Had some interesting answers last time

Had some interesting answers last time.

Was anyone here a jock in HS or College?
Did you bully the nerds or were you a good guy jock?

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>Was anyone here a jock in HS or College?

>Did you bully the nerds or were you a good guy jock?
no. that only happens in movies

what sport specifically?

baseball, in high school

I played football but some of my best friends were nerds, I hung out with the trouble makers.

Yes, football and track

No, bullying is for insecure fags

so were these small or large schools? I always thought bullying and fighting between different groups were common in the larger HS

My school was tiny. I mean like super tiny. Yeah i played all the sports. No we never bullied anyone really. Made fun of each other a lot that sometimes got heated. But we were all just good ole boys from the country. There was one kid everyone mafe fun of mutually. His name was Fubar.

honestly, the biggest source of bullying is from mid-tier gamma males who just slightly outrank me socially. the jocks and stacies don't really interact with us.

football, not the american kind. my school was weird though. our sports teams were generally bad but we had award winning theater and music departments. the athletes were generally the ones teased while the kids in the arts got the positive attention. that being said, i was more of a bully than not, if i'm being honest. nothing physical or anything, just kind of poking fun at people and sometimes getting carried away.

big-ish. between 1500 and 2000 students, I guess. Like this user ( ) said, fighting, drama and pettiness occurred mainly between similarly average groups. Me and my teammates spent so much time between practice, school and extracurriculars we didn't really want to waste our time with that kind of thing. We found out we didn't really have much in common with those people, so we kept mainly to ourselves. Also we got our ego-boost on the field

that's what i found too. jocks were too preoccupied with their active social lives to care about bothering people outside of their circle. it was the insecure people trying too hard to assert themselves as smart who gave people issues.

My HS school had 1500+ students. Most of the bullying was psychological from the wealthy kids.

>that only happens in movies
>bullying is for insecure fags
And this. IRL the bigger and taller the jock typical of the sport, the nicer they are. As a massive nerd I was also a smart-ass prick compared to half of the football & basketball teams.

was there much rivalry between different teams?

I played football and basketball (i was not good but people respected me for my grades and my sportsmanship), then in my senior year, I didn’t play basketball.....I instead performed in the school play and musical and actually spent time with females doing that.

I have one controversial opinion that people may laugh at or disagree with but i will stand by it - the best social fabric in a high school is the marching band - because it is co-ed and they travel together and it encompasses geeks, cuties and even jocks.

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And within the band, people stick together. Sure there are some truly autistic folks, but everyone supports each other.

HS football. Im a big dude 6'3 grew up poor was quiet and when I wasn't in the gym was walking the hallways with my head in a book. I liked fantasy novels.Little dudes with something to prove and thinking I was best candidate would pick fights with me. Quiet kid had a explosive and violent temper it was after all why I played football so I had somewhere to release all that anger and wouldn't go to jail (I had an abusive father that beat my mother and molested my sister)

I played football starting in the seventh grade. Was close friends with all my teammates, and I was good. Starting team every year I played in a big school district.

I had to quit after my Sophomore year because I had developed a severe arthritic condition that has all but crippled me now (in my thirties). When my teammates found out I had to quit, I was completely tossed aside by most of my friends (a few stood by me) and they talked shit about me and would say I was too scared to play for the rest of high school. Since most of the guys wouldn’t sit with me at lunch anymore, I started sitting with the girls, and I will say that the best thing that happened out of that situation was I got pretty close to a handful of the girls, and ended up fucking a couple of them who the jocks wanted bad, because I got the girls to trust me and like me. So... yeah, that was the good shit...

I was both. Valedictorian but 6'4" and 250 lbs and one of the team captains.

Of course the football left me with no ACL or miniscus in my right knee.

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sure. we had our arch-rivals. but it never got out of hand. and with other HSs it was just that desire to win

You know, it wasn’t until I had finished college that I realized like a dumbass how the fraternities and sororities worked - it was upper middle class and rich kids buying a guaranteed social life, which virtually guarantees a career, or at least a husband

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