asked for an example of gas bombs, so you're clearly just spinning your wheels playing semantics in the hopes that someone will get mad.
I'm not going to engage in this silliness any further, but I saw you asked for a link and I provided the information for you to find it on your own.
I think you replied to the wrong party.
>you're supposed to be competent
The head of his organization is hardly leading by example.
>"shocking" "transgressive" and "red-pilled"
So much pathos, i love it.
most people are satisfied with "edgy"
i fuckin giggled
Honestly, I never even knew what a Press Secretary was before this guy.
Why does everybody know this one by name as if he's in any way important?
this thread is gold
>so all you care about is playing word games with technicalities
user, if you want to understand the world it's important to see why people say the things they do.
everyone in government plays word games like this. it's up to us to figure out what's intentional and what's dumb. someone has to be willing to at least *try* to defend these people or else we only end up slapping dicks over who's the smartest.
It goes all the way down to the lowest level political appointees. One of my parents is a high ranking career fed so I get to hear a lot about it. There's never been a less qualified class of politicals. I'm talking about people with an English degree who inherited their dads car dealership being put in charge of 100,000 contractors and multi billion dollar scientific programs. Luckily none of them are interested in actually running things, they just act like thought police and PR hacks-- concerned only with how things will look for the administration.