
What's wrong with her face? Some kind of thyroid problem?

her neck is pale and lewd

Her philtrum is almost nonexistent.

That IGN guy is super annoying.

She looks so retarded, but dem tiddies

I feel like if I had a spare couple thousand$$ I could pay her to make videos for me.

not porn videos, but like.. roleplaying stuff

This is the dumbest fucking video



What's wrong with her head?


i want to cummy in her tummy

>So that's from Dagobah?
>Yeah they took it down with a blaster
>Ahh, that would make sense because it's head is gone.
She's pretty good at the banter

do NOT post lewd things about jenny

im just kidding please continue lewdposting

>bone structure has anything to do with thyroid
are you retarded?

She's got jowls for days

haha id bone her structure


you know what i mean


>go to her channel
>her most recent video is 'why I wont do asmr'

"Why I won't do ASMR; ASMR"
Watch it, you'll like it.

The only thing worse than shilling Jenny is inadvertently shilling Screen Junkies.

>you'll like it.
I did



>maggie gyllenhaal

Why does Sup Forums get oneitis for some of the most average looking women?

shes cute

they're (movie) personality

She looks within reach of beta autists


No, I just like to listen to her talk about film.
Her analysis' of Westworld and Rogue One were as good as any professional critic and full of witticisms. She balances positives and negatives very well and doesn't come off like a shill.

haha i think i get what you mean man nice one hah

How many times does she suck dick to keep a show running.

>No, I just like to listen to her talk
t. ips fedora.


Don't flatter yourself Jenny