My wife does NOT have Downs Syndrome you assholes!
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ummmm im afraid she does sir.
WTF why did you marry a downy?
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Fuck off! You fucking freak! This is now a reaction image thread.
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even if she doesn't she's ugly as shit and makes me wonder how bad you look
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Much obliged
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Mmmm i m sure she s delicious
Wickr claudiaslut64
Please, just please STOP subjecting us to this monstrosity
And thats on jah
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She might not have down syndrome but she does have fetal alcohol syndrome
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thats bad OP
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you're a very lucky man if that truly is your wife, 10/10 would cuddle and bang for eternity
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So she´s just plain ugly?
so if its not down syndrome must be simple retardation along with a side of the ugly bug
quit samefagging not a single person on this fucking website would touch that with a 10 foot pole
The large forehead is always a give away. Yeah, she's a tart.
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