Post horrifying shit ITT

Post horrifying shit ITT

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Jesus fuck

That’s genuinely sad

The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't, by subtracting where it is, from where it isn't, or where it isn't, from where it is, whichever is greater, it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance sub-system uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is, to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position where it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event of the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has required a variation. The variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too, may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computance scenario works as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is, however it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subracts where it should be, from where it wasn't, or vice versa. By differentiating this from the algebraic sum og where it shouldn't be, and where it was. It is able to obtain a deviation, and a variation, which is called "air"

>called "air"

The effect of cops, shrinks, courts and prisons on a person.

Army should wipe out the whole parasitic system.

i'm gonna guess meth did this

It´s almost as meth is a dangerous drug, who would have thought.

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Kill all cops. Not even joking.

Need to build a society completely free of them and their like.


yeah, it was definitely not the drugs

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Imagine wageslaving when you can be a cop and get good money with constant pay rise the more years under your belt, early retirement or falling back to easy piss take jobs like taking money from ATMs or setting up Speed Cameras. Not to mention every day is something different and you get to roll around in your city , protecting it against the retarded filth.

Desperation that demands drugs is caused by terrorism via such systems.

Standard parasitism pretending symbiosis, create a problem, address it.

Cops and co have absolutely nothing to offer. The answer to this shit is to lessen the demand for drugs by making life more satisfactory for people.

Infection not protection. People benefiting from ruining lives are worse than those they incarcerate via that act and association.

That's the kinda shit heroin does to you man lol. I've been in recovery for two years, I've seen some true horror stories.

Not my fault America is a shit fest, I mean policing in proper countries. Yeah, most NA cops need killed, and so does most of the NA population.

>posted on an american website
>in english

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Yes brainlet?

>user wants to be a revolutionary but his mom won't let him.

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Look a lil American kid meme. Love it.

i know you do bjorn.


nobody else uses those characters bjorn. your dying language isn't as common as the rotting fish heads you guys call a delicacy would have you believe

We need a system in place that weeds out the dangerous and unstable. It does need to change though. Crowded prisons and max sec inmates often sharing space with min sec. And mental hospitals that seem to do anything except rehabilitate (the issue is the staff mostly).



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oh look, a useful idiot

>Yeah, most NA cops need killed, and so does most of the NA population.
bring it on, pussy.

>We need a system in place that weeds out the dangerous and unstable.

what would that look like? bait drugs? bait homicides?

Bjorn Ironsides. Fuckkkk Viking’s ... best show. Lil NA brainlets. Literally made up of all the outcasts and lowest of the low people from EU that tried to escape poverty for a “better life”. How easy it is to divert these lil NA piggies from an argument about police. Now they’re defending NA and having a country war. In proxy defending their police. Heh ... pathetic. I’m glad all the Jews are sucking them dry over there.

dam, she went from lilly rustler to freeddy mcgrucrybrer hahah am i right ma niggas?

He can't. He's not adult enough to own a sharp tool let alone a gun

Picture this guy at your child’s playground with his adopted kid.

There's such a thing as too much street smarts. How do you even live when advanced to a such a state of decrepitude, never mind why?

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tl;dr triggered bjorn bjorns out

Not him but revolutions don't work. Too many opportunists willing to take advantage. If cops and co were opposed it'd be by the few while the rest laughed at their folly, eager to appease the dominant force.

Just have to make being decent more worthwhile. Don't kill cops. Just have nothing to do with them, don't benefit from them. Have that purity disconnected from it's opposite and available to all the victims as if they'd never encountered it.

so stunnning and so brave. give her a woman of the year award and enter her in a bunch of woman only distance races.

Stupid opinion, never in the history of human civilization has that ever worked. Why don't you understand that?

I wanna see how long you both tug at each others 4inch dicks. Then show off whose gun is bigger.

>bjorn bjorns out
björn björns out

This has to be fake. This is against everything good and beneficial to humanity, why would you willingly spread an uncurable disease to your offspring. This should be illegal. I fucking hate this timeline.

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but why....

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Fucking kek

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I think you just wanna see 4 inch dicks

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You mean you read it , didn’t have a good response so picked out the name.. order TL;CR ? “Too long, can’t read?” I know you NA piggies have trouble using the English Language. Make up your own spellings for words to help your little IQs

some sort of mental disorder in that region abouts


I can haz cheezburger?

Wow what an amazing comeback... holy fuck... I can tell you go out and socialise a lot or have friends that banter with eachother with insults cause fuck me that was ruthless .. come up with that one yourself lil piggie? Keep replying to me NA piggie like a good boy as I call you piggie.


>posted on an american website
>in english


You’re white.

>forgot to shout "WERRRLLL STAAAAARR"
>absolutely cracker/10

Yes brainlet?

>bjorning this hard

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And what would a society without such a system look like? It would be total fucking anarchy. People could do what they want and get away with it. You’d have to trust the people to take justice into their own hands. The people would be afraid and paranoid all the time. You think that wouldn’t create a demand for drugs? Face it. Life sucks no matter what system is in place. May as well go with the one that at least makes an active effort to remove problem persons.

Yes, Brainlet ? You’re welcome to use our language.

What kind of shit was she taking that made her bald


nobody uses your dead language bjorn

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I'm gonna guess, based on her age, that she was a dad before she was a mother.

Check out the cock on this guy. You’re literally using it right now.

>The people would be afraid and paranoid all the time.

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i'm trying to figure out what "a system that weeds out dangerous and unstable people" would look like. I literally can't think of a method to do that without incriminating the entity.

i don't advocate anarchy or violent revolution in the US

what the fuck is this monster

stunning and brave

quads of truth

If you think this is bad and still eat meat you're a hypocryte

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meh i'm fine with being a hypocrite as long as i get my fried pig flesh in morning

how dare you, m'nigga. I'll answer your slanderous comment with a quote from one of the realist niggas of all time; Sir Tupac Shakura - "the darker the juice, the sweeter the berry, give me that metaMUCil, i like my stool soft and loose, give me dat juice, the metamuc ..cil. ": - 2 Two Pack Shakura - 2011

Mein gf

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Ahh, vegan diatribes, the most horrifying shit of all

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Damn... my bad Kang.. I thought you were an imposter. You were a Kang n Shiet one day. Sorry for the slavery, accept my wife as offering.


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this is so stunning and brave. didn't mr metokur get banned from youtube for making a video detailing everything involved in these procedures.

That childs face says it all.

Where else could he go except deeper into the insanity of man. He wasn't even allowed the warmth of that light from his parents so he simply wandered further into the darkness. Couldn't even blame him when he inevitably skins people alive and wears their skin

Nah. Meatfags justifying inhumane shit is the gayest shit.

she's so beautiful, stunning and MOTHER FUCKING BRAAAAAAAAAVE@@@@@@@@@@@@@

people get banned from youtube for saying rape now even if they read it from a news article

bet youve had more meat in your mouth than any other meat eater on earth

A criminals life is ruined by his own actions. Dont take responsibility off of people for their own decisions

Maybe he’ll murder his parents by the time he’s a teenager due to all the bullying he will endure

i still wouldn't blame him. He could be the next hitler and we'd owe him some sympathy

Hitler did nothing wrong

hitler did plenty wrong but hitler also drank water, breathed air and was arguably as human as the rest of us.

anyone could be the next hitler. Its our potential

>Hitler did nothing wrong
wtf?! that faggot shot the fuhrer, you fucking nigger.

>t, convicted felon