>Weekend update
Writing the next SNL episode
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Is he /our retard/?
memes have gone too far
He legitimately has the most difficult job on the planet, all things considered he's done very well. If he didnt get out now he'd probably have a stroke or something anyway.
>He brought them into the Holocaust centers
What did he mean by this?
Real Illuminati shit
I bet he thought it was a great conference the way he handled the Easter Egg Roll question.
if hitler won we'd have governments around the world dedicated to protecting the white race.
instead we have governments around the world dedicated to destroying it.
>ok I'm ready for these little easter egg shits-
>what do you mean clarification I mean ok-
>Oh god what have I done um uhm
>the Easter Egg Roll question
Elaborate. How difficult can it be to answer an Easter Egg Roll question? Literally, he just needs to say the date and time of the event.
hacky snl joke thread?
>White House press secretary recently raised some controversy when he said Adolf Hitler did not use gas on his own people the same way Syrian president Bashar Al-Asad did. He later retracted his statement, saying he meant the kind of horrific gas attack you create after eating Indian food.
>what? *befuddled look at audience reaction* .. it makes you gassy
he should have just said; "hitler was a pretty cool guy" and then retired.
>How difficult can it be to answer an Easter Egg Roll question?
What's wrong with liking Hitler as a person?
I feel like this Friday is going to be a good one.
Basically the administration has blown off all planning for the upcoming Easter Egg Roll event until the guy selling the easter eggs called them to remind them that they're supposed to host an Easter Egg Roll event. So its become a test of how well the administration can handle this without cocking it, since its practically unheard of for an administration to fuck up the Easter Egg Roll Event in modern history.
So this press conference was supposed to head off any questions about that. And then Spicer did his thing.
>mfw I can't decide if this makes me feel better because Trump is too incompetent to do anything or if it makes me feel worse because how the fuck can you not organize literally rolling some eggs?
Another genius move by (((Donald Trump))). Have Sean Spicer say something stupid so your ADHD-ridden internet trolls forget you are fighting for Zionism last week
Well for one thing, you need easter eggs to do it and they completely forgot about ordering them.
>hitler's own people
I stopped going to Sup Forums many years ago. How are they dealing with Trump being pro-Israel, pro-Jewish banker, with multiple Jews on staff
I've stopped watching snl because they can't come up with anything funny outside of Drumpf and sex
Is this real? I'm dead serious. This is fantastic.
I-it's 5D chess shill! C-cuck!
it took them until the syria missles a few days ago to finally drop him
But Assad is like Hitler, because neither of them gassed anyone.
>just answer questions honestly and like a non-retard
>President being how he is, makes your job the hardest in Washington.
The job isn't hard, it'a hard because of Trump.
>It's passover, just don't say anything anti-semetic and you're in the clear
>"Hitler never used chemical weapons on people"
>ah fuck
Real talk: Spicer is doing this shit on purpose, right?
You have 3 camps
1.) The largest. They pretend it's just an act and he's "playing the kikes". They're certain the gas chambers will start up any day now. #1 group got their morale BTFO with the syria strikes but are pretending those didn't happen with the Spicer comments. Trump is redpilled again guyz!
2.) "Israel/zionist jews are based, the problem are western/liberal jews". Basically going against everything old-Sup Forums stood for
3.) old Sup Forumsbeards who are cringey nazi's and/or muslim posters posing as whites who still cry that Trump is a zionist shill and free muh palestine
I love how reporters gave him multiple attempts to dig his way out but instead he dug deeper.
It sounded right in his head.
if anything it makes the media who have been calling trump Hitler for months look like fools now that they have to debate whether this or that is in fact Hitler-ish
I dunno if this qualifies as "winning" but it is entertaining
I seriously laughed for like, ten straight fucking minutes. How do people defend this? Christ, it's hilarious.
Four attempts. Four. They were too nice to him, given how hostile he has been to them.
Everything is under control guys.
>Spicer literally says he doesn't want to distract from Trump's attempts "to destabilize the region"
Why are Americans so stupid?
But Hitler never used chemical weapons on people.
>literal fedora wearing shareblue fag
American media, culture, education,etc is HORRIBLE on purpose.
This was stupid, but why are ((((they)))) jumping to holocaust denying?
>media calls Trump LITCHERALLY hitler
>Spicer calls Assad worse than Hitler
>Trumpets: "Sounds good to me"
based tone
it's all ridiculous though
Assad is worse than Hitler because he's a shitskin.
Poor bait.
>Trumpets: "Sounds good to me"
who are you quoting? everyone is mad as fuck that Trump is attacking syria when we electing him precisely because he said he wanted to stay out of bullshit wars for israel
Why did so many people in society immediately pretend to not know what he was saying? The USA used gas chambers to execute prisoners does that mean the US government uses chemical weapons against its people?
>repeal Obamacare?
>gave up already
>tax reform?
>literally gave up on that earlier today
>trade wars?
>already walked back comments
>wall with Mexico?
>already said it wouldn't be that big or long as originally planned
He'll just dick around playing golf at his resorts while making taxpayers pay for it. This is literally be 4 years of nothing.
>the holocaust happened
nice try, shlomo
So, have Trumpfags finally killed themselves at this point?
Yea, but it's kind off a rule of thumb not to mention the holocaust except you are going to suck jewish cock.
Well conservative pages to troll pages like Occupy Democrats Logic are excusing Trump's actions and Spicer's words quite pathetically. Even """"non Trump supporters"""" like Sargon are, so these hypocrites DO exist
No arguments here.
>I like to go to Sup Forums and only read comments that fuel my narrative
>I NEED everything I think about them to be true
the "Trump and his administration are antisemites" has been pushed hard since the beginning even when it makes zero sense
If you bought any of the autism that came out of his mouth, you are retarded and this meltdown happening with his base fuels my raging hard-on.
Tired of all this winning yet?
He implied that Hitler never deployed sarin gas on his own people, despite deploying sarin gas on his own people. And then he described the concentration camps as holocaust centers. You can argue all you like about whether they actually existed or not, but chalking them up as daycare centers for unlucky jews quite frankly would only make sense in a dumb hick's head.
how weren't they?
obviously he didn't see it that way but it made no sense since he was a brunnete who thought fucking inbred nords were the master race
But we have used chemical agents in both the Korean and Vietnam wars.
>le hitler wanted to gas everyone who didn't have blonde hair or blue eyes maymay
And jews are objectively not hitler's people. Jews are jews. Not germans. They are a separate ethnicity, not unlike gypsies.
>daycare centers for unlucky Jews
this is my point, why pretend that you think this is what he meant?
Hitler never used chemicals weapons the same way assad did.
I get his thought process.
Wants to pander as hard as possible to people crying about Syrian kids, so he brings up "worse than Hitler" arguments to help him out.
Anti-Semitic towards "normal jews", as opposed to rich and uberpowerful jews, which staff Trump's administration. Generally speaking, the elite like rich and uberpowerful jews because they could share their wealth and connections - while the rest of the jews, who are not beholden to the values of the rich and uberpowerful jews, can take a hike.
Why would it make zero sense exactly?
Sup Forums is completely overrun with /r_thedonald now. It's openly and unironically a reddit board.
Neither of them did.
german is not a race it's a country. pure blonde people are from nords which is one of the most inferior races out there on the same level as deep african black people and south americans
Because he is a grown adult and should be able to form coherent explanations for adults. Otherwise you should question if he is racist or if he is retarded.
>splitting hairs on how despots use chemicals to wipe people out just to fling yourself through hoops to make Spencer less retarded
You are getting to that point of the autism, haven't you? Excusing shitty comments on Hitler?
it's still more effort to write jokes that are always about the same thing than to literally write jokes that are the same thing over and over again like these threads
>the board that yells at anyone who isn't a far-right conservative to return to reddit is in fact the board with the most redditors
oh, the ironing
He wed his trophy whore daughter to a Jew, his grandkids are jews, he's friends with the Israel PM (who is behind 911)
Trump was never for the people, he's a neocon puppet and a retard. I thought you Americans might be lucky enough to at least get a wall out of it, but I doubt it.
>Reddit invaded Sup Forums
The same way Reddit invaded the whole site.
Because he has a bunch of Jews in his administration, his children are all either Jews or married to Jews, he goes out of his way to be as pro-Israel as possible, and the only evidence people seem to have for him being antisemitic is Bannon, who worked for Breitbart, a company founded by a Jew.
Noone on Sup Forums is a conservative
It makes zero sense because this is the most Jewish cabinet in the history of the world. The supposed leading anti-semite Bannon is a literal Israel shill and Breitbart has been on that train for years.
It's been found out that an Israeli teen and a former liberal Intercept reporter were making most of the bomb threats at Jewish centers, and these American Jewish groups are still trying to pin anti-semitism on them.
>the Israel PM (who is behind 911)
Oh my bad, I assumed you were at least moderately rational
>I can still save this, I can still save this
>"At least Hitler didn't drown the Egyptians in the Red Sea."
>Being so autistic that he calls use ''splitting hairs''.
You need to take your autism medicine.
Since when did I excuse Hitler? I said they were different unless of course you are so absolutely retarded you lack even basic reading comprehension.
The biggest influx of reddit posters come from Sup Forums. Most Sup Forums bait threads on other boards (including those on Sup Forums) are from these same people. Sup Forums has outdone Sup Forums in inviting cancer.
People are working on it.
>arguing that Bannon isn't an anti-semite
Come on now, user...
At least Hitler didn't bomb a Syrian airport
what does that mean?
>brain surgeons
Easy job
>Trump's rectum operated puppet
Literally the hardest job on the planet no bully
But both Assad and Hitler used chemical warfare and your "but, actually" deflection just seems like a tactic to hand wave Spicer'a dumb shit.
>>Being so autistic that he calls use ''splitting hairs''.
What's so autistic about the English language?
>Literally being this new.
I guess you were too young to be around when Sup Forums invited reddit. Or even ignoring how GoT invited Reddi, or /soc/ or /fit/ or /x/ or Sup Forums.
>Bannon is anti-semetic
>literally got BTFO and lost to power struggle to Trump's Jewish son-in-law
>Bannon probably goes to sleep now thinking the Jews really are out to get him
loving every laugh
Hitler never used chemical warfare.
It means the intelligence community is building a trove of evidence the size of Wikipedia and when it finally decides to unveil it, you won't be able to avert your eyes.
It's amazing how dumb Americans are. Wouldn't care if it only ruined your country, but it affects us all.
The Australians are going to have a field day with this one.
>Except he didn't use chemical warfare you are literally too stupid to even understand this basic concept.
You going out of way to paint everyone as literally Hitler or a shill is getting fucking ridiculous.
Please go back to Retarddit or something.