Dubs and I EXPOSE my WIFE

Dubs and I EXPOSE my WIFE

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Oh hell nah that piggy Bitch isn’t worth dubs. I saw her in the other thread.

If we gets trips will you promise to never post her again?

I don't care about face. More tit shots.

roll for that

help Sup Forums

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Need someone to fuck her for you?


Only if trips appear before dubs
If dubs I EXPOSE my WIFE

Rolling for this fuck OP

you again!


Dubs! Checkem



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Oh dank lord kek. please give trips so I don't have to see this shit again

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Kik if cuck:




Sorry boys. Looks like dubs has won.

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Soo...he was behind all that...

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I’m gonna kill myself


Literally nothing.

Put the censor back on her head.

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Sorry bud. Dubs won

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holy shit imagine being married to that, i truly feel sorry for you user

Can you just kill yourself already?

same pics as always, unless I see new ones, this is just copy pasta faggot

Yep. And you're gonna keep seeing it, because the underage kid who keeps posting this shit thinks this troll is the funniest thing in the world.
We just have to await for him to grow up.
Kids. Gotta love 'em.

That or we could hope an odd car happens to be going too fast whilst they cross the road