'Thor: Ragnarok' Trailer Is Marvel and Disney's Most Watched Ever in 24 Hours
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Prove it.
how do they get to the number of 136 million total views? the video on the official Marvel youtube account only has 15 million views, or do they also count videos on facebook and shit like that?
yeah they do and i remember on facebook it only needs you to watch like 3 seconds of a video to count as a view
Is it supposed to seem exactly like Guardians of the Galaxy 2? Because GotG2 comes out in a few weeks. Does no one care?
I think they should've released the Thor trailer after Guardians, it just seems like everyone forgot about GotG and Homecoming and all the hype went to Ragnarok.
I almost feel sorry for DCucks
It could very well be another Trailer for GotG2
I bet Warner set JL for November because they thought they could easily beat Thor
I'll be so happy in November when those movies are finally dead and gone
DCucks on suicide watch
You shills are so pathetic.So fucking sad and pathetic.
Have you not noticed that LITERALLY every company is saying shit like this nowadays? Ever wondered why? Let me bring it down for the Mcucks and shills who already know alike
The METRICS have changed. Metrics are the scope of measurement. If you go purely off Youtube views than its nothing. But if you change your METRICS to pool together "views" from facebook, twitter, youtube, dailymotion, instagram, weibo, whatever the fuck...then undoubtedly by increasing the metrics used you get a larger result than previous measurements.
Its like saying with a straight face to sell your product that it has a 100% approval rating based off a 1 person survey. Metrics are important, see?
Marvelfags celebrate your pale """"victories""""" all you like. But know now they are completely hollow
>May 5
Marvel has gone on too long, and I lost interest after how bad Civil War was compared to Winter Soldier. Guardians 2 looks like the same movie as 1 and I hope others feels the same and skip it. I'll come out for Infinity War just because this series has been running since I was in middle school and I want to see how it ends, but I won't watch every film they shit out until then.
maybe it'll be closely related to gotg2 somehow
>Have you not noticed that LITERALLY every company is saying shit like this nowadays?
I haven't because it's not true
>MCUcks trying so hard to use the word kino
How about them Oscars?
Showing HULK in the trailer instead of waiting till release.
beauty and the beast and IT just did it retard
I never thought I'd see more public interest in a Thor film over a Spider-Man one, It's because they cut his hair isn't it?
1. They didn't show the entire film in the trailer.
2. The film takes place in exotic locations with SOME imagination used in creating them.
3. It isn't the second reboot of a franchise in a little over a decade.
>beauty and the beast
also disney
only because it was the most viewed of all time of all companies
literally even my fucking mother already heard that there will be Hulk in new Thor movie, there is no point in hiding that
The female demographic is practically foaming at the gash for Tom Hiddleston.
It's because the Spider-Man trailer was shit and it's the 3rd version of Spider-man in 15 years
>The series has been running since I was in middle school
Fucking hell
>1. They didn't show the entire film in the trailer.
>They showed Asgard getting felt
>They showed Enchantress stopping and destroying Mjolnir
>They showed the Hulk reveal
9 years m8. I should have graduated college by now, but I'm an idiot.
Looks like they get half way into act two to me m80
>they showed the first hour (at most) of a 2 hour film, of which the final battle is the most hype
Cate blanchett is hot in every movie. Where the fuck have YOU been user? She's pure kino.
That's still half the fucking movie. Is the bar so low that only showing half the movie is fine? GotG is coming out in less than a month and other than the fact that Star Lord's dad is in it i have no clue what's the plot. Justice League has had 2 trailers so far, it's also coming out in November, and neither showed anything other than the alien demon invasion that was teased in BvS. This trailer gave away many moments for the sake of the money shot
>Nobody has added Smash Mouth to him coming through the door.
Shit, i meant to reply to .
it look sfucking shit though, are people actually going to see this? i felt like i lost braincells watchig this shit
XD! It looks so much fun! So many bright colors, humor, and nostalgic music.
It's so refreshing to see a superhero movie that doesn't take itself seriously like those confusing and depressing DC films/
It's not "okay" but I'll take it as better than Spodermn. Don't misunderstand, I won't see this in theaters for money, but I'm defending it from a freebie, outsider perspective.
Yes, of course they do, way more views on Facebook. 43m on FB vs 16m on youtube. I mean... come on. That is way more than youtube. I have no idea where they get 136m though. Where is this other like... 70m views?
like the already 24+ MArvel films? Im borde of that shit already
You're so sophisticated and above it all. A/S/L?
You probably dont use twitter or facebook, but I've dabbled in demonic shit like that so I can tell you that just opening the app on your phone loads the video at the top of your feed. Loading that video counts as a view in their eyes, even if you scroll past it, so anyone that loads that video, however shortly, counts as a view to them. That's how they fake view counts. The person didn't actually watch the trailer, but the company can pretend they did.
yeah... why valkyrie is black tho?
Uploaded by every Marvel page I'm following (CapAm, Iron Man, GotG pages), RDJ and Hemsworth too. It's spread pretty heavily
>Chain rattle
>Now I know you're wondering how I got myself in this situation
>Let me explain
Which one of you fuckers works at the company that made this trailer?
They're probably going to kill Heimdall off or something.
>Sup Forums invented cliches
I'm so looking forward to all of Cates segments being webmed so i can jerk of to them. I know Sup Forums won't let me down.
That's cool, will Surtur be in the movie?
Because she was black in the co... oh wait.
yeah sure thing buddy
They couldn't find a nigger that's even remotely attractive?
Well you're much less likely to find a person attractive if you call them derogatory term aren't you?
feeling fit buddy?
That's implying there's attractive niggers in the first place.
>could've had another white goddess alongside Cate to make this a waifucore movie
Why is Iron Man not in this movie?
Also this should be called Asgardians of the Galaxy
Its funny because the guy in fronts form is garbage, dropping teh weights that hard like a retard
staged faggot shit. all three of them.
The fact a more well made movies somehow did get an oscar in anything is still a burn
>epic poem scratch
>freeze tapestry
>"Hwaet! You're probably wondering how I got here"
>"Let me take you back to the beginning"
>Cut to scene of Ymir's bones fashioning the earth and sky
>"No not that far"
"Y-you're still burned, k-kek"
Funniest comment in this whole thread.
Only 3 seconds of a video needs to be watched on Facebook to count as a view, so people scrolling through their newsfeed may "watch" it 20 times.
Jesus christ, how do you americans live with the press and the corps literally indoctrinating you into consuming this shit?
They aren't even trying to be coy about it.
kathryn winnick would have been excellent as her : martial arts skils, experience in a viking set, blonde, hot as hell.. and someone who look as strong as thor and steal the show even..
Sorry...i can't help myself...
She is a terrible actress...then again Hemsworth is barely non-mentally challenged.
Wasn't Angela Watercutter the "girl" that slammed JL trailer for not spoiling the movie while praising Spiderman for doing so?
So whis gonna win?
>Hemsworth is, like, the worst actor ever haha
when will this meme end?
he has good comedic timing too
>white male
Was she the one that was crying about the Justice League villains being just a bunch of cgi aliens?
Because thats hilariously rich coming from a bunch of cucks that cream themselves thinking about The Avengers...
Yeah...'i know him from work' was '''''comedy'''' gold...
Thanks for bringing up this perfect casting now i'll forever be in rage. Would've been the perfect strong female character addition to the cast which people would've loved and would be added to future movies. Now she'll just be the token nigger everyone forgets after the movie except for a few tumblrtards who never buy comics or merchandise.
He has not been forgiven for dating Tay Tay, so that's no longer true.
>People will read this and actually believe it
What a time to be alive
To be fair, 136 million views in 24 hours isn't that much
Batman vs Superman got over 25 BILLION views withhin the first 5 minutes
cmon he's a mimbo
peopel like him because he's a burly oaf
Yeah but it got 15 billion downvotes
couldnt fap to her as a galadriel
but sure as hela im going now
Not beautiful enough
Spot on criticism
>Thor with short hair
Hulk should win since it's just a brawl.
>ywn be tag teamed by her and claudia black
He's not a great actor but he's ok
I just think it's unfair that some fags always point to him to talk about bad acting in capeshit
cate and lexa doig for me
synergy always takes care
I really can't believe she's 47. She looks just as good as she did 15 years ago in the first LoTR movie.
Is she feeding on the souls of nerds or what?
>Thor 3 outgrosses Justice League
Would that be the end of the DCEU?
yeah he's intelligent enough to use his overall big dumb broness. Finding a tall blonde buff dude who can act and be funny is a miracle for marvel
but he's not a acting genious
but it needed 900 billion just to break even