The jews are using sex magick to make you associate sexy beautiful white females with black men. I will explain more in the next post.
The jews are using sex magick to make you associate sexy beautiful white females with black men...
The blacked meme is no accident. It has been a constant steady and persistent attack against the white race to destroy white western society and morality. Magick is actually real and it is primarily done through thought, rituals and even memes.
You guys have to stop feeding them what they want. The best way you can do this is to filter or hide all blacked shitposting threads. Even better is if you guys completely get off depraved sadistic websites such as this. And stop watching porn period.
The most important thing however is you must stop thinking about this and direct your energy into more productive things that will truly help you. The more you keep showing your emotion to white women being blacked the stronger the magick will become. You need to treat this stuff like it doesn't even effect you. Completely ignoring it so that they will have to change tactics. The more you continue to think about white women betraying the white race and selling white countries out the more it will continue to happen since your fears are manifesting into becoming reality. THEY know this and THEY capitalize on white men's greatest fear with a constant ritual and meme magick attack against the white race.
I believe in you guys and know you can help to fight back in the right way against this.
it'd be funny if people compiled a picture of all the ads featuring bm/wf couples. Of course, it would be fucking huge.
I dont know a single person in real life that ever looks at an attractive or hot girl and says "damn, she has GOT to have been blacked at some point."
I am not sure if bait or not, but your reverse psychology faggotry is absolutely god awful. Even my cat sleeping net to me thinks you are a faggot. If there was ever a case for projection in the study of Sup Forums , this is that case.
Go jerk off and feel the regret of having typed this post. You should feel bad. Your parents should feel bad for having you. You are the definition of a cuck. Caring about a race of human a woman has fucked is so low T you dont even deserve to be on this board... go back to your tranny threads, faggot.
>I dont know a single person in real life that ever looks at an attractive or hot girl and says "damn, she has GOT to have been blacked at some point."
Well obviously not idiot. That would be an embarrassing thing to say in public. The purpose isn't for men to literally say something like that in public. It is more like a mind fuck against white men.
>Caring about a race of human a woman has fucked is low T
Says the demon with satanic trips. Aren't you supposed to be off work right now you jew?
That's silly, we don't do that user.
Holy shit...trips of satanic truth.
Of course not, of course not...
Who has low enough self esteem to care?
Why do you even care to post in this thread then if you claim to not give a damn about whites? Imagine actually applauding your own women going with other race men like you are.
Lol this nigga thinks about big black dicks whenever he sees a hot chick wtf
Explain these threads right now then you fucking kike. You probably posted them yourself.
Because I care about Sup Forums. I care about theental health of the people on Sup Forums. We may be faggots, niggers, retards, degenerates, filthy fucks, but we are not supposed to be representing is the pathetic scum that these kind of posts represent. I don't care what kind of filth is being propagated through Sup Forums except when it comes to blatant propaganda.its incredibly east to understand how blastingt his kind of cucked/blacked/wifeshare causes our community to crumple because of the bot Network and if it's not bots it's the noc incel community finally breaking through the normie Sup Forumsyards that used to lurk here.
It's rather newfags drag their delicate scrotums through the course harsh terrains of Sup Forums any day over you incel faggot man-taint loving, sour ball sweat smelling, black dick loving, coomer faggots any single post of the day.
I've been here since 2006, and I'll be God damned if I let anothrr blacked thread pass by the way that this one has pissed me off.
This thread is to warn exactly why this blacked shit is so rampant you stupid fuck. If it was like any other old shill thread you would have seen porn posted by now with really dumb low quality short idiotic posts. You know nothing dumb fuck. I just gave you a real serious explanation of how they are fucking with Sup Forums and white men. It is time to start fighting back against this bullshit.
You misunderstand "new magic" with actual bots just positing daily with randomized picture defaults. Based on the standardized captcha program it's insanely easy for bots to abuse. This whole board has been compromised with bots. I did the same thing on a smaller level to exfiltrate similar groups. It almost seems like it's an intentional disjointing effort to break up and disorganize an extremely potential group. Obviously we are years past that point. "But muh old Sup Forums"
>owns a cat
>is a faggot
Jews my fuckin ass. It's clearly Sup Forumstards trying to stir the pot
Fuck off moshe
>Comments on status of pet ownership
>Doesn't acknowledge he agrees with post
>Confirmed cuck
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Do you REALLY think whatever Jewish cabal you retards think is out there is pushing BBC porn on Sup Forums? Wouldn't it make more sense for Sup Forumstards to push it to get racist Sup Forumstards angry that blacks are taking "their" women and either join them over at Sup Forums or go form an actual lynch mob?
Prove it, there has never been a single thread promoting those shitty threads, and they happen 24/7, always going FrontPage, full of cucks sharing their shit, not even Sup Forums threads are like that, I'm pretty sure they're actual gays, cucks and trannies, even pretty tame stuff like IOTBW is taken down in a few minutes over there.
Serious question: do you think pol give a shit enough to be raiding b vs the fact that we have a bit infestation?
Y'know what? Let's break out Occam's Razor. There's a good number of people who get off to blacked threads that regularly use Sup Forums. There's no Jew cabal orchestrating anything behind the scenes, nor is there a Sup Forums cabal. Anyone who tries to say otherwise is thinking irrationally
I'd like to chronical this thread linked to ensure it stays alive until everyone can see it. I'm calling the faggots, bots, cucks, out on everything. I think it'd bots. I'm not 100%. But why not start figuring things out. I've been here since 2006. I've only seen everything get worse. The least we can do for our newfag retard brethren is clean up house a big...
No it's because you guys cant stip being racist morons for one second
Nope, that could be possible if it was 2013 to early 2015 Sup Forums, but nowadays it is just a subsection of leddit, full of retards waiting to be told how to think and how to act, plus with the amount of activity on those threads it would be needed the entire Sup Forums userbase to part of that plan, that's completely unrealistic.
you know most porn is white people fucking white people right? Even the so-called BBC sluts fuck way more white guys in movies than black.
And with can't stop being racist morons for one second you mean "and you won't let your girlfriend cuck you with walking AIDS"
If you're seeing racism 24/7 I'm pretty sure it is because you're one of those degenerates that visit those threads all day.
How many people do you think are active on Sup Forums entirel 1500 maybe? I'd say there are only 100 on Sup Forums tops. It's a dying website with a bot problem.
fuck you damned dirty niggers
OP is talking about Sup Forums threads, you'd notice that if you could read.
Exit this thread, exit this board, read what's written in the bottom of the page, and take it up your arse.
Half of Sup Forums is a bunch of 56%ers anyways. Its been proven.
Not only does your advice make no sense, your entire existence is a joke. Go fap on the rest of the board like the good fuck the boys have designated you to be.
>Not only your advice make no sense
Holy fuck imagine not being able to go to the homepage, jump off a bridge retard.
You can sum up anything by saying by saying but the majority. That doesn't mean that this blacked porn isn't extremely pervasive and forced far beyond its likely demand.
There is a "first three words that come to mind" thread your missing and needs your attention fag.
If you think there isn't a hidden agenda take a look... This place has been bought out by bots and advertisements. The wage posts are just information farms.
Fucking crickets.... Once shit is called out all the fags scatter like roaches.
Of course, once actual truth starts to be discussed it scares them deeply. They don't want white men waking up to their dumb little games. Too many idiots on here want to have their shitposting fun rather than learn something real because reality is too scary for them to deal with.
It's obvious brainwashing and seems to be working. I see so many blonde, qt, Stacy-tier zoomers with black guys now, this is something you rarely saw 10 years ago. It's the sickest shit I've ever seen. I try not to let it effect me but a lot times it still does.
I'm married with kids. I'm not concerned. But I have friends that confide in me about this kind of shit. And I have to tell them to stop being such weak fucks. Too often for it to be a coincidence....
Here is a partial list out of 10000 ads
It's a pro disease agenda
The aids rate for white women is 2 percent
The aids rate for white women who race mix is 28 percent
Brooklyn n.y. is experiencing an aids epidemic but this time it's straight female
Unfortunate math
Literally this
Hmmm...So he was behind of that..