ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess.
>Crush gremlins with blue and red pillars.
ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess.
>Crush gremlins with blue and red pillars.
you are fearless hero searching for savepoints
Dr Mario
Dark souls
Dr Mario
>Chad jumps through dimensions to fuck bitches and to stop murder man
Gyromite is correcto.
God mode:
>Big Blue Haired pilot... top down shooter.
Sonic vice city
>be a badass dark Knight
>grow up with a 8/10 and some fag with long hair
>get older and go on adventure
>fag gets the girl and all the glory
Space hula hoop death machines
kill everything
Clue: Final boss is a giant metal technicolor eyeball
Close but not FF7
>was actually the 4th game but was released as the 2nd in US
Nope. Hint: green guy blows one up
Waste of trips because you're wrong
pac man
Wrong post fucking retard
waste of space on this earth because you're retarded, witness me faggot.
dr mad and the idiots
>Pay 50 cents for a bitch to wash your dick but no in game prostitution?
>holy shit the weather actually affects you?
>oh no you have tuberculosis
yes but moments later we're no longer mad and you're still fucking retarded.
Red Dead Redemption (2?)
>start off as an absolute dipshit peasant
>become not an absolute dipshit peasant
>refuse a thottie hottie after she asks you to bone her in the white house
>ask out some nerd without her glassea
You go to the local postal service you piss on staff then cut them to filet-o-man pour gasoline on the meat burn tender and feed the strsyfogs with it while you insert your 3 polygon dick in the alpha dog. Then police comes and shoots you with pellets
>framed for murder
>now you're a babysitter
you breathe heavily while killing green blobs and eating corn and honey in caves