All these trap threads yet no basic gay threads...

All these trap threads yet no basic gay threads. It's like you're all trying hide from your homosexuality with a thin fucking tarp of crossdressing sissy boys.
Why not just take your gay porn with honesty and accept what you are Sup Forums?

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Have you ever peeked in those threads, it's the same group of people everyday, they are the people who think gender is a social construct. Admitting they're faggots would be admitting their entire world view is wrong.


Being honest with myself and admitting i am attracted to men was one of the best decisions of my life.

I'm gay as fuck, always in threads to get my nut on and some have told me I'm straight bc I'm into trans even if they have dicks like they know better. I like trans, gay, sissy, femboy, etc and there's huge overlap with just cock in general. They wanna put a label on it all and want so desperately for it to mean something other than wanting to lewd and hook up. People just wanna get their nut on and thankfully most in threads do too without all the bullshit. That said let's get some good old fucking gay in here going.

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Because they aren't gay, they're desensitized. That's why they like the traps, it's feminine boys. They eventually got too bored with looking at regular girls online, so boys that look like girls itches the scratch. It's more taboo.

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creepy long arms and hands, yikes