War thread

war thread

Attached: apocalypse.jpg (1834x1781, 1.57M)

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i have a whole folder of war pics

Attached: 1355593215757.jpg (2828x2225, 619K)

greetz from the holy german empire

Attached: 8K4KLPF.jpg (2347x1804, 672K)

Attached: nazi dab.png (750x703, 542K)

*laughs in Vietnamese*

Attached: photo-1516528387618-afa90b13e000.jpg (1000x667, 100K)

Attached: giphy (3).gif (230x158, 583K)

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 192K)

Attached: the poppies blow.jpg (1024x572, 238K)

Attached: British_Mark_IV_Tadpole_tank.jpg (798x413, 187K)

I make combat footage music videos if anyone gives a fuck

Attached: KEMQcl.jpg (450x301, 27K)

Attached: vickers.jpg (800x773, 40K)

Attached: Into The Jaws of Death.jpg (3000x2274, 383K)

Attached: 73242df9200bb7ec1fba6bc2530a4259.jpg (597x415, 59K)

No cans?

Attached: 1319347049066.jpg (1376x1115, 388K)

my captcha was palm trees...

Attached: TC14 - 2.jpg (1600x1200, 863K)

Attached: 1271918617508.jpg (2440x1800, 918K)

Attached: Portable urinals.jpg (1600x1200, 816K)

Attached: 1386534049752.jpg (2538x1692, 661K)

Attached: DSC00001.jpg (2272x1704, 1.74M)

just wanting to see

The Great War was so Fucking Kino, The Second World War is Overrated AF

Fort de Vaux, Verdun, 1916

Attached: e5cd1b8e6bdf05d654e4ae2e4cc0e6f6.jpg (254x400, 22K)

German Stormtroopers

Attached: Gasangriff.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

Russian Soldiers With Gas Masks

Attached: 5240e1c3316e0515b92284f4c300d832.jpg (800x480, 103K)

French Soldier at Verdun

Attached: 90a5177c957bd661132ca5bcff55428f.jpg (564x815, 126K)

Attached: 1555267413327.jpg (1584x2400, 214K)

Over the top boys. 1 minute later every childhood friend you ever had is dead. Kino

1914, eastern front

Attached: 259_1_gr.jpg (1500x926, 182K)

The great war wasn't only the western front, you dipshit

Italian Soldiers at the Alps

Attached: 800px-sul_grappa.jpg (800x521, 101K)

Attached: 1319346747064.jpg (608x640, 249K)

German Cavalry

Attached: 1567445782408.jpg (1024x635, 67K)

The inside of a German Uboat

Attached: Inside of an UBOAT 1918.jpg (800x954, 213K)

the nam

Attached: 1319346475399.jpg (651x438, 70K)

Attached: 1568325005421.jpg (1400x1207, 170K)

Attached: 1573394512566.jpg (977x1098, 327K)

A Freikorp, In the aftermath of World War I and during the German civil war 1918–19, Freikorps consisting largely of World War I veterans who only could found work as right-wing paramilitary militias

Attached: a6283d430dfc8f5dd5602cca82307d76.jpg (354x486, 30K)

Attached: 1570185101557.jpg (752x600, 177K)

Attached: French Flamethrowers.jpg (1071x918, 855K)

Poor horsie

Attached: 1555223274172.gif (353x200, 1.85M)

War is for LARPing faggots.

Over 10 million horses died during the first world war, user

Attached: 588274e82a71dbc019db6daf44f995cf.png (596x815, 701K)

Attached: 1529021760755.jpg (700x660, 97K)

Argentine Fighters attacking a British ship during the falklands war

Attached: 1554183393774.jpg (964x880, 106K)

Japanese Soldiers During the Invasion of Mainland China

Attached: gas-masked-japanese-soldiers.jpg (900x716, 80K)

Attached: 988925E4-CE80-4C1B-99DC-210D73A194A2.jpg (500x500, 55K)

Attached: 0A1AEFC1-C618-4814-AA99-549532ABC867.jpg (847x483, 233K)

Attached: 3B847C02-C2ED-408D-8794-F14C9810D470.jpg (1021x580, 246K)

Isn't that The Fallujah game that got cancelled?