Does anyone ever feel like they are not themselve
Does anyone ever feel like they are not themselve
Exact opposite.
Feel like I know who I am, but need to pretend toi the world I'm someone different.
like its not even me right now
Thats cause you are autistic
nope i feel like me 25/8 and i'm the best me there ever was
No, I'm actually a pedophile.
The best you ever will be is browsing shit threads on Sup Forums ?
I have no fucking idea who I am.
Well at least you aren't a sped
Lucky for you
but unlucky for anyone under 12
I once went through that, started reflecting on myself and everything was chill again.
aim small miss small
Well i'm a pedophile, not a rapist.
maybe at this point in life you don't have to know yet
you still wanna fuck children though like thats fucking worse
How is being attracted to children worse than raping them...?
Is any one here from aus because i haven't been able to posts for months
I live with people though
Hey said he wasn't a rapist just a pedophile
Right, so how is pedophile worse than rapist?
You can have attractions and not rape dude.
Do you rape bitches you are attracted to?
Self control man.
We are one big fat solar flare away from being knocked back to the Stone age. Do you thrive or die?
Weird how you think a solar flare would effect us in any significant way.
Yeah the power goes out and the cell towers, but I have a generator, we got plenty of gas, and people are mostly civilized, this ain't goatfuckistan.
She kinda has a Lilith vibe going.
>people are mostly civilized,
was with you until you got here.
Blue states, inner cities would be chaos, not gonna pretend niggers and brown people wont consume eachother.
But us rural whites are fine.
now youre getting worse.
What you think niggers and brown people are gonna monocle up and help a neighbor?
Whoo boy. You rednecks really don't understand cities. We'll be fine. You'll panic and shoot every person you don't recognize out of some Hollywood fantasy. "Freeze, Motherfucker!" you imagine you'll be constantly yelling.
ok antifa
Lmfao you’re ignorant as FUCK!
You're fucking crazy if you think niggers will remain calm.
They riot and steal from their own communities when a cop shoots a criminal.
Ya'll fucked.
CAPITALIZATION to prove my point! I don't know what your point was, but at least it was CAPITALIZED!
There you go again..
Do you actually think people are just gonna be pulling guns on people like fucking crazy? You have to be a fucking autist.
I've lived here over 30 years. "Those people" are less than a mile away from me. Yet, never been robbed. Never been jumped. But I'm sure you're paranoia is justified. Keep on doing whatever the fuck it is you're doing, because I guess it's keeping me safe.
No, but apparently you think if your skin tone is not pale then the guns immediately come out. See how it goes both ways, hick?
I've live din New York, in the ghetto of Queens and the Bronx.
Most people have a weeks worth of food at the most, typically people go day to day, the first line will be the corner shops at the bottom of every building, they'll be broken into and looted, once those are gone the big box stores closer to Manhattan will go as everyone flees because there is no food left in the city.
Meanwhile, niggers are nigging eachother in the streets because they goin door to door lookin for spaghetti oh's and and weed.
Only person to ever rob me was a nigger. Lucky yours are tame I guess.
You're lying to yourself, you see daily how those people act to eachother, and just because it hasn't happened to you yet doesn't excuse the way they behave.
You and I both know how they'd be.
They look like they are already ready for a mad max apocalypse
No I know from experience. Never been robbed by a white person. Just a nigger once. So thanks for proving my point, you ignorant fuck.
And I never said that, you have me confused for another user. Goddamn you ARE stupid.
Astoria, represent! But still, no big robberies. Sorry it happened to you but you are not the consensus. On the average, nothing happens. Fucking nothing. But y'all like to point at blacks and browns when it does happen to justify whatever prejudice you have.
Well you exist.
Lmfao okay buddy. Keep telling yourself that.
Lets ignore all the hard facts about statistics showing blacks are a majority of all major violent crimes a moment.
We're talking about a solar flare killing power and phones lines. Niggers would cannibalize eachother. You know this is true sir.
Its ok, I prefer white women
Thank you for getting back on track.
B-b-b-but blacks don’t make up for ALL crimes! Just most of them.....
Again, this is a pre-conceived notion you've already convinced yourself of. Me typing on the internet won't change your thoughts. You just need to hang out with black people. You'll realize the commonalities instead of being paranoid. Trust me. You won't, but I suppose this was worth my 30 seconds.
wasteland weekend 2019 thats all i got on her
Dude you can't be serious?
Are you living in a fantasy world where everyone is the same?
Have you ignored the chimpouts over the last 10 years?
I grew up moving around a lot, I believe people are an amalgamation of people / personalities they meet.
I'm mostly 90's 00's tv show's. I don't think i'm who i'm supposed to be, Like my whole life is a copy of a copy of a translation of who i am.
It's strange to be around people, their choices are so random. Sometimes i really don't understand the why, as if there is supposed to be one.
NOT who YOU originally responded TO. But You're also NOT SAYING anything. Just ABBREVS and dismissive.
Have you ignored the mass shootings of the last 10 years? What skin color were they?
And I know crime happens in the ghetto, but to act like it's only one race that does it is ignorant.
K thanks
ig: alpacaquest