What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking slut is playing with my emotions.

>implying I haven't seen the pics from your "younger days"
no thanks slut

She doesn't mean you, she means me.

It means, "I never put out for anyone but movie studio executives to further my career, so there's no chance at all that I'll be an irredeemable, trashy slut out in public, so you can take me home to your family and I won't embarrass you any more than you already embarrass yourself."

That about sums it up.


oh gosh~

Can we just drop the charade and just dump some pics and webms to fap to?

n-no sorry, I live alone.

Even if she meant it I wouldn't take her to my home.
I don't want my family to know I lowered my standards.

If she means you that's playing with them more AND she's more of a slut.

>Ywn take Daisy home and fuck her huge ass



she wants to date us

shit, how'd you know?

Just post some pictures of her to jack off to, I don't have all night.

She wants into your family to harvest their bodies to plant more xeno eggs.

go on...

I'd rather take the bunny home.





Cheap dude.




T-there is no way she would d-date met

>tfw no daisy gf
;_; should I just end it all lads?

someone should put the video on top of the sheet she's holding

let's stop the bunnyfags before they post their shit granny waifu


Still would.


Why does she look so fucking good again?!? She looked like shit for a long time lats year!!

Fucking tease. I'm going to cry in the shower now.

Man, I hope Mark lives forever.

oh man i knew it was this, fuck you

anything for you Daisy

>ask me

my fucking heart started to hurt


daisy pls rip me 2 pieces with ur teeth



she's SO qt :3


Christ. I can't not look at her.

She looks infinitely better with her hair down like that.

>tfw you're a young star wars fan
>tfw your dad is also a fan and donates for a good cause
>tfw your dad wins and your whole family goes to skywalker ranch with daisy
>tfw daisy starts shooting you looks throughout the day
>tfw you're alone at the gift shop and she stands right beside you asking what you want
>tfw she drops her purse in front of you and slowly bends over to grab it, looking back at you with a wink
>"d-daisy stop, my mom and dad are near by"
>tfw you all get your own separate rooms at the hotel
>tfw there's a knock on your door at midnight and it's daisy
>"i couldn't stop thinking of u user"

These feels will never be known


So qt

this is so bad by being shot at two different times. i hope daisy and mark hate each other.



Daisy fappening when??


Good lord that shit would top JLaw.

It's the only reason why I'm alive..I'm just waiting

Not risking



my mom's not even sleeping tonight



true but I dont talk shit about you either.

daisy a cute.
a cute!


>ywn be that burger



wtf I hate living now

>ywn eat that burger



>people actually respond to those posts

fucking retarded children

maybe there's still a little left somewhere in her intestines that can still be eaten with her perfect shit

>you will never have lunch with daisy

Why even continue?

pickles are disgusting

>ywn eat the burger after she shits it out




how is she so cute bros?

what a shitbag.

>you will never take this English rose to your family's suburban prefab and have a nice supper of mama's fried burgers to share

>fried burgers
just call them burgers. Christ. It's like those faggots who say "cold ice cream".

Are there other ways to prepare a burger?

I love how you people talk so much trash about her looks as if you could pull a girl half as attractive as her.

I legit went out with a local model once and one of my girlfriends in college was a solid 10 black woman but nobody here will believe me.

I hooked up with some cuties before I got whiskey fat.

Deep fried*

she's really only attractive if you mute it

True. This is the first time I've actually heard her speak. I assumed she had a high pitched QT voice but she sounds kind of manly. I'm actually really disappointed if I'm being honest.


You've been watching too much porn from Japan.

who dis?

>Daisy will never put my meat inside her



any feet pics


I don't know what you retards see in this plain whore. She's literally diamond dozen. Get out more, she's really not all that. Fucking low standard betas, you make me sick.

Thats common with all English women desu
Expect Victorian accent. Get chavettes instead