Would you ever rent at a co-living apartment building?

Would you ever rent at a co-living apartment building?

basically this means you share multiple bathrooms and kitchen and living room, but you get your own bedroom.....picture this in a building with ten floors and ten suites.

I decided I am going to do it. Moving to a major city soon, and I need the social aspect of it.

Part of the way these things are set up now, is that they are designed to have networking events and stuff with everyone in the building.

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i hate communal spaces with a fiery passion and can't stand observers breathing over my shoulder

I guess you just don’t have the personality for it.

Sounds like the perfect living arrangement for human cockroaches.

I wouldnt rent nor buy in a building with ten floors
Stacking humans like grain into silos is shit

>you share multiple bathrooms and kitchen and living room, but you get your own bedroom
so a dorm for grown ups? Ah hell nah.

I'm just about the most anti-social and private person you'll meet but I still think it's kind of a cool idea. Everybody would have to get real cool with me jerking off all over the place though.

I'd only do it to steal from everyone else there. For a skillful thief this would be an ideal living situation.

The only thing you can realistically steal in this situation is food. Bedrooms have locks

I am doing it because I am 42 and there’s not a lot of ways to make friends when you reach this age and aren’t a big partier.

lol oh my sweet summer child

Well the way I figure it, if you are paying 1k per month or more, you’re probably not going to get a lot of lowlifes.

Also, I do know that they interview you and gauge your personality type before you can rent.

The best thieves are never caught.

its fun

drink beer and if u can, fug cuties.

That’s my plan.

It costs less than any 1 bedroom place I could find in the area, and you can go up on the rooftop whenever. So if there are any single women, I will at least meet them, which is more than I could say for any other living arrangement.

The only thing I personally would be losing out on would be my own bathroom and my own kitchen.....but I do most of my shitting at the health club and work, and I don’t cook very much,

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> In co-living situations, utilities and WiFi are included, as are a number of amenities, such as house cleaning services and catered parties. These units are often furnished and don’t require long leases, while repairs and billing are handled through an app. Co-living companies, for now, are mostly opening spaces in cities with a significant number of tech workers, and they frequently mention the words “community” and “technology” in their ad copy.

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Sounds like a living hell to me.

1k rent in Bay area is exclusively lowlifes and hipster fags.

Only poor assholes would lower their standards of living to stay in one of these shit holes.

I'll be waiting to see news of another one of these burn down with everyone in it like the last few times.

I cringed
>>Skillful thief here

>>Some dude who plays too much skyrim
Get a life you fucking loser


Is this really a crazy idea to amerifats? I've had to live in shared houses most of my adult life in the uk, it's the only option unless you have a partner to share a place with or earn good money.. Maybe burger land isn't that bad after all

So instead of sharing 1 bath and kitchen with 1-2 people like you traditionally would when you rent out an apartment with roommates, you're sharing multiple baths and kitchens with more people. The idea is novel, but meh, nothing that's really better than traditionally renting. If anything, living with more people increases the odds that one of them will be a slob. If you've never lived with a slob, consider yourself lucky. They make a mess of everything. Imagine that 1 slob making a mess of all bathrooms and kitchens. Fun stuff!

Nope, I live with my girlfriend. But overall I just enjoy my privacy and convenience. I don't even live in places with communal laundry.

Same here. Where would I keep my 22 head of beef cattle and 37 Romney sheep?
That's not even considering the chickens and ducks!

I think you’re confusing illegal sublets with the new breed of co-living condos.....the co-living condos are like an ikea store.....modern design....new stuff....not fire hazards. the communal areas are designed for interaction.

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I don't even have much stuff, but I don't like to wear clothes at home, I don't want to have to see people at home (beyond my girlfriend), I want to be able to not have to talk to people, I don't want to have to wait for a bathroom, etc.

This is all why I own land and have animals. Self reliance minimizes exposure to people.

I don't want to minimize it as much as control it. Go out, see people, go home, don't see people.

So live there or don't?

In Arizona, you can buy a new construction house with a mortgage for $1000 with some money down or pay $1300-1500 to rent same house.

Britbongs don't have the option cause you guy can't own anything, I think. That queen with tax you and send the sway your way for a butter knife.

As I understand it, the interview process weeds out slobs....we’re basically talking about geeky people with decent jobs. It’s a self-selecting group.

lmao no
I pay more to be by myself
What a retarded thing to do

I don't live there. But OP asked if I would rent at a co-living apartment building, and I answered that it would be a living hell for me.

If this is the US then that process is discriminatory and illegal so the assholes would still get in.

Doesn't seem like it would be. You have nothing and can control who you see.

I mean I would totally do it, provided there was a cleaning service that took care of shit like the bathrooms and kitchen because honestly people are FUCKING DISGUSTING and that's the main reason I won't even rent a room in a house (or rent out a room now that I have a house)

>things that neither work nor happen

>and can control who you see.
not if you ever leave your room, use the common areas, kitchen or bathrooms.

>you have nothing
I don't have literally nothing lol.
>control who you see
And what? If I leave my bedroom, if I go to the bathroom, if I go to the kitchen, I have to wear clothes. I have to see people. They might make noise when I'm asleep. I might make noise when they're asleep. I think a lot of people on Sup Forums pretend they're introverts but are really just in desperate need of social interaction. I am the opposite. I am an introvert, but I see people at work, and I see my friends when we're hanging out. But then I'm done. I had a fun time in college but I moved from dorms to an apartment right after my freshman year and would not go back to dorms.

nope, because most of you Sup Forums neckbeards are disgusting and dirty slobs who collect piss bottles and cum rags.

I wouldn't for the most part.
But unless the toilets are kept clean and the showers have private stalls, preferably with lockable doors or at least curtains.

I'll tell you the first time somebody tries to peek on me its gonna be the last time because I'll shoot their ass dead.

So its gonna all depend on who lives there.

I'd probably mostly live in my room. Definately keep a Mini fridge or small freezer in my room.

I don’t think anyone is going to open a locked bathroom door and peek.

I bet you've been beaten up everywhere you've ever been.

>basically this means you share multiple bathrooms and kitchen and living room, but you get your own bedroom
so basically a hostel or a college dorm?
shit's pretty normal yo.

>there’s not a lot of ways to make friends when you reach this age and aren’t a big partier
just go to your local pub, my dude.
what the fuck do you think they're for?
go in the same time 2 nights or 3 nights a week, drink a quiet pint or two, watch the rugby, get to know the other regulars.

>somebody tries to peek on me
waht do you live in Texas and fear the gay? trust me NOBODY wants to see your twig and berries.

Hostels usually imply multiple bunk beds in a room. That’s the ultimate zero privacy option.

This version at least offers some privacy options.

Sounds to me like a recipe for disaster. Having lived with family was bad enough.

nigs gonna steal ur shit

That doesn’t appeal to me....that’s just drinking with local drinkers.

I’d prefer to network with local geeks and women, and not necessarily over alcohol.

I suspect that even if you had a private bedroom, the idea of bringing some girl home to that bedroom would set off issues.

>shit's pretty normal yo
yeah, for like normal people. not surprising the incels on here are freaking out about some other dude seeing their pimpled butt cheeks for two seconds.

>the idea of bringing some girl home to that bedroom would set off issues.
why the fuck would it? these people aren't your mom.

If I made like a quarter of what I make now then I might consider if rent is significantly cheaper.

Otherwise, why the fuck would I want to live in a dorm?

I Geuss I just value privacy a bit much.

Thing is I've had people do that shit before. Jagoffs trying to steal your pants under the stalls. Etc.

Was legit a problem when I was in high school. Though people learned really quick to cross your legs and hool your feet.

yeah man only incels would actually want to own their own home, fucking losers

You ever try to rent a room from damn near anyone??

They always have shit on their ad like “no overnight guests”

“Single professional that is never home.”

It’s pretty hard to rent a place and blow bitches out without people getting mad... I find it fucking retarded and I was stuck in one of these situations for like a month until I found a place with people my age..

did you read the thread?

renting some boomer's 5th bedroom is different from a communal space nigger.

I think home ownership is a long term goal, but you don’t need to do that when you’re young and single

Dublin is rocking with this. Posh hostels for young execs

Even if renting, having your own place where you call the shots is light years ahead of being beholden to the will of others you live with.

That sounds fine for many personality types, but At this point in my life, I’d prefer to have a certain level of guaranteed social life.

My job means I am around zero women all week long.....and I work nights and weekends.

(continued), so I am fond with the idea of interacting with humans, especially females at odd times, like 2pm on a Tuesday or During a late night rooftop grill

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I can't stand 98% of all people so that would be a nightmare scenario for me.

Same. Even when I roomed with my best friend it became exhausting, especially since we had different sleep schedules. Now we live like 10 mins away in our own places and it's great.

Bored? wehy not check this extremely hot active server, for the best lewds of females and traps!

discord gg/pkDu6FX

Sweet, thanks for the link! I'll show it to my friends in the co-living space!

Let me guess, you are moving to California or some other commie shithole?

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I want my space to be private. The new age requires are to be more minimalistic and/or cramped up with other people in the same place. No room to do anything in private and you at evening watched.

Yeah there are different circles of privacy.

1. Co-living space gives you privacy only in your room.
2. Apartment/condo without laundry gives you privacy until you have to do your laundry or go outside.
3. Apartment/condo/house with laundry gives you privacy until you go outside.
4. House with a wall around the yard, house with a courtyard, house in the middle of nowhere, or condo with a private roof deck gives you privacy when you go outside too.

I need to be at least at level three.

Nah, I don't usually wear much if anything while at home. I'm not gross or obese but I'm also no specimen and no one needs to be subjected to that. Living in one of these commune things would just come with too many concessions.

Do you think there would be a lot of opportunities for hot gay sex?

Everyone else is going to be in their early 20's and won't want to hang out with you. Take up golf instead. They match you with other solo or duos to make a foursome. You spend a few hours together doing 18 holes.

So, basically a college dormitory? With out the hot sorority next door?

Room mates suck period. I don't care if y'all are best friends or strangers. It's only a decent idea straight out of school with little cash. Btw if you do move into this co-living BS don't fuck people there literally or figuratively you shouldn't shit where you eat you know

You don't have apartments in the UK? You can get a 1 bedroom in the US with full kitchen, living room, dining room for $500-800.


A dorm filled with people who can't afford their own apartment, i.e. convicted felons, sex offenders and drug addicts.

Can even find convergence of old shipping crates , garages , barns and add ons to house's all turned into efficiency apartments ranging from $200-750

includes roaches, radon, rats,
mold, meth lab, mice.....
In any major city you pay at least $1k a month for any place that isn't a death trap

>imagine being a grown up and not being able to afford your own place and have to resort to a boarding house.
>imagine being so socially retarded that you’re willing to pay $1,000 a month on rent just for the ability to converse with others.

Good luck with the rape. Hopefully living in such tight confines doesn’t agitate your depression like it does with other people.

That sounds fucking terrible. I pay out the ass for the place I'm in, and it's not even that great. But I'd rather pay that and have some solitude over those conditions.

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Coming to think about it, why would a sane person live in such a place?

you're going to be excluded, you'll be that weird old dude all your young housemates laugh about when they go without you

>I'm 42 and I can't afford to get my own place, so this is the next best thing.

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*you can buy a WOODEN house for $1k