ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess

ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess.

>Crush gremlins with blue and red pillars.

Attached: 1200px-NES-Console-Set.jpg (1200x652, 68K)

you are fearless hero searching for savepoints

Dr Mario

Dark souls
Dr Mario


>Chad jumps through dimensions to fuck bitches and to stop murder man

Gyromite is correcto.

God mode:
>Big Blue Haired pilot... top down shooter.

Sonic vice city

>be a badass dark Knight
>grow up with a 8/10 and some fag with long hair
>get older and go on adventure
>fag gets the girl and all the glory

Space hula hoop death machines



kill everything

Clue: Final boss is a giant metal technicolor eyeball

Close but not FF7

>was actually the 4th game but was released as the 2nd in US


Nope. Hint: green guy blows one up



Waste of trips because you're wrong




Attached: yyy.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

pac man

Wrong post fucking retard

waste of space on this earth because you're retarded, witness me faggot.

dr mad and the idiots

>Pay 50 cents for a bitch to wash your dick but no in game prostitution?
>holy shit the weather actually affects you?
>oh no you have tuberculosis

yes but moments later we're no longer mad and you're still fucking retarded.

Red Dead Redemption (2?)


>start off as an absolute dipshit peasant
>become not an absolute dipshit peasant

>refuse a thottie hottie after she asks you to bone her in the white house
>ask out some nerd without her glassea

You go to the local postal service you piss on staff then cut them to filet-o-man pour gasoline on the meat burn tender and feed the strsyfogs with it while you insert your 3 polygon dick in the alpha dog. Then police comes and shoots you with pellets

>framed for murder
>now you're a babysitter

you breathe heavily while killing green blobs and eating corn and honey in caves