Has anyone ever been so BTFO?

Has anyone ever been so BTFO?

Jesus Christ this was hard to watch

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tbf they both made asses outta themselves and I think they'd both admit it.

>defend corruption
>against weed
>doesn't accept evidence/sources

he deserved it,

His arguments were correct, though. He just wound up doubting himself when Rogan started pulling up bullshit articles that argued against himself in full context.

i dont get people like this. its like pierce morgan or Sup Forums. they just ignore facts.

Wait, are we hating on Steven or Rogan?

Both are awesome, but Rogan was in the wrong here.

Okay, this is not the place, but I'lll play devil's advocate. Present your facts, let's talk.

Joe did keep pushing it and was kind of a douche at times, but Steven was factually incorrect.

Why do people still defend him after getting his ass handed to him so many times?

weeds not bad for you
corruption is bad
etc etc get out of Sup Forums Sup Forums. moot made your containment board echo chamber for a reason

Steven "comedy isn't supposed to be funny" Crowder ladies and gentlemen.

>hold on fuckface

it basically boiled down to
>Joe: "whats an issue you don't like to talk about"
>Crowder: "weed, it's dumb but i don't care do what you want"
>joe gets triggered and goes on a drunk rant about how crowder doesn't know what hes talking about how dare he be against weed its good for you it cures cancer

Except Stevens literal position was "it isnt as straight cut as some people say it is, there are ups and downs, but frankly, I dont give a shit what people do. Just dont say its 100% positive for you". How is this in any way factually incorrect?

>weeds not bad for you

>weeds not bad for you
Well, depends on how much you use it.

>corruption is bad
Yes, agreed.

>etc etc get out of Sup Forums Sup Forums. moot made your containment board echo chamber for a reason
I'll not leave, I like browsing this board. This is not your safe space, don't you EVER forget that.

>liberals dishonestly call other people dishonest
this is such a weird trend. literally every time a liberal accuses someone of being something, they have been guilty of it themselves within the last 5 minutes
you guys are the kings of doublethink and i love you for that

>>weeds not bad for you
>Well, depends on how much you use it.

No more than any other major consumable. Should we ban water because drinking too much of it will kill you?

Essentially. Never speak of marijuana, unless it is to praise it. He goes full fundamentalist on your ass if you do.

that's right, faggot

Water doesnt cause slower brain development if you use it during younger ages.

But no, no one should ban it. Literally no one is saying that. Stop projecting.

I-it's 5 o clock already?! I'm gonna miss my flight!

>comparing something you need to live to something to do to have fun
nobody tries to overconsume water

whats the best joe rogans?

>"the world is run by inter dimensional time traveling pedophile vampires"
>joe: ok, that sounds reasonable

>"Weed might not be a wonder drug that cures all illnesses"


>No more than any other major consumable. Should we ban water because drinking too much of it will kill you?

Let's be honest, water isn't an addcition and it also doesn't turn you into a junkie if you abuse it.

Look up brain hemorrhaging due to swelling.

>being pro cannabis

You are wrong.


This. I hate crowder because hes a neo-con who pretends to be a libertarian because neo-con is a bad word now. Im glad Joe pushed the topic and called him out on his lies.


Should just legalize every drug to be honest. If you're retarded enough to take shit like krokodil you deserve your skin melting off.

>he's a neo-con pretending to be a libertarian
So any libertarian with more than a high school diploma.

>someone links to a study
>the person who linked is now the "source" and therefore it can't be trusted
why are liberals so retarded?

Crowder literally made up a statistic about more people getting into car accidents because of weed when an actual study was done that found the exact opposite was true

Isn't this the "comedian" who said comedy doesn't have to be funny and then whined about not being booked at comedy venues?

Pick one of his arguments that was correct.


THC acts on specific targets in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors. Ordinarily, these receptors are activated by brain chemicals similar to THC that are part of a neural communication system, and play an important role in brain development and function. Marijuana over activates this system, causing impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and disrupted learning and memory.1

Anything that impairs coordination and judgment, which marijuana does, increases a driver’s risk of being in an accident. And when used in conjunction with alcohol, the combined result is worse than either substance alone.1

Your brain goes through significant development during your teen and young adult years, and marijuana’s effects on the developing brain create risks unique to that time period. Following marijuana use, a teen’s decrease in cognitive abilities can last much longer than an adult’s, as long as several weeks since last use. With regular use (daily or nearly daily), the alterations to the brain caused by marijuana become prolonged by frequent recurrences, which can in-turn lead to lowered learning capabilities, a shortened attention span, and weakened verbal communication skills.2

There is also an association between regular and prolonged marijuana use and mental illness. A link has been demonstrated with later development of psychosis, and rates increase for those who start young. Associations have also been found with other mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts among adolescents.1 It’s important to note that the nature of these links is still unclear. More research is needed to better understand whether there is only correlation, or whether causality may exist as well.

Marijuana, just like any other drug, can be addictive. It affects the brain’s reward system in the same way as all other drugs of addiction.

yes. He also gets needlessly angry if someone even dares to have a different opinion than him.

When people imply it should be considered differently than other recreational drugs, sure.

Of the recreational drugs, marijuana is the most benign.

Crowder was referencing bullshit stats.

The figures from Colorado show that if you test the people who get into car collisions, you find that a certain percentage have cannabis in their systems. But it's the same percentage as those who use cannabis. So cannabis has had no impact on the frequency of collisions.

When you test for alcohol, you find that those involved in collisions are far more likely to be intoxicated than the general population.

Crowder was comprehensively full of shit, and not interested in anything but shit. I honestly cannot understand prohibitionists.

Who /againstweedbecauseIhatepotheads/ here?


>Crowder was objectively wrong
>Rogan was being overly pushy and clearly angry and insulting about the argument that Crowder didn't even want to have
>probably because he's wrong

All in all I'd say they were both douchebags

eric dubay and flat earth.

everybody is waking the fuck up now.

Kek, when Jamie pulls up the article on Steven's website where it calls people morons for smoking.

Lel, Steven is beta af you could tell he felt super
awkward Joe was gonna be mad at him or something.

Yeah being an unrepentant liar and a meanie are totally the same thing.

This is true-i have family members who study how various drugs work on the brain and there is evidence that long term uses causes psychosis so whoever is arguing against it is clearly a stupid pothead.

Regardless of the crime debate you cannot deny that smoking weed activates a different state of mind of those who smoke it. Naturally people will always want to turn to this state. It makes you fucking lazy and ruins your social life.

Stop being such huge pussies jesus christ...caffeine is worse.

Yes it is.

I blame the douchey stoners in high school who made fun of the Sup Forumstards and now they're here moaning on a croatian whittling forum about a fucking plant """Impairing muh judgement""". Tons of substances impair judgement. Pick your fucking battles a little better there's far more things to be self righteous about than a goddamn plant. You think you're some sort of intellectual elitists for being sad and sober all the time but you guys just sound like old women.

he admitted he was wrong though you mong

it can be pretty bad

and for those who dont feel any bad effect and become a habit, like smoking every time before leaving the house. It's not "bad" like heroin or crack, but it's bad enough. You wouldnt say a dude doing a whisky shot at night every day is fine

>You wouldnt say a dude doing a whisky shot at night every day is fine

Yeah, actually I would. Many, many many people drink liquor daily or nightly. And its far worse for you without question.

>ruins your social life

He said on Sup Forums...

why is it worse? it's the same drive to escape and "habit-forming" nonsense

it's not fine at all to drink every day

I wish that this drug would just disappear off the face of the earth. I hate the people who smoke it. I hate their smug insistence that the drug is completely harmless and consequence free. I hate that they are normalizing their degenerate hobby. I hate that it's being legalized. I hate that they have tricked dumb meatheads like Joe Rogan into spreading their propaganda. I hate the useful idiots on this board that swallow the propaganda. But most of all, I hate the fucking smell.

>Many, many many people drink liquor daily or nightly

Yes and we call them alcoholics.

As long as alcohol is legal the argument for making pot illegal holds precisely zero water. If people wanted to get all puritanical and ban all substances that inhibit you in one way or another then sure, pot does that to a degree, but supporting tobacco / alcohol and demonizing pot in the same breath is some hilariously dense hypocrisy.

it is hypocrisy, but to lie to yourself it doesnt make you want to be in that security-blankie state of mind is dubious

and if you have mental hangups it can fuck you up good

>Pick your fucking battles a little better there's far more things to be self righteous about than a goddamn plant
Carrie Nation couldn't compete with the self-righteousness that potheads engage in

Someone coming home and having a glass of wine or a beer is an alcoholic? Its not THAT bad in a small quantity, and taking a few hits off a bowl of weed at the end of the day is exponentially more harmless than even that. Not everyone is Snoop Dogg.

>drive to escape and "habit-forming" nonsense
Its not necessarily like that for everyone. This is part of the silliness to these anti-weed nutjobs on here. They think everyone who smokes a little weed is like that sleazy stoner kid from school they hated. Its not like that.

As for how alcohol is literally worse for you than any marijuana imaginable (so is caffeine, nicotine, sugar, gluten, carbs, MANY pharmaceuticals) Google is a lovely place.

BOO HOO babby dont like evol drugks. I know, everyone who likes things you don't like (surely degenerates) should be eliminated from earth to make your life easier. Make sure you see your guidance counselor in school again tomorrow.

>Not everyone is Snoop Dogg.
>They think everyone who smokes a little weed is like that sleazy stoner kid from school they hated.

Maybe not everyone but waaaaay too many are.

alcohol is definitly worse than pot. Caffeine, nicotine, carbs arent (unless in excess). That shit really shows your pothead angle

>Google is a lovely place.
yes you could become an expert on Building 7 in 2006 or an expert in how egyptians were black nowadays

Weed is boring and it makes you a boring person.

I've learned not to base whether I enjoy something or enjoy taking part in something on whether or not I enjoy other PEOPLE who like said thing.

caffeine, sugar and nicotine are worse for you than marijuana and far, far more regularly abused. some people would argue gluten and carbs too but I like bread so I won't personally make that argument...

It can have this effect on someone yes. It could also make someone more interesting. This is also not a concrete side effect, as different substances effect different people in different ways.

If the people advocating pot's legality and the medical benefits it can have for some users are self righteous than at least they're putting their effort into something worthwhile and not just demonizing users of a plant from the earth because it suits some fedoraland conservative mindset.

Bro... consuming alcohol everyday makes you an alcoholic. I'm sorry the people around you told you that it is normal behavior, but it isn't.

Weed in itself is fine but it's all the cancerous shit surrounding it like pic related. Doing something that makes you stupider shouldn't be a source of pride or culture. Sure alcoholfags have their bearded homebrewers, but even they acknowledge alcohol is bad for you and don't act like it's some wonder drug.

I did it a bunch of times in one week and all it did was make me fall asleep and my head buzz and I haven't done it since.

Who is this faggot's audience? Seriously he's even less funny than Amy Schumer.

brb gonna go drink ten red bulls since it's harmless

Bro....there are many people who drink a beer or a glass of wine after work without. Its not optimal health certainly but its something that real people in the real world actually take part in commonly that has actual chemical effects on a more concrete level than "if you smoke weed all day for 20 yrs you might get psychosis!"

Again, consuming a substance, whether it be pot or alcohol doesn't mean consuming vast quantities of that substance to the point where they are alcoholic or this "degenerate" stoner boogeyman you guys see in movies or met in high school.

Its worth noting that many people who are anti pot have no problem with getting wrecked on whiskey and that's why I mentioned the substances in contrast.

>I've learned not to base whether I enjoy something or enjoy taking part in something on whether or not I enjoy other PEOPLE who like said thing

Well thanks for admitting you are an anti-social retard.

user, part of being human is gauging the reaction of society to your habits and adjusting your behavior accordingly. If you're completely ignoring society's advice, that's a recipe for destructive behavior.

you miss the part about excess?

>there are many people who drink a beer or a glass of wine after work without


Alcohol doesn't make me better it just makes it so I don't care that I'm not good enough

Why should I stop smoking weed because some fat loser in a random Youtube video is seen enjoying the substance? Am I gonna stop listening to a band because one of their fans isn't a nice guy? I don't have to involve myself with people and situations that I think suck, and that is my prerogative, as it should be yours. And that's my point by saying other people's opinions don't sway me into enjoying or not enjoying something.

I don't know what code you live by but I really don't give a shit because I don't have to cater my tastes based on """"society's advice"""". You sound like you were raised in a catholic household or something and maybe that's why there's a disconnect here

everything in excess is bad, dumbfuck

>I eat sugar to excess, I get diabetes/fat
>I drink red bull to excess, I have a heart attack
>I smoke ciggarettes to excess I get lung cancer
>I think to excess, I get depressed/crazy
>I drink to excess and I get a cocktail of problems
>I smoke weed to excess, I fall asleep

"Seth Rogan is the only that undestands me LMAO" the post ladies and gentlemen

yes it does actually. Im not arguing that those people arent alcoholics but if enough people do it then yes it is normal. Take monogamy for example: 100+ years ago it didnt exist and guys would get married and have lovers and mistresses and no one would bat an eye but now that would seem absurd but thats just because enough practice monogamy that its seen as normal.

yeah that's what happens with excess weed

Weed prohibitionists are foolish but its also foolish to claim outright that weed has no potential negative physiological, psychological, or even from that societal effects. Its effects are still being studied and its important to take new information into account when we determine when substances should be allowed.

For instance there is strong evidence pointing to a casual link between consumption of cannabis during teen years and a lowering of IQ into adult years.


Obviously we take this into account when we implement laws regulating weed to include an age limit. But as we learn more we need to adjust our laws in accordance with that. Anti-weed DARE people are just tone deaf to the whole issue, but pro-weed people can be just as tone deaf if they buy into the "weed is not harmful at all" narrative. The truth is its waaay less harmful then all other controlled or even legal substances but its not harmless all together.

>I hate people who can socialize well with others because I'm unable to!

I got ADD OCD autism asperger and i hear voices in my head let meee have my FUCKIN MIRACLE PLANT REEE Miracle
tfw dealers doesnt pick up or the store gets raided REEEEEEEE I NEED MY MIRACLE PLANT

>I think to excess, I get depressed/crazy
literally no one.

weed people cant possibly imagine how retarded they look from the outside their habit, they think everyone who ever said anything midly bad about its subcultures are prude prohibionists sourpuss from a hollywood version of 1930's G-Men and Seth Rogen LMAOWEED movies

>Why should I stop smoking weed because some fat loser in a random Youtube video is seen enjoying the substance?
Because it's endemic shittiness among pot smokers, not random or isolated incidents

>weeds not bad for you

Every weed shithead I've ever known in my life is a carbon copy of you. Their short term memory is fucked and if weed didn't lead them on to harder shit then they're in their mid 30s still BLAZE BLAZE BLAZIN IT every other weekday whilst barely able to hold a stable job.

There's a wealth of evidence to suggest weed fucks with your cognitive abilities, can bring out latent schizophrenia you otherwise wouldn't have had and also has physical detriments to your body. Talking about ignoring facts? You're the one with the shitty, stinky, expensive vice who doesn't want to admit he's a fucking retard.

>what is the sad socrates effect

>this thread

Top tier goodposting, my nigga

I was the bully. And no I won't stop talking about how you're a fucking goon with a terrible habit because it makes you uncomfortable. Don't like seeing this shit? You can hop on over to Reddit or Facebook where the atmosphere and lack of contrarianism is more to your liking.

>calls weed expensive
>calls other people retards

gg fgt

>he formed a habit with cheap weed

>says he has facts
>shares no facts, just calls people retards

Such a noble cause, speaking out against the evils of marijuana on this Taiwanese knife fighting forum. What a crusader! Gotta stop people from feeling nice for a little while so everyone can be as miserable a prick as you are right?

I'm not uncomfortable. I've never felt more comfortable as a pot smoker than I do right now, knowing that something as simple as lighting a weed on fire in the privacy of my own home causes a dolt like you such anxiety. Keep spreading your little alt-wrong anti drug rhetoric sorry to challenge it.

Guy just fuckin chill alright I need weed so I'm not miserable is that so much god damn. I need it to feel normal and function fuck you people.

Holy fuck those metrics don't have anything to do with consumer price.

Then why are the three largest all illegal drugs? Surely that has nothing to do with an inflated cost from being illegal.

How does the lucrativity of cultivation area have to do with the end-user expense? All that graph shows is how much value cultivation space is when used for whichever resource. It says nothing about the relative expense of the user for their "vice". The only thing you have right, is that it is an "expensive vice", in the very fact it is a vice, and it's something you spend money on that you don't need to.

Quality and effects, compared to every other vice, it's no more expensive than anything else. For effectiveness as far as vices go, it's cheaper than tobacco, and it's effectively as cheap as alcohol, maybe a little more expensive.

For example, I live in Colorado, and retail price rates for marijuana products are higher, but even still I can pick up a pack of cookies for 20 dollars, or an eight-ounce of herb for 20-40 depending on quality. So if I had say an entire week off and wanted to do nothing but go on a bender and watch rewatch my Rome, Deadwood, or Stargate DVDs, I'd probably spend 40 bucks and be high every waking moment of that week. To do the same bender with alcohol, I could maybe wind up spending 20 bucks, but to enjoy it I'd probably get some good shit and wind up spending around 40 bucks either way (only the alcohol bender I'll hate my fucking life the next Monday).

It is still a vice though, and spending my money on something I otherwise don't need, but that's human society and economy. Also not everyone has the same effects on different substances, so values (like with everything else) vary depending on the individual.

But you still haven't shown any evidence that weed in general is an expensive vice, and most experience has it comparable to alcohol consumption as far as it's expense. I suppose if you bring in other factors like job restrictions because of drug testing, that can make it costly. It all depends on your location, the culture you're in, and your situation.

See those factors you've eloquently laid out don't matter when the picture these anti-pot kids are trying to paint is that of Reefer Madness proportions.

In order to pose marijuana as the evil it is, they have to run under the assumption that everyone who smokes a lil bowl of kush at night will become stupid, schizophrenic, broke and suffer unnamed physical detriments until they die of lung cancer. Old fashioned fear tactics, and in such a harmless arena...

Actually at the end-user level, weed has become slightly more expensive after legalization than it was illegal, although the ease of access and reliability more than makes up for the extra price.

What makes it lucrative is how much end product you get out of the cultivated area, and there is a relative like of refining needed (it can be labor intensive, but nothing like poppys or coca). I think cannabis would be less lucrative in general if it was legalized or decriminalized across the board though. At that point it would be more balanced as far as the market getting saturated, and supply and demand being balanced.