She's not wrong

She's not wrong...

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heh heh twitter.. w o w ! = )

That's a guy.

Where did the reddit is just as racist and sexist as Sup Forums meme come from?

Racism? On MY Sup Forums?


>S H E


Fuck off.

She's not that bad looking. Id fuck her.


It's a weird phenomenon, anytime Sup Forums does something, Reddit gets all or partial credit

Why is this?

Asian guy with his high-IQ (she's a software engineer) white wife.

Only in America can a white boy grow up to be a Chinese woman

stop selfposting you cunt



fuck off cunt

Because Sup Forums does bad shit and then blames Reddit.

>invite reddit AND Sup Forums

But that would be redundant

Hey, did """"""""""she""""""""" actually make a single game yet?

how dare xhe. let's get xer

>being gross
You're gross.

Sup Forums is a board of satire and peace. Reddit is the real hate group. we just meme

that's a tranny m8

Fuck off John


>Fucking men

He made it, but pulled it from the Apple store since he's updating it. It's coming to PC soon™.

See, even a middle-aged white woman isn't scared to go to a mosque. As a Muslim, I invite you all to play Pokemon Go at your nearest mosque or Islamic Center. We're very welcoming of all peoples.

For a while, i.e. a day, when the orlando shooting happened, news and worldnews mods were censoring any mention of the shooters race/religion and deleting comments such as, setting up blood drives, how to contact family members. So the only place that wasnt doing said deletions was the_donald which meant everyone had to go there to get details which caused the algorithms to push them to the top of all, people complained it was racist so they redid the algorithms to prevent "racist" posts from getting to the top.
But the damage was done and people stayed so it looks like a bunch of racists run reddit, they do but the "good" kind, so Poes law.

>Down with Trump

About as accurate as her gender.





>1 post by this ID


The same reason ebaums world got all the credit before plebbit existed.

Sup Forums never did anything. Reddit always blames Sup Forums.

That's the point

its fucking goddam offensive grouping us in with reddit

fuck that cunt

Enjoy your time prison for consensual rape.

" vice versus "
Ha !

"She"'s a big girl


does John Flynt there personally know the hacker known as Sup Forums?

the reddit hivemind has been pushing back against politically correct tumblrina syndrome for awhile now. the jews constantly have to tweak reddit to shut it down, but it 's a lot easier to get away with politically incorrect posting than it use to be depending on the sub.

if some anons weren't fucking retards she'd think it was all reddit, unfortunately too many retards are edgy tryhards and reveal their power level in front of normies


No. Also, it's retarded.

>vice versus


To be honest, it was usually ebaumsworld doing the awesome shit and Sup Forums posting about it and crossboarding.

when they bullied the CEO into quitting because she was trash at her job and everyone decided that is was actually because she was a chinkette


And we should ask you for your opinio... oh wait.


Reddit? What

>awesome shit

Pick one.

OMG pet semitary!

I want to brutally fuck him.

Fucking reddit isn't gay enough for them?
Or did one of you faggots make this shit just to piss us off

Don't give John Flynt Walker the satisfaction.

Wu lad.

Brian Wu is a homosexual man with mental illness that makes him think he's a woman. A society that isn't being poisoned by jews would see far less men like him.


>let's get xer

>L O N D O N

praise allah...

>Sup Forums hates Reddit for being too left wing
>Tumblr hates Reddit for being too right wing

damn Reddit just can't win

Everytime a 4chin board does something "bad", there's a collective effort to make reddit get the blame for it.

>Reddit is a racist forum full of hate now

You mean it was usually ebaumsworld stealing content from sites like SomethingAwful and making revenue off it.

Sup Forums is a board of peace

>Sup Forums

Who is this person? Are they a good speaker?


Never GNU, thanks senpaitachi.

Reddit is like New York city. And we are Al Qaeda. And Tumblr is like Canada, you never find yourself there and when someone talks about it I get pissed off.

>two sites with a combined monthly readership of 100 million should speak at the RNC

Thank Kek that retarded millenials like her don't actually bother to go out and vote.

How does someone so unlikeable and self-absorbed even have a following? Even in his own stories he comes off as an asshole.

> she


>reddit mod complaining about reddit

I never understand reddit. They constantly bitch about how racist the site apparently is, but never leave. Why?

but she ain't right either you know


I feel like we really should be doing this.

I would get sick keks from some "the hacker reddit" or "white supremacist forum reddit"...can we do this?

Reminder that this is someone who said the experience in life "she" learned the most from was flushing 200 grand of her parents' money down the toilet on a failed animation studio.

tumblr thinks reddit is right-wing and Sup Forums thinks it's left-wing. it's just in the middle somewhere.

>Brianna Wew

The site is so large at this point, saying it has any political affiliation is like saying people on Facebook are left-wing or right-wing.

hell, even though GamerGate is almost universally left-libertarian, the media has been convinced they're far right stormtards

>thinking internet soap boxes matter in the real world

No it's left wing, we're center. Checked btw

Wu plays a healer that stacks INT materia

Even his in-game character represents his delusional state

No one actually likes that thing, or trannies in general. It's all virtue signalling. Think Emperor has no clothes times ten. Everyone goes along with the SJW nonsense because they think everyone else is into it. As the semi-crazies become mainstream, the mid-level crazies think its okay to come out of the closet. In an effort to appear tolerant to their social peers, SJWs pretend to be ok with the increasingly crazy shit that is going on. Trannies are high up on the opressed class list right now so everyone clings to them for social justice points. The only thing we can really do right now is let it get so out of hand that the contradictory nonsense will become so apparent no one will be able to rationalize it away anymore. It's gonna be a long and bumpy ride, so hang on.

I could see how "eating balls" would strike a nerve

It's super sekrit cleric stance tech silly bois~~~~~~~~ ;;;;))))))))

Internet historian here.

The algorithm prevents one subreddit from getting too many posts to the top of the list of "all" subreddits by dragging down posts based on the number of posts at the top.

The reddit = Sup Forums meme started basically when reddit started because of jail bait. And Sup Forums users have always been a significant part of the site. Because it's always advertised here.

It is far harder to be politically incorrect on reddit now than in the past. This is the spawn of "the largest atheist community on the internet." Fedorable neckbeards and their shitty ideas and pedo apologia used to be mainstream reddit. Now they have evolved defenses against this. The users are less likely to be tricked by their false equivalences and will downvote. The mods have more experience and are tired of it and shut that shit down. The algorithm has been adjusted to avoid raids and spam.

But reddit has always been liberal flavour of neckbeard. And the demographics of Sup Forums have changed too. It used to be anime nerds that just said nigger because it was funny and they liked freedom. Now real Nazis (that's likely you if you're reading this) are have 5 years of history here. Nazis are newfags.


They were actually talking about eating orb-like things in-game but the 40 year old unemployed tranny thought he was too mature for that. (He's Lilith Nine in the chat log).

When you're too stupid to play Scholar, but too arrogant to know your place as a WHM. Sounds like John Flynt all right.


>mfw people still think reddit is 4chanlite and not edgytumblr