/jenna/ Jennaral. Yes, we've reached this point. What's her best hairstyle?
/jenna/ Jennaral. Yes, we've reached this point. What's her best hairstyle?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus, you sperg, why don't you just go rape the bitch already
She'd probably enjoy it
curly early jenna
>threadspliting this hard
Bump limit, senpai!
She catered to my fetish so fucking hard.
Damn how many pam_cutegiggles are there?
Also, I love Jenna's season 2 hair the best.
Hmmm. I have 12 Pam giggles saved, but a few more Jenna/Pam laughs sprinkled in between. I'll dump!
Witness that jennaget!
>you'll never impregnate her in her prime
give me ONE fucking reason to go on
I'm not sure that we have user. There could be a perfectly good "what did he mean by this?" or "BANE?" thread, or even a delightful "What does her expression convey here?" with some totally righteous BBD. boy howdy I sure love Sup Forums these days, when a guy can't get a single MIIIIILLLLEEESSSS thread going without shitlords ruining everything. get fucked OP, and not by your precious Wrinklefu.
How bout 13
feels bad man
>mfw I only post on /lit/ and in jennathreads.
go on...
I guess, you get to look at her beautiful fat mommy pictures without a child to take care of!
Your sarcasm is lost on me
she is so overrated
jennaposters are so hung and good looking..
Jennaposters are snazzy dressers.
Clever filename
And before anybody asks if Jenna is posting in these threads.....
Thanks. I love her. I'd like to have a weird foursome with her, Maura Tierney, and Mary Lyn Rajskub.
Maura had some serious milf vibes on the Office.
This is a nice one. Good work brother
She looks great in blue dresses!
>thinkin' abot universe an' staff
you are crazy
i would ask why you'd bother going on
but you'll keep going until you feel it's done
Aww. It's usually done around 300 posts or so. Then the ride starts again.
desu I'd rather be here than one of the numerous capeshit, bane, or thinly veiled Sup Forums threads and if we can meme john and jenna into a relationship then by all means, let's do it
Who could hate Jenna?
Tell me who. I want to hear their names.
We're a small but happy family
How do you think season 2 Jim felt knowing each time he said goodbye to pam for the day her chad boyfriend was going to take her home and fuck her brains out? Rough times, but that's also when his character was most likable.
Pretty bad man, he spent the whole season moping around
Can we all agree that season 2 is pretty much the best season?
There was one talking shit in the previous thread. Calls himself "Anonymous"
Petite Angela also needs to hop on this dick.
I think the weirdest part was Roy KNEW there was something going on between Jim and Pam. She definitely had to be talking about the pranks they were pulling together at work, or at least overhear Pam talking about Jim on the phone to her mom.
It was already immediately established that he was an emotionally unavailable twat and alpha, so why would he go upstairs at the end of each day to collect Pam, when it makes more sense that he'd wait, annoyed, downstairs and not make the extra effort? He was stunting on Jim. Reminding Jim at the end of each day what was rightfully his at the time. Roy knew exactly what he was doing.
you can put into perspective how he acts when you think about how he loved someone who was getting fucked both ways by a jerk
jim had it hard for a long time
>Ywn have Angela riding you reverse cow girl while Jenna rubs her milk makers in your face
This life is such bullshit
i think roy meant well but didn't have his insensitivity challenged
nobody cared enough to say it to his face besides pam and jim, and they were both too weak
so they snuck behind his back and his meltdown makes sense as a result
why the fuck is this woman being posted daily? she's not on tv, she's past her prime, and im sure nobody likes her that much except one or two autists.
Hows it going karen?
someone out there is a jennaposter
it's a high respect in a weird way to have someone choose you as their source material
names aren't drawn out of a hat
Didn't Roy say he thought Jim was gay?
>names aren't drawn out of a hat
Of course not, we use a shoe.
It's jenna making these threads herself
This is true. Pam was so soft spoken she couldn't even stand up to Roy. I'm glad she came out of her shell. nowsheshouldcomeoutofhershirt
I don't really believe that. He was just being crass like uneducated people do. Everyone says stupid shit after they break up too.
Go post in your capethreads, friendo
spotted the autist
fukkin motel art
do you think jenna and john do have feelings for each other even if they're displaced
Maybe Jenna had/has (lol) a crush on him but John seems more dissociated from his work
you can act different from how you feel
he does it for a living
Angela is hotter
Meaning he could have acted like he loved her while not actually feeling that way.
To me it seems more likely that he didn't actually feel that way, although they seemingly had chemistry.
>"Hey John, some Sup Forums posters are saying we should get married! Isn't that just sooooo silly"
>"It sure is, Janet."
Arguably yes but I still prefer jenna. I wonder how much of that is conditioning from pam being sweet as honey and Angela a grade a bitch
pam is more of a bitch. she's just more two-faced about it
I wonder if these threads would function better as general Office threads
Jim should have picked Karen. Karen was better looking, seemed cooler, smarter and a better long term partner. Karen would be way more reasonable about Athlead too. God damn Jim missed out on so much because of that ungrateful bitch Pam.
Has anybody even seen The Giant Mechanical Man? It looks really /comfy/ but I can't seem to find it on any of my trackers.
DAMN, Jenna looks like THAT!?
>isnt good at being a receptionist
>isnt good at art
>isnt good at art school
>isnt good as a salesman
>isnt good as an office administrator
i could see how their actual personalities wouldn't be compatible
jenna seems colourful and open, john is observant and witty
a lot of people don't like 'new pam' and i think new pam is a reflection of jenna showing more of herself in the later seasons
it's hard to find yourself liking both when the representative lacks everything the former has and vice versa
we were charmed and endeared by pam first
so we're put-off and uneasy with jenna,
even if she is who brought the character to life with such an adorable lack of energy
we can't have one without the other
She must suck a meaaaaan dick
Of all the options Jim had, he went for the worst one. Should have fucked that cute temp girl who tried to seduce him desu,
>good at being memes
I guess it all works out
You know it to be true
>implying he didn't
>its a one Sup Forums poster is obsessed with Jenna episode
First of all, how dare you?
Second of all, how dare YOU?
I'm easily fooled
she was fine as receptionist
and good at art
she was bad at art school and not the best salesman or office administrator
but i think she was trying to find herself after getting jim and trying art out, and jenna supplied too much strength to her character,
so the last few seem out-of-place
Kek. There's many today!
>it's a '96 posts and 32 posters' episode
We are Legion