Catholic user
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Catholic user
Ask me anything.
either you are a shitposter, or a newfag that doesn't know how risky it is to post this on Sup Forums. Maybe /lit/, Sup Forums, or /r9k/?
anyways... Diocese?
Why do you support child rape and the torture and killing of non-catholics?
>either you are a shitposter, or a newfag that doesn't know how risky it is to post this on Sup Forums. Maybe /lit/, Sup Forums, or /r9k/?
I'm not here to shitpost, I am not new, either. /lit/ is not as smart as you may imagine. Sup Forums is literally mentally ill, and /r9k/ is much the same, but less prone to fight.
I will naturally not disclose anything about anything of that sort. I'm European, that's about all I'll say.
if god is omnipotent then why doesn't he simply destroy satan
>Why do you support child rape and the torture and killing of non-catholics?
I don't. Why would I support such things?
>how risky it is to post this on Sup Forums
it's an user imageboard you mongoloid.
Why exactly are you all sexually attracted to little boys?
Because your church would not exist without it. How do you think they spread religion outside of europe? If you're in the church, you support it by default.
>if god is omnipotent then why doesn't he simply destroy satan
Because there's a function for Satan too. It's something like this: God makes it so that a story will unfold, and you are free to take whichever role you want in that story. If God destroyed the other side of things, you'd have no story. Possibly the purpose of this is so we actually live and experience and learn, so that if we end up in Heaven, it will make a lot more sense to us because we have endured and known the dark.
It's not risky for his personal well-being. It's just risky for getting a shitty thread with only people smashtyping about "muh pedos" and "muh magic sky daddy ain't real".
at least say if u are related to any movement/community/spirituality...?
Locals often have an inflated version of what this website is. It used to be more valid ten years ago, when this place did things to other websites.
I am not.
>Because your church would not exist without it.
My Church lived centuries while being the ones getting slaughtered. That said, human history is written with blood and most nations have a similar origin. There isn't a whole lot in human history that gets done without brutality, but I wouldn't say that this is what made Christianity spread, if anything, Christianity enabled conquests, but it doesn't need that to spread. Usually the opposite. See the rise of Christianity in China, that isn't done through violence. Christianity is virtually the only faith that naturally grows without any obligation.
>It's not risky for his personal well-being. It's just risky for getting a shitty thread with only people smashtyping about "muh pedos" and "muh magic sky daddy ain't real".
I know what is coming to me. I am unafraid.
>at least say if u are related to any movement/community/spirituality...?
I'm just Catholic.
not OP but destroying Satan and therefore evil would defeat the idea of free will
I am not talking about rites. Neocathecumenal, Carmelites, Jesuits, whatever
Neocatechumenal. I'm not part of any of these or others.
favourite devotion/religious practice apart from Mass?
The entirety of my faith revolves around helping people, that is the only religious practice I truly care for.
do you go to mass? Do your read the Bible? How do you help others, I am in a volunteer project myself.
Yes. Yes. I'm a missionary teacher.
Why do you practice pagan idol worship but consider yourself Christian and then back into the "we're the only true church" corner when confronted?
catholics don't practice idol whorshipping. They won't hesitate to destroy a statue of a religious figure if it's in too bad state bc of the pass of time.
>only true church
well, it wasn't founded by some religious wackadoodle fanatic a few centuries back
>Why do you practice pagan idol worship
I don't. What idol do you think I worship?
>then back into the "we're the only true church" corner when confronted?
When did I say that?