All of the bullies killed doing the Columbine massacre deserved it imo. Why are Eric and Dylan condemned?

All of the bullies killed doing the Columbine massacre deserved it imo. Why are Eric and Dylan condemned?

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That’s because you’re a cunt

Pssst: if you’re getting bullied? Pretend it doesn’t bother you and laugh about yourself. They tease you because you get mad about it.

Ha, this post really shows your stupidity. It isn't that easy or simple.

Two teenage boys kill themselves to help other bullied kids and you hate them? You are the cunt, my friend...

The thing that owns is bullies have no self worth. Like literally none. So they tease a dork to make themselves feel powerful. The dork does the bully a favor by killing him and ending his existential crisis, then the dork goes to jail or also dies, validating the bully.

Bully 2
Dork 0

It's like suicide by cop if the the cops also killed themselves. Win win.


Muh Guns. hurr Durr! Merica, yeah!

Ha, the retard is trying to speak. Kys, creature. You are nothing and will always be nothing. Now look in the mirror and repeat that, bitch.

Ok pajeet. Settle down and poo in loo.

I'm happy :) no need to worship the biggest losers in history as some kind of ideal

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lol trying to bully people and failing because you are getting bullied is the most pathetic shit

They are heroes.

they were pathetic and so are you

is this you in the pic

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Hush now freak, You’re just a hurt little girl in a mans body. Why not become a Trap and get implants and then castrate yourself. Perhaps win a Darwin Award for cleaning up the Gene Pool.

You want to project an image of seriousness and mystique. But other people don’t see you that way. They don’t see you as cool or mysterious, that’s why they make fun of you for trying so hard.

Because they didn't kill bullies.

The world is a better place without them.

It's this. Casting spells in public and performatively muttering to yourself is funny and cringy behavior. Nerds do it to themselves.

They developed an unhealthy fascination with violence and revenge, and both of them were homicidal and suicidal. Eric was on meds that fucked up his mind. They clung to one another and made a pact because they were bored and felt hopeless. Instead of channeling their intelligence in a positive way, they decided to go to the dark side and take innocent lives. Fuck those guys.

eric and dylan wre fags and were made fun of because of it, if they tried to fit in everything would have been fine

I'm pretty sure Dylan was jewish.

Because of hivemind logic. Normalfags couldn't give a fuck less about details.
>they had guns
>they shoot guns
>they bad
And it's as simple as that.

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Honestly they should have just sucked each other's dicks cause they were clearly in love.

I mean you know Columbine was a psyop idk why you stick to this faggotry.

They we’re probably secret gay lovers too... why don’t you copy them and don’t spread your low IQ genes

Just a pair of cowardly gay betas. If they killed 13 people with their bare hands I'll be impressed.

I was just thinking the same thing... they obvious stroked each other’s ego too hard and that wasn’t the only thing they stroked

Thank you, and I love that picture. Do you have discord?

What about with a knife?

Soo...nice one Elon.

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It's crazy how closeted homosexuality and repression/denial can literally send you on a murderous rampage. To anybody thinking about doing this, just suck some cock first maybe it will help?

So you personally know that each one of the people they killed deserved it? You're SURE they just weren't annoying edgy twats who deserved to be made fun of?

It was more than school bullies that drove them to that - it was liberal parents that really didn’t give two fucks about their children unless they got in trouble.
They were ornamentation for them, that’s all.
So, lack of parenting, school bullies, no one to turn to for help or even just to talk to - the school councilors, their principles, teachers: they all did nothing about the constant torment and shit those kids had to go through daily.
If anything, the school and their parents are just as much to blame as the bullies and the shooters for what happened.

Haha looking for a gay hookup. You don't have to pretend to be into death. Just say "hey wanna buttfuck each other"

Wow. You are so cringe worthy.

>man everybody says we're gay cause we metaphorically jerk each other off all the time and I secretly want you to nut in my hair

Ah yes liberal parents allowing their children access to guns. Lol you're a retard.

You are the only fag here.

Columbine was fake. The blood was fake. No gunshot would. With the guns they used to shoot themselves their heads would have split clean off in two.

it's pretty clear why he identifies with them now huh? i bet that faggot ninja kicks things and reeeeeeees like none other

They sure as fuck didn’t stop them from buying them and the components to make bombs like they did.
Involved parents would have known something was up.

>I jutht loooove the picth you pothted :* got a discowd daddy?
stop being cringy please

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tjey in reality were cowards , afraid of everything , instead of getting better at ANYTHING , they killed people , if they were really martyrs THEY WOULD have fought a gun battle with the cops and died in a hale of bullets , INSTEAD they killed themselves , like lovers do, they killed noncombatants with over whelming fire power , BECUASE THEY were the cowards and the real bullies , they did a bunch of shit talking ,BUT only to each other , they said shit to anyone else's face BECAUSE THEY couldn't back up anything they said , BECAUSE THEY WERE COWARDS, afraid of every god damned thing , so they invented a fantasy world where they were supposed to be the bad asses ,
they didn't kill anyone with their bare hands BECAUSE THEY WERE PHYSICALLY WEAK ! you want to glorify someone who stinks of cowardice ??
it is because you also stink of weakness and cowardice.
by and large the world has forgotten columbine , because there is always new dirty laundry for the news agencies to show .
ask yourself this question ?
how many school and other shootings are their , what is the news actually spouting now ?
the shooting are getting so common that they aren't even news for more then a day .
rather then fight to improve , you choose a cowards way out

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Eric & Dylan were the bullies. The friendless loser outcast narrative is false, they had friends. They were also cunts to everyone around them constantly.

spotted the libtard


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>Why are Eric and Dylan condemned?
They were pathetic cowards, the USAmerican version of suicide bombers.
They did not kill all of the bullies that gave them grief and they also took out innocent kids of opportunity. They killed kids that happen to have something in common with their bullies, not what was solidly real but what was perceived.
They may have been in the minority clique that was picked on by the popular kids but they had a clique. They had friends. I do agree that part of the problem with bullying is the fact that too many people don't stand up for the strange kids being picked on while condemning the mass-murder that is inspired by it, I don't condone said weaklings that do the mass murders.
I brought in pipe bombs and guns more than a few times. I never was so weak as to do what I planned. I always found my center and withdrew from it.
The blame game is this: Blame the bullies or blame the guns. The problem is never seeing the problem as social-psychological. How's about making the solution treating people like people no matter the age and talking to them like that?

Dave Cullen's book was proven to be bullshit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Quit your bitching.

They were kids too btw. Don't forget that, cunt.

>I brought in pipe bombs and guns more than a few times.

Cringe dude. Also tldr your bullshit story

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People take advantage of you,,,
because YOU LET THEM.
Deal with it.
Having your tender feelings hurt,

Only the idiot 'Left/Liberal/Democrat-minded', would contest this simple fact.

You're bullied?

WTF happened to simple common g-damned sense, in today's warped society?

We aren't fit to comment. These were time where games were about shooting everyone except women.
Where movies could be about awesome times.
And when music was about having fun or how life was something.

They were just being cool.

There was this pressure, to be cool. There was a world to be cool in. It was our time. At least they didn't sell out and say lame shit was in charge.

Then Osama called in 911 and Iraq became our school to shoot.

lol u cowardly ass, if u cant deal with this shit like a man u deserve to be bullied faggot

We got a badass over here. Kys, faggot.

says the bullied faggot, stop crying about bullies like a little bitch or start wearin make up and skirt, numbnuts

Haha, it is trying to speak like a human.

Not a single bully got killed in columbine you fucking idiot, they just killed random people because retarded virgins.

>gonna bully your fist with my head

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lol faggots trying to sound tough, ssssscaaaarryyy


It usually is, especially back in the 90s


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cant come up with better shit bitch? no wonder you're the bullied kid at school and im glad its that way so u know where u belong

A little too rosy lensed. Also Jews did 9/11 artard. We've been fighting their wars for them ever since


yes it is you stupid fuck

IMHO more better

I do like that one.

Access isn't the issue. I get it, you're a low IQ mongoloid.

If access were the problem every school in the country would be shot at daily lmao

because pic related is not how we deal with bullies. Beat the shit out them. humiliate them. Ambushing your bully at school with an AR and a 12-gage is the DEFINITION of being a beta-cuck pussy and a complete loser. Eric and Dylan should have been deported to Canada post-mortem IMO.

is correct, though...

anyone who brings a weapon to a fist fight is the definition of an unpatriotic coward. Unless you're wearing a badge and your JOB is to win fights all day long, this is just some weak and cowardly shit.


I don't condemn them, OP. I think they died for our sins, like Jesus Christ.

You have a fucked-up worldview, user.
I like it.

Their bullies are probably bullying them in hell

Yeah it is lmao, I remember getting bullied by this huge ass dude named Marcos. Dude was 6'2 at 14, good skater, ridiculously good at drawing, heard rumors that he hung and shit. He would punch me and make fun of my lazy eye but jokes on him because I fucked his baby's mom before he did and came all over her face, still have her nudes to this day. Where my lazy eye niggas at

you are acting like a weak and cowardly little girl.
I bet no one likes you either and you just can't figure out why girls laugh at you to your face.
you talk a lot of shit here ,but run away and hide if someone says something mean .
you probably live in the same little made up reality where you think you are hard and tough and " don take no shit from nubuddy " cuz you will beet dey asses up. an' den make dem suc yer cock"

right ???

BULLSHIT. Fighting is the only way that's just cringe imagine blushing as the whole class laughs at you while you pretend to not care meanwhile tears run down your face. and you just look like a bitch who wont stand up for himself, no females will date you, no one respects you. your now a beta male forever you fucked up hard. This is your reputation and your only option is to swtich schools or knock the bully out the first time he tests you. never take this advice. This guy is retard.

well . no actually
I didn't think you were able to read at all.
reading is for people with an IQ in at least the double digits , which since you used that picture and identify with the person in it, you are of the negroid / chimpanzee breed.

stop no bullying

>wah wah I get bullied
Just get into mma. Or wrestling or boxing or whatever. Athletes get more respect overall and if you know how to fight you can fuck bullies up. If you get bullied and knock the guy out cold you will never be bothered again. It will also boost your confidence and obviously make you fitter. There's nothing to lose just pick up a physical sport.

Ok psycho. Now give back dad the lighter so we can grill