I was looking around for some great flubber pictures but I cannot find any good ones.
Do any of you have any flubber pics? This is for Robin Williams.
I was looking around for some great flubber pictures but I cannot find any good ones.
Do any of you have any flubber pics? This is for Robin Williams.
I got some good stuff
2/??? (I'm decrypting my external)
Made me double check what board I was on. What is this cancer?
Welcome to the new Sup Forums, Robin Williams is alive in all of us.
oh no
oh god no
Oh yes, my flubber folder has just been scratched
Flubber > Rick & Morty
no no no
What would you identify as the key scene of Flubber?
Patrician taste
The scene where he first creates our green lil fellow, loves when he bounces around the room.
heeeiilll nah nigga
Yeah, I liked that one too, and the musical section with the flubber I thought was just great, a great way to show off the character that we knew flubber had since the second he was onscreen
What the hell is slime porn doing on my Sup Forums
You guys are some autistic no life faggots
>Comparing flubber to slime porn
Get Out
I have not watched it since the man passed on, but I will do him justice by rewatching it. There is some seriously misunderstood lore value in Flubber.
nigga am outt
It's not so much that there's "lore" of Flubber, it's just a great movie with a lot to appreciate. But you can't go wrong with giving it a watch, it's just satisfying and wholesome
this fetish, like the fictional flubber in the movie, is weird but ultimately harmless and adorable
dis sum reel slim porn
I hope that they never make a Flubber 2. Too many timeless movies ruined by new age CGI and actors. I would only watch it if it was a meme movie. Nobody can truly replace Robin. He is a great Shakespearean actor.
I agree with you in a lot of ways, but I would like to see Flubber become a kind of torch to be passed down to the next generation of great actors every couple of decades, and bring new fans to the Flubber franchise each time.
Maybe not in todays hyper-cynical movie climate, but maybe if film-makers began to respect the craft of film a little more, I wouldn't say no to a Flubber 2, and hopefully a Flubber 3!
On the condition that they have Zelda in it, keep it in the family. It might come off as a bit nepotistic, but I see it as being the best for the franchise as a whole. I've seen too many movies ruined by hiring sub par actors in favor of 'better' CGI. I cannot remember the last movie I watched that had CGI that was not vomit inducing.
this nigga knows
Yeah, the CGI complemented the original Flubber, but I feel that a Flubber 2, or Flubber reboot as it would likely be, would just rely too heavily on CGI, showing us extended scenes of Flubber's new "gritty" attitude making up a good 70% of the movie instead having a couple fun scenes showing Flubber being the lighthearted bouncin' ball of fun he is who is in turn supporting what is certainly one of Robin Williams greatest roles.
I also wish there was better fan art of flubber, but the problem is that they always forget to add the air bubbles inside him. I can see the plot for the next flubber:
>Zelda is mourning the death of her father.
>She receives something in her will.
>Slowly opens up the sealed container.
The ending to flubber gives lots of room to build upon. The death/will idea might take away from the light-heartedness of Flubber, but I think it does away with the main character from the previous film.
I think as long as it's handled well, Flubber 2 could approach some more serious subject matter, as long as it is balanced out by some more fun material from Flubber getting into some antics. Weebo would also have to be n the movie too!
When the dude swallows it and it shoots out of his fucking ass
It was pretty funny, but kinda gross too - ew!
Sup Forums - Television & Film
Flubber is a film silly!
it was very representative of the film's quality
You know, if you don't like the movie, that's fine, but there is no need to be rude about it
Flubber is not a meme.
Seeing sentient green blob manlet get fired out of a mans ass nipple was fucking great though
I wasn't sure where I wanted to shove my dick when it came to Weebo, but I was gonna put it somewhere.
Oh, if you insist, but I think your wording was a little easy to misinterpret, maybe adding "I loved the movie!" at the end would have cleared things up
>Stock Photo
post more flubber guys come on
Be careful what you wish for.
>Everything I don't like is reddit.
Bounce off fellow man.
Does this happen in the movie?
is there more of this?
Sadly no, death by flubber sounds like a sweet release from this miserable life.
quality post mate