What's this guy's name again?

What's this guy's name again?

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Teen-environmentalist-that-b-is-fixated-on Thunberg


Jonathan Thunderthighs

Greta Thunberg. And that's a she. Do a google reverse search for fucks sake next time.

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U got baited and triggered at the same time lol

I think you just got baited m8


Kek. This:

she's amazing

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Henny Penny

Gretha Sandstorm

Jordiana Peterdaughter

Grappa Thornbush

Riley J. Dennis.
That was back when he first started transitioning.

Her name doesn't matter, you can't fix those lack of titties, or her desire to have a cock.

Sylvester Stallone

Gabriel Envioementelisis

beas big sister

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Rule 34 is much needed!!!

strap up berger

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Boredd? why not check this extremely hot active server, for the best lewds of females and traps!

discord gg/8n5g3Wt

Serious question though: who thought parading this downy around was a good idea? Climate deniers don't listen to the so called experts, so the plan was to try and get them to listen to a literal retard? Whoever came up with this idea is as retarded as thunkberg.

Imagine pumping her in he ass till she sees flashing stars instead of carbondioxide!

i told you that in strict confidence

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Hypocrite son of a bitch


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Can't wait to see your face when you get SOO PISSED when you find out she's right. And you all just basically fucked humanity you fucking basement dwelling incels. ANd fucking loser ass 55 year old men whose wives left them for better men because you are pathetic with your short dicks, and have to pay a ton on alimony and child support. I hope your ex wives drain you dry you morons.

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She has a typical "I'm an authist" face and head though.

It's moot. Founder of Myspace. He died in a train explosion and hated every one of us.

Autist*. I got autocorrected.

how often do you misspell autism that it autocorrects to that user. Are you an authistic or something.

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Not that much, I use the word authentic a lot for work and it mixed it up I think.

Autist isn't a 'word'. It's adding the suffix from other adjectives and connecting it to Autism to create Autist.

There is no "Autist". There is "he/she has autism" or "That person exhibits symptoms of autism.

Also, Authihstic isn't a word either.

ok autist.

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Greg iceberg

Gretta funburger

kek, faggot

Free Grog

Larchmont Cheeksniffer

I kinda agree with you

This Nigga

Also do you think she would take a dump in my mouth if its technically enviro-friendly?

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The child support thing seems kind of specific. Are you projecting? Did Sheryl take the kids?

Other user here. It's not specific. A bunch of guys talk about it in the relationship oriented threads. Looks like it's a part of the red pill misogynistic beta philosophy.