YLYL - visibly uncomfortable edition

YLYL - visibly uncomfortable edition

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I feel sorry for the children who have to be near him because of their parent's desire for publicity with joe. I wouldn't let my daughter near him. This isn't YLYL, this is a pedofile


They look thrilled lmao. Fucking adults out there looking for squiggies or some other bs characters

I wanna see the 43 comments.

I'll give you 43 comments

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this is exactly how my libtard family looked at me when I tried explaining flat earth to them. fucking cucks.

> libtard family
> flat earth
Are you sure you're not the libtard?

are you a shill or something? name one mainstream media outlet that reports on flat earth. I'll wait.

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Gosh so you really believe that Antarctica is an ice wall?

it's the only logical conclusion. But lefties wouldn't know anything about facts or logic.

Flat earth is something far more lefties would believe than righties. Also why has no one gotten to the edge of the earth? How do you explain people flying around the earth by going in a straight line?

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my high ass took a couple decades to get this one

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are you retarded or something? name one movies thats ever come out that doesn't have random globes shoehorned into it for no reason or even discusses flat earth? the jews have a vested interest in keeping everyone from finding out about flat earth. I bet you vaccinated your kids too, cuck.

Trump says something about touching women (years ago) and the left loses it. Biden is frequently seen near little girls, making them visibly uncomfortable; left doesn't care. What?

which little girls have accused biden of innappropriate behavior?

What does that have to do with anything? Prove your bs flat earth theory dizzy dipshit

cuz no one gives a shit about Biden

It's just to teach you a lesson and expose the hypocrisy of the right

They won't because their parents care more about winning than exposing him. Hell even horse face Hillary had to try to get away from him.

>it's all a conspiracy against trump
lmao you're fucking pathetic

But he's likely the lefts nominee. Does that mean the left doesn't care just bc he's on the left? Hypocrites much?

What hypocrisy?

answer the question, cuck, did you vaccinate your kids and knowingly give them autism?

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Fuckin' Joe Biden, yuck!

The fact that you guys are ok with disrespecting women yet still elect Trump



Damn are you stupid. The left picture was about Germans (Prussia).

Proud of you dad!

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retardation strikes again!

Not recognizing sarcasm. Wheww lad your autism is showing.

What other option did we have? It was the definition of lesser of two evils. Thank god the turd sandwich beat giant douche


>Am gonna pretend to be a retard nazi, am so smart
Kill yourself you larper dipshit, nobody talks like that.

Joe Biden doesn't actually abuse children or make them uncomfortable, it's just performance art to draw out responses from the right. Trump genuinely makes people uncomfortable

you lefties call everyone a nazi. Just because I support adolf hitler i'm a nazi? hahahah

Lost! My gosh, those faces of sadness and deception.

joe biden is race bannon
who is the birdboy

Haha OK if you say so.

Soo...he was behind all that...

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u gonna post this in every ylyl bro?

She doesn't look uncomfortable, she looks ready to get blacked

LeBron is a god, fuck off Sup Forums

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post a picture of yourself

Good one lmao.

Here you go, dude

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if you think white women fuck blacks because of jews, I have bad news for you.

This is too retarded. I hope u actually believe this because it would make u an absolute moron.


>Anonymous 11/30/19(Sat)18:10:58 No.815197824▶
> (You)
> samefag

I knew ur an idiot.

damn son
>want to see Alexa now

“Ur an?” Stupid uneducated Libtard dope.

Trump isn't evil, user. Unless you can say how he is?

I know, it's like there isn't even a standard for nazism in the left side-brain.

ur a fucking slowpoke

>no, this is you

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I'm reporting OP to the Clinton's for spreading russian propaganda.

I'm a Democrat. I happen to believe in flat earth hypothesis. I also hate bible thumping rednecks who want to control my thoughts on subjects. Fuck you.

Do you not know extremely basic rules of grammar? It's elementary stuff... An is used in front of every word that begins with the sound of a vowel. An apple, an orange.

I'm always saying both sides have non-scientific retards. Glad to see my vindication in text form.

Not the same user, I don't want to "control your thoughts" but to defecate on it.

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>if you think white women fuck blacks because of jews, I have bad news for you.

Too obvious, you need to dial down the jewishness.

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Can I borrow the family car, mom & dad?

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Even if vaccines cause autism only the most egotistical cunt parents would choose death by sickness over autism for their child

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Well, seeing how Trump's son turned out, I can understand where he's coming from.

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>on it
so many fucking idiots on this board

Of course. I was referring to your use of “ur” instead “you are.” Christ. And you call me a slowpoke.

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To be fair, I don't think the rule to never end a sentence in a preposition was taught in many schools

Indeed, there's even concrete proof:
Honestly how do the libtards even ignore this.

Mental illness confirmed

I've never seen anyone on the right be ignorant enough to claim to believe in flat earth

it should be 'them' not 'it' because "thoughts" is plural

I don't have children but I will vaccinate when I do because I'd rather take the low risk of complications over the higher risk of contracting something that we've had prevention for for a long time

No, people on the right are too busy whispering to an all powerful, all living, incredibly vengeful but completely invisible God. That's so much more sane.

True. I stand by my statement still.

People have believed in Gods for centuries. Flat earth is fairly new, I assume. Plus it has been denounced by
> having not been seen
> no one falling off
> space photos showing sphere

Flat earth is bait, in case you did not know.

Of course, everyone knows the Earth is shaped like a potato chip that extends to infinity in all directions.

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An hero ?

Oh that ! Sorry, not nativ english speaker and kind of rusty, for sure.
Thought you were talking about the fact that we can't poop on a concept, thoughts being immaterials.

Fuck them anyway if they react like this, they deserve to keep living deceived by jews.

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it isn't a preposition, it's a pronoun

Watch Eric Dubay's videos (it's on Youtube), and nothing else (there a lot of people paid to ridicule this subject by acting like retards).
You may then know the truth, or stay mentally enslaved by jews, earning the title of "goy" (cattle).

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If you manage to die of mumps you've got other problems.

How is that autism? He's been there all day, he's tired, maybe a little loopy. But he isn't even acting all that awkward.

Time to take your pills, son !

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Seems you have no idea what Autism is. I shall explain with four easy steps.

1. Find a mirror
2. Look in it
3. ??????
4. Autism

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Take them to the edge!