>It's a renaissance faire episode.
Off the top of your head, name as many examples of this that you can.
>It's a renaissance faire episode.
Off the top of your head, name as many examples of this that you can.
Are Renaissance fairs fun? Never been to one.
Me neither. I've always wanted to go to one.
King of the Hill and Family Guy are the only things that come to mind desu
Supernatural, most cop shows, and that's all I got without googling.
Yeah they can be pretty dope. Turkey legs, beer, and the jousting event is basically ye olde WWE complete with the heel shit talking the crowd.
Are there busty wenches?
Not really. Fun to laugh at larpers though. My friend bought a sword at one. He always threatened to kill his parents with it when they made him mad. I think he sold it now he's older and poor.
Fat chicks..yeah.
Reno 911 had a good one.
I remember House had a faire episode, and TBBT featured one right by the end. I watch quite a bit of cop shows but I don't remember any of them with these kind of events.
This is the only part that matters.
Nah but I hear they turn into drunken orgies once the customers leave.
i just remember the one in house
depends on if it's a good one or not
I think there's one in It's Always Sunny, right?
Renfairs can be badass, but what other people said it really depends on the crowd. Shitty thing to say I know but, the ones in Texas at least are fun. Plus the costumes can be fun to make if youre into that.
I like how your story had nothing to do with anything at all.
>renaissance fair
>everything is medieval
My memory is shot but I'm thinking It's Always Sunny and Community have them
a lot of them are owned by the same company actually
It depends on what you go for. Also on how often and how popular Ren Fairs are in your area. I do some exhibition performances and that's honestly the funnest part.
If you're interested in the history of the period then it's also cool to see people with the same interest and things that people do with that interest.
If you're just looking for carnival-esque atmosphere there might be better places but at ren-fairs I think authenticity is more enforced.
Renaissance Festival episode kino
Reno 911
Home Movies
I feel like Daria might have had one
King of the Hill
Bullshit (kind of?)
didn't community just have a fake clipshow episode where they flash back to an alleged episode where they went to a renaissance faire but that was never really an episode and just a scene shot specifically for that episode?
Home movies wins
I'd hire dumb broads just to walk around and show off ye olde cleavage. I guess that's literally why Hooters exists.
The Hooters outfit drives me wild for some reason. I don't know why.
Organized white trash sluttiness.
>no mention of the simpsons
Maybe that's it.
I like the slutty Oktoberfest Bavarian style too.