What are some good shows about God not being real?
What are some good shows about God not being real?
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Out of all the other religions, Atheists are the biggest crybabies of the bunch. They make up around 84% of the United States, but still will always bitch and fucking moan about how oppressed they are. They are happy to shit over everybody else's viewpoints, but if you ever dare criticize Atheism, you will be accused of being "sheeple".
Atheists love to abuse other people's space and privacy, it's their favored past time, so when the Internet was invented they boarded the Fedora train to dialup to begin their cyber Manifest Destiny of shitty propaganda. Since these times, more and more enlightened fedora-wearing atheists find their way online to secure that everyone knows they are superior. These types of people inhabit almost every conceivable community that makes up the web and constantly through the day/night some asshole is tipping his fedora somewhere in an effort to smite some e-foe. Luckily, Atheists make up a large pool of easily trolled targets because if the Internet has taught us anything it's that everyone is a hypocrite. It's only fitting that the people who spend most of their time telling others how to live would be the most raging hypocrites out there. This trusty flaw results in massive ruin and has been a staple of dramatic events throughout history. Keyboard warriors (aka Fedoras) are no different from their offline counterparts, however, their large numbers and katana collectionists groups do not translate in any way online. They are weak fedora-tipping fat fucks who quit the Internet forever at the tip of their fedora.
I to ironically hate this series for being popular ;)
lol no one's gonna read all that you brainwashed loser
Planet Earth
I have to laugh every time I see somebody criticizing great television shows made for us normal people who actually leave our house to interact with other normal people. Fuck these autist cunts in their fedora-wearing asses. It's like some unwritten rule in their pathetic notebook that they have to be miserable at everything, that the world is "shit" and everything they hear or see is "shit" and the agenda of everyone is "shit".
We get it. We watched that South Park episode, too. You have Asperger's Syndrome. Now drink some whisky, lighten the fuck up and seek help for it. You're not the only one in that boat, bucko.
WE rule this board, now. WE decide who's cool and who's not. You rock spiders clinging to the Sup Forums of the past? The ones that yearn for Bela Tarr marathons while you lick Dorito crumbs off of your fingers and weep for "being born in the wrong generation"? You're archaic. You're ancient fucking history. You've been left behind.
Come out of your basement, you cave-dwellers. Come and celebrate the new millennium by watching Rick & Morty with the rest of us. It's the present year and we have cake. Even though it's a lie.
you clearly did since you replied
here you go friendo
Out of all the other religions, Jews are the biggest crybabies of the bunch. They make up around 2% of the United States, but still will always bitch and fucking moan about how oppressed they are. They are happy to shit over everybody else's viewpoints, but if you ever dare criticize Judaism, you will be accused of being "disrespectful".
Jews love to abuse other people's space and privacy, it's their favored past time, so when the Internet was invented they boarded the Jesus train to dialup to begin their cyber Manifest Destiny of shitty propaganda. Since these times, more and more religious Jewish miscreants find their way online to secure G*d's position firmly on its grounds. These types of people inhabit almost every conceivable community that makes up the web and constantly through the day/night some asshole is quoting the Torah or Talmud somewhere in an effort to smite some e-foe. Luckily, Jews make up a small pool of easily trolled (and inbred) targets because if the Internet has taught us anything it's that everyone is a hypocrite. It's only fitting that the people who spend most of their time telling others how to live would be the most raging hypocrites out there. This trusty flaw results in massive ruin and has been a staple of dramatic events throughout history. E-Jews (aka JIDF) are no different from their offline counterparts, however, their large numbers and gestapo sects do not translate in any way online. They are weak cry-baby carebears who derail everything with interracial and underaged porn, at the drop of their menorah.
Planet Earth
True Detective
>Rick says God's not real literally once
>it's an entirely a joke after he prayed to God so he wouldn't die.
>treat it like that's the entire premise of the cartoon and as if it's genociding Christians
You're the reason why people think Christianity is the biggest pussy of religion.
T. Rebbid
You're probably hoping none of us have seen more than one episode of this shit. Well, sorry. The "le god is not real" maymay is quite the recurring theme in the show.
The reason is it's a joke within the first 5 mins of the first episode. So Sup Forums clicks 'watch' and sees 5 mins and goes 'yup, that's the show, off to Sup Forums to shitpost where saying 'ive watched it' is technically not a lie so I don't go to Hell because my religion says it's a sin to lie!'.
Really makes you think, right?
So is everyone in these threads just shitposting or are people actually genuinely getting upset about people not liking this show
Wrong. The pilot episode he makes a comment God isn't real. The next time he says it is in the Time Fracture episode where he prays to God and then goes FuCK YOU when he survives.
That's it. Out of 20 odd episodes there is about 2 comments about it.
>It's the present year and we have cake. Even though it's a lie.
Wasn't sure if this was a copy pasta til then.
>Out of all the other religions, Atheists are the biggest crybabies of the bunch. They make up around 84% of the United States, but still will always bitch and fucking moan about how oppressed they are.
I literally have never seen proof of this. In fact, I only ever see people bitch about atheists. Unless you're saying that when atheists criticize religions it's "bitching". In which case LOL. How could we not criticize others? It's too fucking easy. You can't even defend yourself. You just pathetically reply with hat memes.
Damage control harder
going off of memory here, I didn't watch too much of this shit
>god's not real summer, once you rip that band aid off yadda yadda
>Rick is falling through some collapsing dimension or some shit "HAHA FUCK YOU GOD" or something like that when he escapes
>the episode with the plutonians with crosses for pupils
>car battery episode, "MY GOD IS THE BIGGEST DICK OF ALL"
>"nobody exists for a reason... etc"
I'm sure I saw another dinner table conversation or two where the "god isn't real" quotes came up but I can't remember them.
Saying that anti-religion is not a common theme for the show is downright delusional
Who baited better?
triggered. this seems to be the only version of the pasta to get (you)s from retarded self-important fatasses like yourself
>Pretending to believe in God so you can make an unfunny, unoriginal troll thread on a shitty imageboard
Sort yourself out, kid.
It doesn't seem to faze me much since it's the theme for a lot of shows nowadays. It's been a while since I've seen religion portrayed in any sort of positive light.
Any series with Brian Cox.